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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. I don't want a Neil photoshoot for this album... I want Nadia
  2. are you talking about sucking d1ck and c0ck?
  3. I had a dream I met Lana and asked her to work with Rick again and she said she would
  4. Black Beauty (concept demo) I'm sorry, I know most people want actual new songs but Black Beauty is my second favorite Lana song and I'd just sell my organs for it to leak How I love that sun... I love that sun and moon, baby...
  5. She's actually threatening the gays to leak Zodiac. If not, she'll show up at y'all houses and won't not fuck y'all the fuck up. Period.
  6. She can honestly shoot me if she wanted to, I'd even pay her for it
  7. Alright, I guess we all saw it coming. We know how it goes, she's the kind of artist that inspires generations, yet gets completely overlooked by the critics and the media. I know winning probably would have made her feel validated, but I truly hope this doesn't bring her down. I hope she knows that at the end of the day, no amount of awards will ever do justice to her enormous talent. She really is one of a kind, and I hope someday... she gets the respect she deserves. But in the meantime, I hope she knows that not getting noticed doesn't make her less of a person. We all love her so much, I really want Lana to feel loved and appreciated tonight sending hugs and lots of love via witchcraft
  8. I'M FUCKING SOBBING, TAYLOR... OH MY GOD THnk you for bringing her on stage
  9. Oh, the recap showing Billie singing on that granny outfit pissed me off
  10. I'm curious about y'all complaining about the American commercials... here in South America we get anime and Turkish soap operas commercials
  11. Oh boy... That was such a nightmare I remember the meltdowns, I think LB crashed for a hot minute after everyone complained all at once
  12. Lanaboards crashing because of... 1) Zodiac leak 2) Scat attack 3) Lana wins/loses
  13. LB crashing and the major meltdown hasn't even happened yet
  14. I can see it... Lana casts a hex on the Scammys, announces a revenge album, then deactivates her IG right after
  15. I fear my psychiatrist will suggest a stronger cocktail after tonight's meltdown
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