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Posts posted by Foxglove

  1. Good you shouldn't.

    It's classic 2019 style internet whining where everyone has to victimize themselves.



    oh yeah you completely missed the point.  and you seem offended by it.  huh.  people were talking about what art means to them and how traumatic life experience can be romanticized to deal with, and just sharing personal perspectives.  you, on the other hand, just cant handle discussion with any depth.  how about - if the shoe doesnt fit, dont put it on.  you are free to ignore anything you dont care about.  but youre instead just adding to the Tea.  hairflip eyeroll

  2. Well in that case we should just crucify J.K Rowling and all fantasy or sci-fi writers since their art/creation is not rooted in their actual life experiences, then it can't be good right? Then it has no right to exist.

    it doesnt sound like you understand what im saying.  for one thing, i said "in my opinion" and i stand by that.  if you are just making stuff up thats not based in your actual life experience, then youre probably presented something fake and inaccurate, which is, IMO, not good.  youre welcome to enjoy fakeness and inauthenticity, and just revel in empty aesthetic as art.  that's fine.  that's your prerogative.


    Lana presented herself as authentic, even when BTD came out and all these music bloggers were like haha what a fake bitch, she presented her art as her lived experience.  i wish i could find the quote.  she straight up said she writes about her own life experiences, so fuck whatver people read into it.  but - fantasy/sci-fi with characters is different than music about yourself.  it's called fiction.  even so, Harry Potter did weave real life lessons in thru metaphor about like racism (purebloods vs mudbloods), class differences (malfoys vs weasleys), etc etc.


    personally, my art comes from my own experience because i dont know wtf i'd write about otherwise.  just make shit up completely?  that doesnt make sense to me because someone making something up will never get it as potently or clearly as someone who really lives that.  and i get Lana has always been about "blurring the lines between the real and the fake."  i thought she was realer than she now seems.  and i think class struggle has played a huge role in her music, which is how this topic started in the first place.  i just think it's an interesting topic.  i don't understand why you are triggered that some people are having a discussion you don't agree with or understand.  if you dont wanna hear about poor people, or hear discussion ab class struggle, maybe you shouldnt live in a society that's so harshly stratified based on class.  if you think Lana's new insta saddie friends are "normal" youre really just showing your own privilege and that you dont know what that means.  life is open to interpretation, and theres many perspectives to go around.  dont shut down peoples views and perspectives.  like wtf.  there's literally 1815 pages on this topic.  i think a few more pages of people rambling ab the way they feel about this album or Lana's art in general won't kill you. breathe.

  3. look i do not know Lana's life or experience, so whether or not she's fake is a question maybe only she knows the answer to.  i'm just saying i believed her, i thought she really lived that life.  i know that artists are not holding a video camera up to their lives to show a completely realistic depiction of what they've been thru, but in my opinion- most *good* art is informed by real experience.  and who knows how real Lana's experience with the "underbelly of America" or whatever is.  we don't know.


    but i for one am totally cool with discussing this bc theres nothing else to discuss because we are never getting the album.  what's wrong with that? it's critical thinking ab art and meaning and authenticity and trauma and beauty and life.  i dont get why certain topics are off limits.  ive always been more interested in Lana for her musical depth and what her art seems to represent than just a "yasss kween we stan" pop star

  4. No doubt she has suffered trauma, sadness, heartache, fear and disappointment just like the rest of humanity, and her time spent volunteering in homeless shelters, and other such acts, were probably sincerely motivated too.


    It’s just that, as an artist, she works in artifice as well as sincerity. I don’t think she’s mocking anyone, she’s just using all facets of life and others’ reality as her creative clay. That’s all. Artists have been doing it through history—LDR will respond to whatever inspires or moves her, or catches her enthusiasm at the moment.

    plenty of artists throughout history and before draw from their own experiences to share insight on life from their particular perspective. i know Lana herself has said she writes about her own experiences and stuff like that, so idk how much of her lyrical content is just totally made up.  dabbling in various aesthetics to share your unique perspective i feel is different than "artifice." so the question does really become what everyone was asking when BTD came out - is she fake or what? the world may never know.  what a beautiful full circle full moon moment or maybe im jus trippin from lack of hydration in this desert that is the NFR era

  5. Exactly. Now I feel people like me are just a joke to her. Gutter bitches, sickos with gutter lives that only matter when she decides to imitate us. I'm so disappointed in myself for turning a blind eye to her culture vulture and trauma tourist ways.


    oh god just punch me in the gut lol. like it's just a caricature for her to try on. i know i shouldnt feel this strongly about Elizabeth and her music but it's been like 7 years of LDR soundtracking my life now and im running out of songs to listen to.  is it time to stan a new rich liar??  :hoe:

  6. She’s a rich white woman, she never actually experienced poverty

    What you’re talking about is the romanticisation of poverty which was a theme throughout her career. She has never experienced that life ergo she her heart cannot speak to it

    It’s all fake. When Lana talks about the 50s, it’s fake. When Lana talks about daddies, it’s fake. When Lana talks about gangsters, if’s fake. Lana is fake, to a certain degree, because the name itself is a persona. And that’s largely why she was interesting in the beginning


    you know i think this is the reason why i am losing interest in Lana this era.. i guess when she came out i thought / wanted to believe that she actually lived that life. from her vague talking ab doing social work, living on the road, fucking daddies to get by, etc. i thought there was a genuine element.  or i wanted to believe that bc it made her music meaningful.  i dont know her experience, but the way i connected to some of her music made me feel like she must have understood some of the things about the actual tiring gritty way of life of the working poor and the street people and stuff, and how society sets people up for doom gloom and failure, even if you could be a hollywood glamorous pop star or whatever. and like seeing the way she is acting these days with her empty on-brand bougie friends and her cha cha matcha obsession and her lack of depth makes me think it is all absolutely fake, which sucks but is most likely true.  and i have permanent side-eye for Lana as of this era.


    see i've also had these experiences, but i've romanticised them in order to deal with them. i agree that not everyone feels that way and why the fuck should they?! if they don't why shouldn't they be offended by this schtick. it's understandable


    this is deeefffffinitely true for me, and its one of the reasons i connected with Lana's music. bc "sometimes life is hard" and if you can turn that into something meaningful or darkly beautiful then youre doing something deeper than just having a bad experience at life  :facepalm:  :icant:  :brows3:   :lanasrs2:  :sadcore:  :sadcore6:  :sadcore2:  :sadcore3:  :crying4:

  7. :ohno:  :smokes3:  ok i will admit i'm a little testy ab this bc i think How To Disappear is truly one of Lana's best, at least in this era.  even if she's giving me straight up "ladder song" by bright eyes.  i think lyrically, musically, emotively, the motifs of boys fighting and getting high and cracking beers, ughhh i-... it--  it all makes a sad bruised bowery bum faggot like me wipe the tears from my cheeks with dirt stained calloused hands while standing in a shadowy corner, before hitting the blunt and strutting back into the ring like "yeah bro im all good lets do this"..


    oh god i wanna say fuck NFR. but i need this album in my life, heart, and soul!!!

  8. .


    HTD is somewhat polarizing, I think. I will withhold final judgment until I hear the finished track, but LDR writing a Springsteen-ish/Billy Joel-ish blue collar/working class song with the coarse line “they just crack another beer” is both hilariously funny and also fairly depressing, as is the maudlin obviousness of the song, especially the syrupy ending.


    I know she likes to try all genres and pulls many off well, but ‘blue collar Lana’ is not one I am interested in hearing from.


    If LDR sang about spilling a martini, it would suit her image or former image, but LDR “cracking a beer”?? Intended seriously and not as a parody or satire? What’s next? Opening a can of Spam or changing a dirty nappie?


    I know she’s said, in the last year, that she’s “writing the most beautiful songs,” but I hope she doesn’t think HTD is one of them.


    For me, it’s way down on the LDR totem pole and doesn’t, in my opinion, hold a candle to ‘Video Games,’ ‘Summertime Sadness,’ ‘Yayo,’ ‘Ride,’ ‘Cola,’ ‘Gods & Monsters,’ ‘Old Money,’ ‘Black Beauty,’ or ‘Terrence Loves You.’


    To me, it seems be among her worst tracks since she took the LDR name.


    for anyone who thinks "blue collar Lana" is not a core part of her music and experience -- pls queue up my go-to Lana playlist for when im pissed im broke:


    -Velvet Crowbar

    -Children of the Bad Revolution

    -Queen of the Gas Station

    -Trash Magic

    -Money Hunny


    -Pawn Shop Blues


    the good sis used to push a "trailer park princess" shtick. she has spoken candidly ab poverty / addiction / living on the road / beer / etc in her songs since before Born to Die.  are we talking about the very same "Pabst Blue Ribbons on ice" Lana?


    i dont think she's being disingenuous with this. i think it's part of who she is.  but hey, fuck the poor right?  let's all just keep worshiping wealth and celebrity while the world burns! who tf am i kidding im on a lana del rey forum

  9. this is really mean. her poetry is not shit at all

    she is a public figure putting her work out into the world (and getting paid millions to do so).  criticism is part of that.  im sure most people would think my art is trash, and i would accept it if someone told me.  no one is obligated to like someone's art.  i love most of what Lana has done, including the monologues in her music videos past.  i shouldnt just say "her poetry is shit" bc its subjective. but i personally do not like it for the reasons i laid out - it lacks depth and only focuses on vague relationship drama.  been there done that

  10. ok first of all... look if this is the single "art" it is trash. it reminds me of my NFR parody art with the same awful poetry book filter:


    so she curled her hair and put on some lip gloss?  but also photoshopped a horrible generic "doin time" image into it???? she is really trying to push this weird crosshatch papery look... like why??????  her poetry is shit.  all she talks about is vague relationship drama.  theres no depth.  she is intentionally trying to be in bad taste at this point. i swear, she actively wants to lose fans.


    second of all, about NFR, speaking of bad taste, we are talking ab an imaginary album produced by Jack Antonoff, who has worked with Taylor Swift and dated Lena Dunham.  i think this is truly the epitome of bad taste.  ive given up.  someone please leak NFR so i can listen once then cut off my ears.

  11. Norman Rockwell painting of us waiting on the album




    wait i thought Lana cant get the straight men crowd :P


    I figured your post wasn’t serious, but it’s a bit much referring to her friends as “vapid girls who think they’re the shit” when you don’t even know what type of people they are. The other post I quoted def was serious tho.


    i mean, they're objectively vapid girls who think they're the shit................ like.... its just the facts

  12. umm... sorry but her using the same pronouns in a cover (which she also did with other covers like blue velvet) isn’t her being “more queer”, especially when she’s never sang or wrote about her interest in other women in her hundreds of songs, nor have any collaborators done in their songs. (straight men love doing that, like abel talking about bella in lost in the fire.) i know we all wanna be hopeful or whatever that she’s more relatable to us but lana loves straight men and wouldn’t be caught dead in hillsong nor any other sus ass church if she was anywhere near gay. otherwise wtf does “queer” even mean anymore if not explicitly being attracted to at least the same gender along with others? we all know lana’s tired ass brand of white feminism as shown by her lack of ever speaking up on social issues or making a public statement on coming out day and thinking feminism is “boring” till trump was elected and it was now popular to care.


    not saying i need her to making statements on social issues, i’d rather her not bc half the time she doesn’t know what she’s talking about or is just spewing things everyone else has said a million times before, but to say she’s anywhere at all near being “queer” is a reach. :crossed:


    anyway inb4 interscope sees the money grab in this and has her add some random ambiguous song with queer baiting into nfr a la ariana grande. jk they don’t give a shit about her career anymore!


    edit: also this skirtsandsuits girl is pissing me off with how she’s just deleted the comments on that beverly hills post to keep her ugly over saturated “”””aesthetic”””” rather than take it down or apologize and say she didn’t know. it speaks volumes... i’m sure she’s also the type of girl to also want “a gay best friend to go shopping with zomg!!!!1” :stareney:

    yeah fluxodite youre right. i meant "more queer" as in sliiiiiiiightly more gender-bendy than her typical hyper-femme persona.  but youre right. shes not AT ALL, which is why i followed up with the "homophobic asshole" bit.  it's really disheartening to see a supposed "gay icon" like Lana just totally trash us thru her silence and supporting fucked up institutions like hillsong and beverly hills hotel.


    up till Lust for Life, i thought Lana was deeper than she is.  i thought she was satirizing like white girl culture, pointing out how its set up for people to be unable to live up to expectations, to try to find their worth thru shitty relationships with shitty men... but then i realized, nope my analysis was just my projection, and that's just who she is.  and her trying to be overtly political on LFL made me realize she's ignorant af.  im turning in my stan card.

  13. I joked about this on the Unpopular Opinions thread - that the silence surrounding NFR is a carefully orchestrated ploy to make all of the gays unstan. She spent so many years crafting a glamorous "fuck me" image and she's frustrated because everyone who likes her is gay or female (or both - but she's straight so she isn't going to keep it up just for them).




    In that extended 2-hour interview recording she almost sounded hopeful when she talked about finding out that straight men listen to her music. All 5 of them.

    omg it makes so much sense. covering sublime, which (even tho i love them) is like the ultimate stoner "bro" music, referencing RHCP (also typical bro music), going pseudo-lesbian-ish, becoming basic... it's all to get to the sleazy straight men.  damn.  it blows my mind that she's basically famous bc of gays love for her and then just casually is fresh out of fucks forever about us getting killed and disrespected all over the world.  like. dont the gays basically decide what matters in the pop culture / fashion / diva icon world???  we deserve better. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  14. okay to swing this all back to NFR - 

    i, for one, am a huge fan of Tomboy Lana.  clock my profile pic.  i am a huge fan of her saying "i'm your man" in MAC and using the lesbian pronouns in Doin' Time.  i like that she's changing her look.  that's her prerogative.


    HOWEVER - i am NOT a fan of this dumb bitch going to Hillsong, the Brunei owned hotels, or hanging with these basic af matcha saddies. 


    it's like. on the one hand she's getting more queer, with various aspects of NFR songs. on the other, shes a homophobic asshole.

  15. I downloaded FL Studio last year and I've only been playing around without actually even studying the software, I'd like to do some experimental techno/industrial/EDM shit or something like that (I like writing lyrics but God knows I don't have a good singing voice) but for the time being I don't have enough skills so I always get frustrated and scrap whatever I've been working on or leave unfinished - for example I worked on some experimental ambient stuff and lo-fi last year but I'm only happy with one of the tracks. At the moment I got one finished track that I did recently and that's waiting on my SoundCloud account but I've yet to set it public as I feel like it's generic, simple as hell and therefore embarrassing even though I like it myself. I thought it really would be the one to see the daylight unlike the rest but now I'm just having second thoughts.

    you just described my exact same feelings. but im an exhibitionist and am just like 'well this is the best i can do right now'

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