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Posts posted by Foxglove

  1. Like many people on this site, I feel like I have a very strong and special connection to Lana and her music. The last thing I want to come off as is dismissive. Not when so many of her songs still bring me to tears. Not when she's written things I could have (or have) written myself. At this point I don't know what's real and what's not, I don't know what to believe. They might not even be her own words for all I know. But still, that connection I feel is still there, as strong as ever. Only now I see her more as a fictional character, of an unknown author -or several. Lana and Lizzy existed, even if only as characters. No one can take that away from me. No one can take that away from us. I'm starting to see ole Bess Elizabeth as more of an actress, and that makes it easier.


    I have not had an easy life. I'm sick, and not getting better. But there's hope I might eventually, so there's that. As much as this "era" frustrated me, I'm thankful for one thing. I can't deny how much it inspired me and motivated me as an artist. I'm writing all the time, and I'll start recording again whenever I can. I know quite a few of you are also artistically inclined, and I encourage you to do the same. The less she does, the more I want to do. The lazier she gets, the more driven I become. It's weird, but I love it. I'm not going to tell anyone to gO oUtSiDe or rEaD a bOoK. Just do whatever brings you joy, whatever adds something of value to your life and your mind. Do...whatever you think Lana should be doing. (you know what I mean :P)


    I've said this before, but it came off as bitter and spiteful at the time. I think it would be for the best if we didn't financially support NFR (...whenever it is that she decides to release it). We know she has money. She knows she has money. And even though money is never truly enough, I doubt Lana obsesses over accumulating wealth. I used to think she simply didn't care whether NFR did well or not sale-wise, that she didn't mind making less money if it meant doing things her way. But now, I'm starting to think she wants it to fail commercially. There's something incredibly liberating about failure sometimes, under certain circumstances. Lana is in a position where she might actually win by losing. If NFR (and whatever else might follow) flops, she will not go broke. She will still be able to maintain the lifestyle she wants. She will not be disgraced, she will not lose any of the acclaim she has received to this point. She will still be iconic. But she might fade into obscurity, and be able to live her life without having to answer to anyone.


    We...we're being ghosted. We need to see it for what it is, we need to get the message. We're the Khloes to her Tristan, and it's not a good look. She doesn't want us, she doesn't need us, and the best thing for us to do is gather whatever scraps of dignity we have left and end this.


    i know this is off topic but -- is there a thread where yall artists out there share your own work?  i for one would love to listen to music made by fellow Lanaboards hoes to tide us over during tropical storm Norman.

  2. so i googled taylor swift just now and every single article that comes up is positive........... this is suspicious. there's no way.  you think shes paying google to keep every review (basically all of them) that say her single is lukewarm trash out of the search results?

  3. https://twitter.com/theperezhilton/status/1123371468321099776?s=21


    ((not gonna get my hopes up and say it’s lana because i know it’s not lmaooo probably some rando pop star... but i’m gonna pretend it is so i have something to look forward to then be disappointed by.))

    idk.... he said BIG in all caps! i would live for a surprise NFR release but-- youre probably right not to get hopes up. hope is a dangerous thing after all  :facepalm:

  4. does anyone else kind of feel like Lana does just want to disappear?  i was thinking waaaay earlier, when she announced the title Norman Fucking Rockwell, then released Venice Bitch and said that the label execs were like "why are you doing this to us?" then released that uh... interesting album art for Hope Is A Dangerous Thing - she seems to almost intentionally be going anti-commercial.  And now she's intentionally ignoring the hype she started, ignoring all her fans who keep asking about the album, then taunting everyone with shitty pics of her insta saddie friends.


    what if she got what she always wanted, became a star, and then realized it's not what she thought? what if she just doesn't want to be famous anymore?  what if she's trying to flop so everyone forgets about her and she can just be that rich old lady with two kids and two cats in the yard?  it's kinda dumb bc her whole Lana Del Rey shtick was being the wannabe famous singer.  but now she IS the star.. and in 2019, its kind of a joke.  idk, this is just my thoughts on it, but i could see it being true.

  5. nah. the Qu'ran doesn't have any surat that states that you should kill people that doesn't believe in Allah. my family is algerian and i'm a Muslim myself. in fact, in the Qu'ran, it says that if you kill a human being, it's equivalent to killing more than a hundred people and you go to hell eternaly because you got rid of a life that Allah created. i'm not looking for any religion discussion right now (cuz that's not the point of the thread) but there's a lot of explanations on the internet. Arabic is a rlly rich language and translating it can lead to a lot of misconceptions. you need the context to understand the Qu'ran. idk about catholicism and everything but all i can say is that Islam is a religion of peace. we wish peace on each other everytime we say hello (a.k.a the "salam") so yeah. i know that we can't forget how people used religion to be monstruous and get what they want but keep in mind that it's all about respect. rob didn't have to shit on every religious person out there. kiss


    فَإِذَا انْسَلَخَ الْأَشْهُرُ الْحُرُمُ

    فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ

    وَخُذُوهُمْ وَاحْصُرُوهُمْ وَاقْعُدُوا لَهُمْ كُلَّ مَرْصَدٍ

    فَإِنْ تَابُوا وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ

    فَخَلُّوا سَبِيلَهُمْ

    إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ‎

    Quran 9:5




    im not saying you or most muslims do not believe in peace and respect, but it is in the text. there's similar and worse stuff in the christian bible all over the place.  acknowledging fucked up things in the texts isnt shitting on religion, its being honest about it.  i think a lot of religious people dont necessarily follow the letter of their text, thankfully. im glad Lana's dad said what he did.  theyre killing muslims and other religious minorities in places like Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar because of religion.  it doesnt even matter what religion, it will be used to oppress


    mod note: user was warned for this post

  6. i was rlly disappointed in Rob today.. religion is made for peace ; peace with people, and peace with yourself. there is not a single page in any religious book that encourage killing others, for land, money or different religions beliefs. it's not religion's fault if people are dumb as fuck to falsify holy books to get what they want. i thought Rob was better than that.

    are you being sarcastic or have you just not read the Bible or the Quran?


    mod note: user was warned for this post

  7. The abstracts hover like dull angels:
    Nothing so vulgar as a nose or an eye
    Bossing the ethereal blanks of their face-ovals.

    Their whiteness bears no relation to laundry,
    Snow, chalk or suchlike. They're
    The real thing, all right: the Good, the True . . .

    Salutary and pure as boiled water,
    Loveless as the multiplication table.
    While the child smiles into thin air.

    Six months in the world, and she is able
    To rock on all fours like a padded hammock.
    For her, the heavy notion of Evil

    Attending her cost less than a bellyache,
    And Love the mother of milk, no theory.
    They mistake their star, these papery godfolk.

    They want the crib of some lamp-headed Plato.
    Let them astound his heart with their merit.
    What girl ever flourished in such company?


    --Sylvia Path, "Magi"


    I would love if Lana picked up on this perspective on religion.  Looks like nowhere is safe from the papery godfolk of a piranha religion who mistake their star, not even LanaBoards.  What girl ever flourished in such company?

  8. calling her basic, constantly trashing her friends when we know nothing about them

    something about that doesn't sit well with me

    Maybe it isn't sexist but it sure ain't right


    nothing about that has to do with anyone's womanhood.  this is just being shady and talking shit.  calling general rudeness and shit talking sexism diminishes actual sexism.  not saying it's right, but i don't think it's sexist

  9. I have been following the site for years, so I know about the Hillsong topic. Is it against policies to discuss Christian/religious themes in her songs? MAC does seem to be about LDR adopting a ‘personal Jesus’ role to me.


    the fact that your analysis of MAC was actually convincing makes me want to die more than Lana did back in BTD era.  I will never understand why anyone would willingly be Christian.  Like, have you read the Bible?

  10. oh wow some Christians have decided in the past several years they dont hate gays anymore!!!!!??????  that totally makes up for all the horrific abuse of gays for centuries!  thank god i learned this!  now all the other stuff (like rampant misogyny, explicit endorsements of slavery and genocide, everyone being inherently evil, the actual apocalypse) doesnt seem as bad!!!


    in Gods & Monsters, Lana said "god's dead, i said, baby that's alright with me"  <--- this is the Lana i fell in love with

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