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Posts posted by Foxglove

  1. She’s not your mum, she doesn’t have to give you shit. She’s a completely separate human being who has no idea who you are and owes you nothing. She creates so much for us, she’s allowed to have a life. You’re acting like it’s a 9-5 job and she’s not delivering. This comment was a bit ugly

    doesnt this mean we also owe her nothing? lol. she lives a life of luxury without having to have a 9 to 5 bc she makes beautiful music. whatever people say on the internet will not reach or affect her.  meanwhile i am actually very into this shoot. soooo different from what we expect of LDR and not even lazy!!  like a futuristic caricature of old time glamour mass produced in a factory. but  Where Is NFR

  2. Honestly dont be afraid to state your opinion gurl. The haters REALLY jump on the bandwagon QUICK around here! Its not like you’re covering Lana’s IG comments w hate about her appearance (at least I dont think you are lol) The morality police on this forum really need to realize that “you’re all so negative on here” is IN ITSELF a negative comment. Like get a clue, if you dont like what someone’s saying just move on, you’re not going to change someone’s attitude by badgering them over a post. K???

    In all seriousness no one on here is really crossing the line attacking Lana’s looks. I’ve seen MUCH worse on the internet. We all love her, we’re all happy for her celebrating her bday, whether she wears Gucci or a trash bag. Relax and take a chill pill ladies

    i think she looks good in these bday photos, but my direct comparison is with the pics of her leaving church soo the bar is set very low this week  :delicious:  my only question ab her face is - are we sure its even fillers? maybe shes just livin large with that L.A. life getting take out for every meal and getting thicc?? not that that's even a bad thing. :candy:


    Who cares for what she's wearing in her spare time. All I want is the MUSIC

    but truly. where is NFR. Lana could get an entirely new face and body and wardrobe designed to look like Carrot Top and i still wouldnt gaf bc i'd be too busy waiting for this damn album lol


    Money has very little to do with it. Look at Kris Jenner vs Khloe, who is starting to look older than her. Compare Kourtney and Kylie. There's Madonna and Donatella, but there's also JLo and Paris Hilton. If you do the right things, go to the right people, and if YOU are the right person (if you're reasonable, clear-headed and responsible) you won't end up looking deformed.

    this is why i stan a 44 year old who still looks 27 220px-MIA_press_photo_2016.png

  3. She took our sadness out of context

    At the Lanaboards Apartment Complex

    We're turning all our stan cards in



    Were all bored, were fighting, we slander,

    Kind of gays who just want an answer,

    Oh Lana where have you been


    you lose your way, just find another band

    NFR's gone, but i command HIADTFAGLMTH-BIHI to me again

    don't look too far, the snippets and poems, that's all i am

    i'm not your stan

    i'm not your stan

  4. i feel she kind of already has a little, unless she hugely brings this back with a damn good fucking record and damn good promo. LFL was a huge slip and in my opinion her work is to fully come back from that, it's whether she wants to  :um:

    edit: horrendous religious cults aside obv

    i agree with this.  i will admit, i did fully enjoy LFL but i havent really even listened to those songs anymore in a long while, whereas i was listening to honeymoon straight through without skipping like moooonths after it came out.  and her live shows started to get a lil weird from what i saw on youtube and she cut her hair and all that.  i wonder if having a #1 album and really getting the full spotlight with LFL fucked with her.  im all for someone trying to heal their trauma and find happiness and live a fulfilling life but like.. damn i dont get how what shes doing now feels fulfilling. i grew up in the bible belt of USA and christianity and that whole culture can be very superficial and if you get past the surface layer of love and happiness and fulfillment facade, its just a bunch of lies and abuse.


    beyond that, it's like Lana Del Rey was an Icon for the ages, and now she just wants to be some regular insta saddie L.A. girl?

  5. For me, i dont wanna judge her actual face bc it's like... i dont understand how cosmetic surgery works like that tho maybe she needs to go on botched x-treme: tru life: my face has an expiration date.  but the constant Emily Dickinson hairstyle?  the mom-out-to-the-beach-on-vacation-with-her-three-darling-children-while-the-husband-has-to-work outfit?? these are just bad style choices.  BAD.  like, we've all seen Lana in jeans and a sweatshirt (low effort af) looking better than whatever she tried to do here.  all she's missing is a tacky cross necklace and a Honda Odyssey.


    i kno im being mean but its like. at least i'm not supporting tax-free institutions whose entire basis is promoting misogyny, homophobia, attacks on indigenous people and culture, anti-sex ideology, etc etc etc.  one of her "friends" really needs to just buy her a copy of the Tao Te Ching or get her into Tantra or something.  how much more vapid and basic can you get than rich white christian soccer mom?

  6. im not surprised but i wish i was. wtf Lana...... she looks like someone's happily senile grandmother here.  i don't get it.  is she going crazy and having her 20007 britney phase or has she just really been super shallow the entire time? like you got Moby characterizing her as being down like, you would get guillotined, and then now shes rich and famous she's literaly just hopping into the same stupid christian cult that's made the world so shitty by invading all indigenous land to spread evil hateful doctrine???? or she just doesnt question it or ever have to think about it like that so its just another look for her to try on? i really dont get it

  7. putting a positive spin on this era to avert meltdown Norman Fucking Rockwell is free therapy.  This album has introduced me to my shadow side and my inner saboteur all in one swoop, then I've been forced to confront both, and come to terms with a life of no peace, no resolution, no reconciliation.  But I am still alive... we all are, i think.  somehow, we survive.

    i've started dreaming in only the colors violet, blue, green, and red.  Lana came to me in a vision, slapped me across the face, and hissed "i'm never releasing it" and cackled for what felt like hours.. all of a sudden i was face to face with my doppelganger.. but her hair was longer, her lips had been injected with silicone, she was wearing yoga pants and sipping matcha.. was i? could it be? i looked at myself as Lana Del Rey, leaned in to my own ear, and whispered "i'm your man" -- then i woke in a cold sweat.

    this era has made me stronger than ever.  i have faced the void, pure meaninglessness and swirling entropy, and come out the other side. i still drag myself to my computer each day to sob while reading Lana boards.  i have to get a new computer from the water damage.  surf rock vibes streaming from my eyes.


    jk im only here so ill be the first to know when it leaks

  8. at this point why dont Lana go full nutcase and just make an entire album as one single music video that reuses the MAC / VB / HIAB footage and the Freak footage, AND throws in some Daryl Hannah Splash vibes for effect



    what will it take to convince Lizzy to bleach her hair again, will we ever get new music, how many licks does it take to get to the end of the NFR era, the world may never know


  9. If she is having label issues, she should just become independent and do her own thing. "Don't need your money to get me what I want"... Live up to your own words, sis!


    Like, what does she need the label for now anyway? Genuine question. Does anyone know? Beside the distribution part of her music...

    FOR REAL! especially now she is like famous, people know who she is, she could literally still have her music in itunes, spotify, etc, and just release stuff on her own time and stuff. i mean i guess the label does promotion and stuff, but Lana doesnt seem to want to promote her music anyway?


    And also what’s fucking stopping her from being decent just addressing this mess?

    the real question.  she could actually just say "hey fags, still working on the album" and people would be fine. but nooooo000oo, let us stew i guess

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