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Posts posted by Foxglove



    I believe that you see me for who I am


    I see you for who you really are


    Choose your fighter



    your profile pic should really be the album cover


    lets all remember pitchfork's ratings for LDR albums tho:

    BTD - 5.5

    UV - 7.1

    HM - 7.5

    LFL - 7.7


    none of them break 8, LFL is highest, BTD is lowest, none are that good?  you listen to paid critics who get ad money for writing a certain view but not critics on lanaboards who are actual fans?? lol

  2. Didn't say it's her best (but it could end up being so after a good amount of time). I said it's already better than Honeymoon, which had some of Lana's worst lyrics.


    some of Lana's worst lyrics:

    "goddamn man child"

    "fuh ih ah luh yuh"

    "in the car in the car in the backseat im your baby"

    "Topanga's hot tonight, im taking off my bathing suit"

    "the culture is lit"

    "t t t tender, ha ha ha ha"

    "sing it for my babies on the tour life"


    dont even play sis



    i do not and will not ever understand the way people haphazardly kick honeymoon to the curb like she is not the crowning jewel in Lana's discography.  When honeymoon came out i had not been following it at all so it was a total surprise to me and i listened to the album in full at a coffee shop with sunglasses on feelin myself people watching like Lana on the cover.  then the next day i headed to a witch cult gathering in the woods but i was having troubles with my boyfriend and was really feeling isolated and self destructive but also in love and dealing with all the drama that comes with that.  i took acid and slow danced to Freak.  i played Music To Watch Boys To outside an orgy.  i slowly drove around a small town listening to Honeymoon.  I got high to High By The Beach.  No I wasn't by the beach, i was in the forest, but the vibe translated well enough for me.  The music was brilliant, cohesive, amazing, stunning, hypnotic, mysterious, gorgeous, lush, deep, psychedelic, beautiful, all of these things.  I continued to listen to Honeymoon for months and months and even years after the fact.  in fact, i just put honeymoon on right now and i am immediately transported to a tense, beautiful universe where everything good is tinged with evil but it all tastes better that way.  This -- this is what music is supposed to sound like.  Incredible.  Flawless.  Lit rally timeless.


    Norman Fucking Rockwell could never.  Could. Never. Even. Dream. of this level of elegance and mystique.  I like the album, I really do.  I like how Jacking Antonoff make the sparse, gentle atmosphere where you can hear all the cracks in Lana's voice and stuff.  It's pretty.  But the drama and atmosphere is like, gone.  Maybe it's gone from Lana's life and everything is light and breezy now.  Who knows.  But idk, I miss the magic. what can i say.  maybe it will grow on me.



  4. can we talk about how bad the “interludes” in HIAB sound?

    The bits where she’s like “I was one thing now I’m being another” so bad... soooo bad

    Maybe it’s just me but literally ruined the song for me


    HIAB was the track i cared about the least, and now its one of my faves.  

    i thought it was so cringy at first, but it grew on me, especially the little interludes where her voice goes real high briefly.  idk its so not like any other Lana-ish sound, so it caught me off guard but i kinda love it now after a few listens


  5. Me anytime I see someone sharing their negative (but still valid) opinions on NFR:  :eek:


    Me after my sigh of relief when I realize its the same handful of people again and again:  :whatever:



    While I don't share the same disappointment that Vertimus is experiencing regarding her output, they are not wrong when they said this album was basically what we should have expected after the singles and snippets. 


    If the songs on the album sound they were produced in one business day I feel like that was maybe the intention, whether you think it was pulled off successfully or not. When jack was talking about Hope he said it was something that came together quite quickly, after one or two takes. I feel like they wanted to do something that wasn't overworked. 

    yeaaaah i agree with this, but i actually think it works.  the whole album feels a little half finished, from the messy era to the cover art to the shitty recording quality of the leak (which really just adds to the vintage feel to me tbh), but i think it does work.  i think its a throwback to like all her unreleased shit getting leaked, which ultimately made her the icon she is bc it was just that good.  some of her best songs are unreleased demos that sound unfinished and raw, and i think this album captured that raw feeling really well.  and it proves her talent as a musician bc she can just sing a beautiful melody atop a simple piano track and its stunning af.  i really cunt believe im a Lana fan again.

  6. so the album is amazing. it's grown on me a ton already. there's not a single song i can't stand (except TNBAR but whatever).  BUT: i really feel like this album could have been released as is back in march WITHOUT doin time or TNBAR.  the cover could have been something more simple but elegant, like the songs.  i really dont get the weird over saturated busy cover art, bc the album is sparse and minimal and has a lot of "empty" space, but in an absolutely beautiful way. the comic book shit doesn't fit AT ALL.  like who came up with that ? i think Lana was maybe trying to trash all of the "extras" ab an album besides the music - like interviews, photoshoots, cover art, etc.  - and leave it to just the music to speak for itself, which it does.


    an 11 track NFR released in March would have been much more striking and moving, and that's what her team should have done. they didnt ruin the album per se, but like, imagine the cohesiveness of getting this album at the beginning of spring with no waste tracks that dont fit.

  7. I decided months ago I wouldn't be buying it either. I refuse to spend my hard-earned money on things that don't give me joy. And it turns out I don't even like half the album so like...spend $15 why? For Duke Nicholson's mug and Lana's ugly neon jacket? I still feel only frustration when I think about this album. I feel genuine happiness when I play Born To Die. I was barely making ends meet when I bought the Deluxe version but I don't regret it. BTD & Paradise feel magical to me. I won't lie, I was disappointed in the Deluxe version of Ultraviolence, the packaging felt a bit cheap. But the music is out of this world. UV & Honeymoon mean so much to me, I felt like I had to have physical copies. Lust For Life was a bit on the meh side but I was like, might as well.... NFR though? This bitch has no place in my collection. A download is what she deserves.

    Exactly where I'm at. I won't spoil my memories with Honeymoon by allowing NFR anywhere near her. This is an album where I'll probably only save like 5 or 6 songs anyway. There have been albums where all songs are leaked and I listen to snippets non-stop and once it drops, I still listen to the album in full bc it's just that good. No matter Whatever Lana wrote to ruin TNBAR, this is just... Not that good.

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