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Posts posted by Foxglove

  1. What I’m pointing out is that reviewer probably has the kinds of views which would make her dislike Lana even before hearing what Lana has to offer. I’m saying that this person probably intended to give a negative review before even hearing any of this. A lot of reviewers pre-judge before writing the kind of review they know they will give. Beyoncé always gets glowing reviews, never a bad one. It’s safe to say that many of those critics probably decided to give Beyoncé a good review before even hearing anything.


    Critics are supposed to be fair and reviews need to be rooted in some kind of intelligence which is free from biases. However this is not always the case. Some reviewers really like some artists and will ALWAYS give them a good review even if their work is mediocre. Others will give a negative review because they don’t like someone even though they know what the artist released was good.


    Still most of the reviews Lana is getting are positive so I prefer to focus on that.

    why you bringing Beyonce into this?  I've seen plenty of thinkpieces about Beyonce's uber-capitalist practices, probably more so than Lana when it comes to money making off like sweatshop labor and shit.  I don't think your anti-socialism thing has anything to do with Beyonce................  remember what happened when Lana dragged her name up?

  2. tbh i fully agree with the Guardian review.  i don't think they were bashing Lana at all.  the writer is clearly a fan of her music - she begins and ends the review saying that.  but i think pretending that VBBOTG isn't solipsistic is kinda silly.  no, Lana doesn't have to write about anything other than herself.  but she has for a long time compared herself to Beat poets like Ginsburg or Kerouac and always found time to throw in some classic Whitman americana or whatever, and they - like many good poets - draw from their own experiences to illuminate a larger picture of the world that made them.  social and political issues aren't a distraction - they're a core feature in our experience of life bc they dictate much of that experience for us.  Lana seems to get this when she plays at political themes (talking ab a megalomaniac leader, and feminism, and Kanye) but she never really seems to actually get what she's talking about or go deep enough to make any sort of real statement about it.  she could use her unique position in "the culture" to give more insight into "the culture" but she doesn't.  she's content to stay half-assed and self-absorbed.  which i think is a fair description of her poetry, and her entire image as of late

  3. i feel like Patty either did something extreme like slept with Lana's boyfriend and abused her for years or something extremely minor like took away her cell phone one time. and the reason we dont know what happened is bc Lana is petty and it could very well be something stupid

  4. I just don’t believe that every single cop is racist that is tarring every law enforcement officer with the same brush. You are making a lot of sweeping statements, I personally know cops in my extended family who are definitely not racist, have a clean background and are good people. I know that racism is a big problem in law enforcement and understand why there are riots and protests I know the history, but it's not impossible Lana dated a good cop.


    Lana has not previously spoken in depth about many issues, LGBT issues for example and gay rights. She is quiet about a lot of stuff but has spoken about trump and North Korea, native Americans. Why she chooses to publicly say something or not is really up to her. The point is you can have a ‘moral duty to stand for life, justice, peace, equity, equality, accountability, truth!’ Without going on twitter or social media and posting stuff. Actions speak louder then words a lot of the time and we have no idea what she’s done behind closed doors.


    She certainly is genuine about Native Americans, It has nothing to do with the ride video let’s not spin that into something else. I’m still shocked people make such accusations really, like some fans are unsure if she had a good heart as if they are deaf and blind. You only have to study her past to know she has a good heart, like she was doing community outreach work for the homeless and drug addict!


    I hope Lana does tweet eventually to end this stupidity and give her fans the confirmation they dearly crave.


    P.S I’m sorry about the spelling mistakes it was 4am, I’m not the best at english. I never understood why people feel the need to mock others for typos and spelling mistakes like you are trying to win brownie points and deflate someones intelligent and opinion. It feels cheap to me.

    I hear what you're saying. I guess for me, it's just not so clear. I've known a lot of people who want to be seen as a good person and do performative stuff so others think that, but they're really just fake and selfish. So I don't trust Lana implicitly.


    I understand some of your family may be cops, but I really do think all cops at least tolerate racism or other injustice. You only have to look at the history of policing to see that and to see how harmful policing is to so many communities. That doesn't mean there's not cops who believe they're good people and try to do the right thing, but they still align with a system that subjugates people with violent force


    I hope Lana proves me wrong tho. Idk if she will

  5. If your basis for Lana being racist is ‘she dated a cop’ then that’s just weak. Racism in law enforcement is an issue, but it does not mean to say every cop is definitely racist and corrupt. I know Lana has a good heart, I know those around her have spoken up against racism before and she’s stated clearly her position, for me that is good enough. Her instagram post was twisted and misunderstood and turned into something racist, it may have been worded poorly which didn’t help her. She’s already spoken support for native Americans and reparation which shows where her heart is.



    Lana isn’t a politician or spokeswoman she’s a musician, although she can use her platform to promote causes she has no duty to publicly state anything , does her saying nothing mean she’s a racist and does not care? No. Like I said to me it’s obvious to not want to say anything after a debacle to avoid seeming disingenuous that’s all I was trying to say. We could honestly write lists and lists of things Lana has been quiet on, she’s barely even spoken about covid-19.

    its only gonna sound disingenuous if it's disingenous.  btw, police in america originated as runaway slave patrol, protecting the "property" of rich white men. so yeah, every cop is racist.  if youre fine joining a gang that was created by and continually perpetuates white supremacy, you are racist.  periodt.  i hope Lana is genuine ab advocating for the rights of indigenous people, but for some reason i think she's just trying to make up for the racism in her Ride video.  no one has a "duty" to say anything, if we're operating on a completely nihilistic framework.  but i would say everyone has a moral duty to stand for life, justice, peace, equity, equality, accountability, truth, sovereignty, etc etc etc.  and there's no way to get to any of those things without addressing the centuries long racism problem in america.  the reason everyone and their mom is publicly stating something recognizing that black lives matter and that racism is alive and fucked up in the world today is bc we have a moral duty to give a fuck and do something about it.


    maybe if everyone stopped throwing all their "sins" on Jesus or society at large or whatever, and actually took accountability for themselves, we would be dealing with different problems.

  6. I think it’s obvious why she’s not saying anything because she’s affaid of being called out for double standards. She was branded racist by a lot of people and now ‘Black lives matter’. They may see this as disingenuous and whatever she say’s will do the opposite of help and spread support.


    Bottom line is we know Lana isn’t racist and we know she’d be supporting justice for George Floyd.

    i wish we did know :/ she could just say "black lives matter" and clear things up for a lot of people and her whole reputation.  it's like.. all of her "racist" insta debacle juuuuust happened before things started reaching a fever pitch with George Floyd's murder, and every white person in America is getting thrown a very very clear and easy chance to at the very least simply declare where they stand, and she's not taking it.  who gives a fuck about being called out for double standards more than the lives of people?  she could clear a lot of this up by showing deliberately and explicitly that she believes black lives matter and that she's not racist.  it's very strange to me she cant make a simple post even.


    healing the "race war" that's been raging for the past hundreds/thousands of years across the world is gonna take more than posts from celebrities, but it has been heartening for me to see just how many people are now willing to be vocally anti-racist at the very least.  i wish Lana would show us for sure she actually cares and has a "good heart" so i can please please please restan.  it's been so hard love/hating Lana :/

  7. yk i dont see why you guys want her to speak up so bad


    She dated a cop until very recently. She just got major backlash, was accused of being a racist

    Now how would it look if she'd post a statement now?


    Twitter would only tear her apart yet again, saying she's using the current situation to redeem herself, doing damage control etc - and in the end, shell be branded as an opportunist and noone will take whatever she wrote seriously. A statement would not help anyone.

    She should just stay quiet for now and not post on Social Media for the next few weeks.

    yeaah strategizing social media posts to appear not racist is not the point.  posting opportunistically, which is what happens if you dont actually care and are jus following a trend, in this case being a dire need for white people to say where they actually stand and what they will do about it during intersecting major global crises heavily involving the impact of violent white supremacy, is not the same as actually advocating for ending white supremacy.  Lana has ample means to actually DO something, even just posting a fundraiser that people will actually donate to just bc she posted.  the fact she doesnt sucks.

  8. Lana's silence on this is so telling.  Particularly since she seemed very concerned people don't see her as a racist.  Maybe it is more important to not BE a racist than not be SEEN as a racist.  Lana's post didn't start a "race war."  The war has been raging, Lana's been ignoring it, and now it's spilled over into her personal tea.  This would be a great time for Lana to educate herself.

  9. watch Lana fake being in an institution just like she faked the rest of her story and still receive critical acclaim (or widespread malice that still makes money?) while those who have actually been institutionalized or had to engage in survival sex work to survive life on the road or whatever just end up crazy, broke, and fucked up.  lol.  i have no idea any more what the truth is about her story.


    Lana should just change her album title to "Race War" and be done with it

  10. Don't take things that serious, someone calling you toxic on the internet isn't that big a deal. People criticise Lana on here every day so I don't know what you mean there and Elle seems to be going through real llife problems and doesn't need people dragging out pointess arguments about irrelevant nonsence to her.



    it's not that serious. no one owes you respect on the internet especially when YOU yourself act so disrespectful not only to other users, but to literal CREATORS and STAFF lmao. maybe you're the one who needs the internet break lmfao.

    what?? im just trying to channel the energy of my role model, Lana Del Rey!  if @@Elle has such an issue, she could've stayed out of it, right? like you're saying i should?  no one owes anyone respect on the internet i guess lololol.  idgaf ab literal CREATORS and STAFF lmao :candy:  everyone has problems



    Yeah, I'm absolutely not going to be disrespected by you. I sent an apology to a user who had just joined and not even been around for a full hour because I did not want them to get the wrong impression of the site. If you are having an issue with what another user said to you, you can hash it out in the DMs and message me there if you think I need to intervene. We also have a report feature. I saw something I didn't like regarding how the site should be viewed as "learning from the bestest" with "hating Lana as a specialty" from another user, so as an admin and owner who disagrees with that mindset, I spoke up.

    Also, I did not delete any of your posts and have no idea what posts you're even referring to. If your posts were in fact deleted, I wasn't the one who removed them. If I ever edit another user's post, I always leave a mod & edit note informing the user that I did.

    Don't try to purposely insult me either for something that I did not even involve you at all with. Y'know, I've only been back to LanaBoards for the first time in over a month as I was in need of a serious break from the internet and all that it harbours, and I think if anything you just made it clear that I'm not ready to deal with all you guys and your drama again quite just yet lol. Probably not the best time for me to have popped back in anyway, but I knew a lot was going on and I wanted to stay updated with it. I knew my return now was only temporary due to the news, but frankly I just don't want to deal with this sort of attitude right now as it's not good for me at this moment, so I'm not going to. Behave yourself, kids.

    The rules are PM'd to every user upon joining and are also pinned under the Help & Support section if you would really like to review them.




    I appreciate the apology. I just didn't like a user's first impression of the site to be the reply you had posted, encouraging hate and stating to "learn from the bestest" in that regard. Just always be cautious of what you encourage to other users, and remember that first impressions matter! x


    said user called me "the most toxic" and you apologized to them lol.  that's involving me.  i guess hating on other users is fine, as long as no one sends even the slightest amount of criticism to Ever Protected Queen Lana Del Rey?  that's encouraging "hate," which you said your whole point was not doing.  which is it?


    also i never insulted you.  but if your shit is that fragile, why arent you staying logged off?  you pop back on to coddle a new user whose first post was to send hate to me?  it's alright if people insult me, bc i deserve it???  but insult Special Royalty Elle or Lana, and its game over.  wow, double standards abound in the Lana fandom I guess.  thanks so much for the hard work you put in on this site.  it's obviously so worth it.

  12. soo disrespectful.. you really sound bothered that your posts were deleted. I personally don’t even know what they were, but whichever mod deleted them surely had a good reason.


    her life’s work?... as if Elle is even paid to run this trainwreck of a fanbase. Y’all need to respect & appreciate all the time & money she puts into this site so that you can complain and argue with each other SMFH :flop:

    if there was a good reason, they wouldnt have restored my posts when i said something about it.  tbh they could shut down the site and my life would go on. lol.  sorry yall cant deal with me bringing up real issues

  13. and what about it? .

    women around the world are literally under attack, face high rates of violence and sexual violence, face lack of access to education and property, face workplace discrimination and harassment, are routinely kept out of positions of power, told by most major world religions they're inferior and should submit to male rule, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. i could go on.


    feminism is not a "woke trend" - it's a necessary campaign for women to stop being literally attacked and subjugated.  so people co-opting the symbols and language of feminism without actually advocating for women's liberation from patriarchal domination in society is cheap and gross.  that's what about it.

  14. Sorry, I tried to make a joke of the matter, but I understand what you mean and I agree. I sincerely apologize if my short message came off like I just come on here to spew hate on Lana, or imply that this is what other people come on here to do as well.


    I guess I just tried to imply that people on this community have, for a lack of better wording, a love/hate relationship with Lana and while they love her to death they are also very critical of her choices both personally and professionally. Probably explains why there is a "Biggest Lana hater" category at the Lipsters. 


    No hard feelings. xx

    you literally said "love/hate"  idk how that can be construed as hate.  i guess some people have their own agendas and priorities.  @@Elle i still have hard feelings, can you explain why my posts were deleted?

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