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Posts posted by Foxglove

  1. Y'all who are worried about Lana's sales need to wise up lol. She's gonna be fine. She's making more money than you probably ever will, leaks or not. Save your sycophantism and Stan Justice Warrior bullshit for independent artists who actually need the sales, or like give your $20 to some struggling gay in the Sudan instead of Lana.


    I just wanna say . I was never going to buy the album. I was always goin to listen to the leak. You bet your ass the phone recorded leak went directly into my ears, and I loved it. I will also be downloading the HQ leak when it inevitably comes and will snicker under my breath at anyone buying this album. The music should be free


    If Lana comes to me in a dream to chastise me, I'm not even going to respond . As for the capitalist stans whose sole purpose in life is protecting the wealth of the already wealthy who are hoarding wealth from those who need it: There's things I wanna say to you but I'll just let you live. The end

  2. ah man i feel like i have finally graduated from Norman Fucking Rockwell Pre-Release Thread Purgatory, full on into ldr - nfr Heaven/Hell.  i dont want to hear anyone else shit on the low quality - this album was literally made to be listened to on phone-recorded casette tape.  it adds to the vibe like a motherfucker and makes everything so much better. it's all clear enough to hear everything and the bass is still on point.


    my breakdown of the NFR unofficial release experience goes like this:

    Norman Fucking Rockwell: Carole King vibes, just like the snippet, skipped it like 3/4 of the way through

    Mariners Apartment Complex: wbk, skip

    Venice Bitch: see above

    Fuck it I love you: this song made me a Lana fan again, maybe im born with it, maybe its bad taste, sue me.  Lana just doesnt want to admit the love bc shes a lil embarrassed about it, thats why she slurs like that. also maybe sis relapsed idk yall. secret favorite song on the album

    Doin Time: like, its okay. should not have made it to the album but has its place as a soundtrack feature in the LDR discography.

    Love song: I honestly cant remember how this went and ive listened like 3 times.  its the "in your car in your car" one

    Cinnamon Grrrl: Lana Del Rey: Greatest Hits

    How To Disappear: will be the sleeper hit of the album bc its not in this leak and we will all hear a whole new thing with the production when the album leaks in HQ i secretly love this song

    California: listened to this in the shower and had a breakdown, amazing, best song on the album

    TNBAR: i tried to listen several times and skipped it every time. i cant, the new version makes me want to die. demo is way better

    The Greatest: i love it, makes me want to cry

    Bartender: eh its okay maybe it will grow on me

    Happiness is a butterfly: actually better than i expected, i am into it

    HIADTFAWLMTHBIHI - i loved this song from January but i havent listened to it in a while


    Lana's most raw album, somehow most depressing and most positive at the same time???

  3. Lana has, I think, always been enamored of an idea of retro-Americana that only ever existed as a pop culture fantasy--which she knows and acknowledges ("You make me wanna be like one of those girls / From the 1950s wearing those big pearls / On the color TV," etc), so...she is still looking for that fantasy she was promised ("I heard the streets were paved with gold / That's what my father said.") Real events on the news pop that fantasy bubble, not that she really thinks we should go back to how things literally were in earlier times. Her nostalgia is bittersweet because she knows it's for something not real ("I feel nostalgic and I don't even know what for", she said in an interview).


    For me, the best example of Lana!America vs. Real!America in the National Anthem video...when JFK was actually president, there was still racial segregation in the US. In the video, she has an African-American JFK to show she's romanticizing the aesthetics...the American "Camelot" it was called...NOT the racism of the actual time period. I think of "Looking for America" that way too...looking for a dream.


    So...that's why I don't find that problematic, but I do see and respect why some of you do.


    Anyway...almost 3,000 pages! Go team! :party:

    This is actually why I originally looooved Lana. Bc that sort of artistic juxtaposition between the real and the fake, the gritty and the glam, seemed so poignant and meaningful like "hey look how the American dream is all a facade"


    Which is why I think her now seeming like "oh I wish we could all just be sweet and peaceful without guns, and just fly the American flag without thinking AB the history" seems hollow . It's like she's backstepping her original message OR that she was not actually that deep in the first place. Which is honestly fine, it's her art and her life. Its just a let down

  4. As a "Latinx" person from El Paso myself, this is ridiculous. The fact that she took the time to make this beautiful song in the middle of all she's been doing this week meant a lot to me. Your profile pic represents u :flop:

    So my having an opinion ab the song means that I require Lana to act a certain way or talk about certain things? Do people really think these issues exist in a vacuum? I'm not saying Lana needs to discuss unrelated issues - just that she should actually understand the issues she's discussing. That's great you individually are all for LFA or whatever. None of you have actually addressed what ive actually said -just whether or not I have the right to say it?? Wtf


    Btw how any of you can see my profile pic and think I post anything on here with a straight face is beyoooond me. It's so crazy to me how commentary that someone disagrees with gets taken as a personal attack. Glad the song means a lot to you! I explained what it meant to me. Can we not both say so? Lol

  5. holy shit...

    she made a song that is wanting to express how she wishes America would change, should change, she wants to help, she is NOT a historian, she is NOT a Politician,

    she is an individual singer

    who writes her own music. she writes how she feels... she is not trying to brush off minorities by ignoring the facts of life...  

    you cannot continually criticize someone for not speaking out on every single mass injustice simply because she spoke on another... that makes no sense whatsoever. 

    yeah see youre missing the point.  i juuuust said i dont want anything from Lana.  i am commenting on her song, i'm not demanding action or anything from her.  besides - im criticizing her for speaking out on an issue in a vapid shallow way that doesnt reflect the actual issue and in fact plays into far right narratives that fuel mass violence like this.  and she's not gonna see what i said, so its actually just you who has an issue with even reading my perspective.  i guess its easier to just pretend everything is cute. glad youre comfortable enough to do so  :hooker:


    I get your argument, but she's only a singer. Are you really frustrated at Lana Del Rey for not being able to reform gun laws? I understand how it can come off as tone deaf considering her privilege but the average person is not that well informed about the entire history of mass shootings in general. I doubt they taught that subject in depth in schools so can you really blame her. Regardless, I think its wrong to invalidate her feelings about the shootings just because she isn't well informed. The lyrics are written from the perspective of an average person who is understandably shaken. Yes, she's a celebrity but when it comes down to events like these, she's just a civilian like the rest of us. Even if the lyrics don't address the entire history of mass shootings, it does show a sense of awareness and willingness for things to change in light of recent events. I think that sentiment rises above any shallowness or superficiality that may be present in the lyrics.


    re-read what i said bc i literally jsut said i dont expect anything from Lana, and that i prefer a song to a manifesto lol.  she's trying, great.  i'm just sharing my opinion, not trying to force anyone to agree with me, or force Lana to be more "woke."  but im with you on her just trying to be helpful or whatever, and that's great, and that shes donating proceeds.


    if literally just mentioning the history of mass violence in america is "fake wokeness" then DAMN some of yall must really be sheltered af.

  6. I am unsure why you have to pick apart every metaphor she is putting together; except to insert your own division...


    she is expressing that mass shootings were not once a major issue or worry for children/individuals lives (of all races, genders, sexualities, classes) (going to the movie shouldn't create fear, or mall, or grocery)

    she obviously despises trump, she obviously loves the LGBT community and the fact you think that she doesn't is confusing... she loves this country because she was born here, and she is frustrated with the issues going on... she wants a different America, why do you think she is calculated for trying to do her best by donating money from the song to El Paso and Dayton?

    Except mass shootings have been a thing for a long time, so you're proving the original point





    Ignoring this history is what people are taking issue with. This isn't inserting division, it's reflecting reality. Learning ab this sort of thing (a long standing culture of mass violence) is more helpful to stopping shootings than platitudes, road trips, and dreams.

  7. I totally agree with you. I don't know why you're getting tossed around and stomped on like that when you're raising some good points and commentary on her lyrics. These girlss chewed Lana out like piranhas for months & months on her lazy work ethic and questionable creative choices. Day after day, post after post. Let's not forget the many grossly misogynistic remarks regarding her appearance. These gals went HAM on her ass. And now they have the audacity to snap at you for elaborately writing out your valid opinion :toofunny: It's LanaBoards after all, not much else to expect.




    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who found the "America used to be safe" narrative a bit jarring. I really appreciate the sentiment and I know it's well-intentioned on her behalf, but it just gives me a bad vibe. It's like the centuries of suffering of marginalised and underprivileged groups has just gone unnoticed by her. I'll still stream and support it tho xx

    Thank u sweetie and yes exactly ! It's like someone has to say it or everyone can ignore reality just like Lana. Sorry for talking ab the culture of violence that enables mass shootings and shit y'all! I guess maybe if we just ignore it we'll all get shot up and won't have to worry about it ever bc we'll be typing forever on the Lanaboards of Hell

  8. Y'all hard missed my point. I don't want Lana to be "more woke" - and LFA didn't spark my criticism. Lana's been showing her ass re: shallow understanding of political reality since LFL, and it woke me up. I thought BTD was political , I thought it was a satire playing with how even a rich starlet has to face the underbelly of society , but I guess it was never that substantial.

    I don't want Lana to address nuanced issues like homeless gays or immigration bc I doubt she has much worthwhile to say about it, and that's fine! I don't want Lana to do anything really. I was sharing my perspective on what LFA and this whole era made me think ab and feel. It shows blind spots in HER perspective on issues, by centering herself and ppl like her. There was a mass shooting targeting Latinx people - race, class, etc etc, is actually a genuinely huge factor in what's going on. It's a massive part of the situation. Lana wants to exist in a fishbowl , whatever. That's my take. It's not glowing compliments from a sycophantic fan, but it's my take. I'm not freaking out about it either. 99% of my posts here are jokes, nonsense, or mild trolling. I was being hyperbolic and sarcastic to point out the hypocrisy in some of Lana's most recent lyricism and shite


    Criticism actually is an important part of art, just as much as appreciation. I appreciate Lana trying , but I think it falls shallow and flat. And you can look at her words to see obvious blindspots she has regarding issues that affect her at a "cellular level"... That's all I am saying. Believe it or not, my energy ab issues such as this gets directed towards real action outside of Lanaboards. I get on here for fun, not serious political discussion (especially since only like 5 people here can even keep up)


    I'm glad she's donating proceeds. Wonder if she's also donating to Churchome.

  9. Why are you complaining about a spontaneous, well intended, pretty song from one of your favourite artists?


    It's very self-righteous of you to assume she is unaware of American history, or that she has no interest. No song is going to solve world peace, but artistic statements like this can connect with and speak to people who spiritually share the same idea and will take comfort that others are speaking out.


    I guess next time Lana is inspired by something you would rather a tweet and a manifesto, rather than release a song.

    Honestly I think a song would be better than a manifesto from Lana - but if it rings as vapid as her lyricism or poetry, i don't think the world needs it fr. Like Lana's profiting off of people's misplaced emotions around society crumbling and it all just seems so shallow


    "We used to only worry about the children at night " -- who's kids? Just the rich white debutantes in pink dresses? Not homeless gay kids on the street, not immigrant children ripped from parents and kept in state custody under armed guard (oh my, guns!), not child laborers abroad sewing shitty merch!

    Does Lana "believe in the country America used to be" as in like MAGA or before white Invaders committed genocide against the indigenous people there? (With guns!!)

    If only we could all jus sit straight christian white rich and pretty in our Norman fucking Rockwell painting lives and fly the American flag at the 4th of July barbeque and watch fireworks and ignore the bloodshed (from guns!) that vacated the land so the concrete patio could get poured.

    Lana can playfully run from cops in Venice Bitch video with no worry, it's just fun with the neighborhood kids! Just be privileged enough and you don't have to worry ab the cops shooting you (with guns!)

    Let's just fly the flag and shoot fireworks and ignore all this, and ignore anything that might actually help America confront its culture of violence. It's just a dream I had in mind!


    If Lana wants to make a statement so blatantly vapid and ignorant, honestly she should keep it to herself. She's not helping anyone do anything but center her own first world issues and ignore reality.

  10. its like, it's cute Lana wants a version of America without the guns, where the flag can freely fly ...... but can she at least pretend to be interested in the history that got America to the place it is now?  like , maybe without centuries of slavery, genocide, imperialism, and a monopoly on violence and militaristic power within and without US borders, the flag wouldn't seem so tainted.  maybe if the US wasnt a huge weapons manufacturer / exporter , maybe if America govt and culture wasn't so tolerant of white supremacy and far right terrorist ideology, maybe if people actually educated themselves ab issues before writing songs about them, we could all just hold hands and sing kumbaya.  but here we are, with a completely fucked up, yet traceable and accessible, history of violence against certain groups (aka everyone but rich straight christian white folk) , and people like Lana are like "huh, i wonder why everythings so fucked up"

  11. oh yeah but like "this was churchome" which is in no way institutionally similar to hillsong and is absolutely devoid of any institutional prejudices, supremacies or absurd capital hoarding which creates any risk of right wing political influence  :oopna:



    there is a weird irony about the lyrics in looking for america given she's attending a christian megachurch with a fuckload of money being pumped into it which operates a bit like a multimillion dollar cult which is pretty much exactly what gave rise to the KKK's second wave and christian fundamentalists during the 20s. idk drag me 


    i dont have anything to add, i just think these should be posted again for the internalized homophobic faggots in the back

  12. Change (a masterpiece Lana produced in four hours after she dragged Rick Nowells to the studio the night before she was supposed to hand the album over to her label) meeting Looking For America (a masterpiece Lana wrote, produced and released in the spam of 24 hours after she dragged Jack Antonoff all the way from NYC to LA)




    and Coachella - Woodstock in my mind is like the sad black sheep middle sister that no one treats with respect or dignity

  13. "Fuck It I Love You Muscle Beach Baby" miiiiiiiiiight make me forgive Lana just for those notes in the chorus feeling like the sunset beating on your chest at the beach that feels like the desert while all the blood in all your hearts runs in streams through the forgotten wasteland of times where love is lost and yet returned. Tho I'm holding out till the full album leaks to know for sure

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