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Everything posted by Foxglove

  1. Oh I'm sorry, it's probably just easier for you to ignore these issues and keep stanning a rich white woman who pretends to care about shit she doesn't even try to understand. Sorry reality is too inconvenient for you to acknowledge. :/ Alexa, stream God Bless America And All The Beautiful Women In It Except The Stolen Sisters Because I'm Too Far Removed To Care. #StayFakeWoke
  2. imperial colonists invading a continent and committing genocide, then STILL not recognizing rights of surviving indigenous people on that continent, is NOT "suffering humanity inflicts upon itself." it's an orchestrated attack by one group over another. I see what youre saying about using language creatively to describe a variety of things, but it's not an emotional argument here. indigenous people are currently under attack by neo-colonial governments. indigenous women, girls, and two spirit people regularly go missing or get murdered with no acknowledgement or justice. neo-colonial governments still reject the sovereignty of indigenous nations and encroach upon their ancestral lands to further corrupt the natural landbase for economic gain, contributing to actual sickness and death of the people who live there as well as climate catastrophe. it's not about how someone feels. it's literally a life or death issue for indigenous people who have been sidelined and ignored when theyre not getting disappeared, kidnapped, re-educated, or killed, for multiple centuries now. i think this is the point thats getting missed by people who have all their material needs met and are able to benefit from governments and societies built by colonialism and genocide. it's easy to miss just how much is at stake, how dire these issues are, when they don't directly affect someone, or even if someone is able to benefit from this history of colonialism. so it's absolutely not the same thing, not a fair metaphor, and simply not okay for Lana to use these loaded comparisons to refer to her emotional state. indigenous people are STILL HERE. against all past and continuing attacks by colonists, indigenous people still exist and are fighting for their rights and sovereignty, even though they get slapped down, arrested, jailed, sanctioned, attacked, murdered, tortured, etc every single time. this is a triumphant testament to how the spirit of the Earth can never be defeated. if Lana wants to acknowledge the strength of these people and use her platform to fight on their behalf, great. otherwise, she is literally profiting off colonialism and the destruction of native lifestyles in America, then using terms derived from and referencing this history to make points about her first world problems. it's disgusting.
  3. The only reason Lana Del Racist should be referencing colonization is to hand her platform to an indigenous activist or speak up directly about decolonization and still hand her platform to an indigenous activist.
  4. I 100% agree with you here. I think her reference to colonization is extremely tactless and makes her come off as privileged and ignorant. Particularly when she must be aware of the horrors of colonization, having referenced donating money to Native groups just earlier this year and said stuff in interviews about volunteering on a reservation. Thinking back to her (also tactless) wearing a headdress in the Ride video during the part that says "I believe in the country America used to be" -- I really don't know if Lana has ever come to terms with her privilege or the historical context it has. Which you'd think, because she glorifies America - a white settler colony still occupying Native land - It's not a good look; that's for sure. Particularly at a time in history where the war against indigenous people across the globe is still raging and more dire than ever. IMO, in light of what's going on just this year -- with Bolsonaro encouraging further genocide against the indigenous people of Brazil, the Wet'suwet'en people facing Canada's continued brush off of their rights and sovereignty, the way the out of control Australian fires have highlighted the importance of Aboriginal wisdom, the Costa Rican indigenous activist Yehry Rivera being murdered as the Broran community is trying to reclaim their land -- it's never been clearer that the impact of colonialism is still a massive wound in today's world. For Lana to throw out such a loaded term so casually, and probably referencing some bullshit first world white girl problem like breaking up with her cop boyfriend or thinking her fans are mean to her or some shit -- it's really honestly disgusting to me. She's built her entire career glamorizing American history without a single mention of how the entire country she "loves" is built upon violence, carnage, millions of dead bodies, and complete disregard for life. If it wasn't official before (and tbh I havent been a fan for a while) I cannot be a fan of Lana at the fuck all. She has all this money and privilege and a massive platform with millions of fans doting on her every word, and she's doing jack shit with it. What a fucking waste.
  5. Verty, i think youve mentioned some cool ideas. I also am a folklore enthusiast and I love poetry and wondering about archetypes and finding the real magic in our world. Tho I have to say, an interest in the fairy faith, cernunnos, and wicca seems to clash with what i (perhaps wrongfully) assumed was your downward looking view of "provincial" common folk stuff. These beliefs and practices - though taken up by some of the aristocracy as a passing interest or something to be capitalized off of - come from the common folk and those who live close to nature (i.e. not in a capital city). I believe these concepts are derived, largely, from the folk religions of pre-christian europeans, who may be closest to some idea of "indigenous" europeans. This brings me back to my original point ab the sacred nature of, well, nature, and the sustainability that comes with a natural lifestyle - such as food sovereignty, leisure time, a less elitist view of success, wildness, freedom, coexisting with living things, etc etc. To my mind, those born to wealthy families with the privilege to write about and make money / status off of the folk beliefs of common people are not true representatives of the beliefs themselves. Something something, history is written by the oppressors, something something. This is why I will always rep the underdog, underclass, oppressed, marginalized viewpoints, directly. Not the elite few who choose to interpret these viewpoints for an aristocratic audience. It does seem to me that the interests youve mentioned would not be mutually exclusive with an elitist or a white supremacist worldview. It's hard to discuss the modern history of the British Isles and its inhabitants without taking a long hard look at imperialism and colonization and its effects on nature based societies around the globe. It's hard to discuss the works of the likes of Jung and Yeats without recognizing the impact their ideas had on rising far-right fascist movements of their time. Not to mention the inherently prejudiced and discriminatory nature of the psychology / psychiatry movement and how it has historically targeted/victimized/tortured/discredited marginalized groups including people of color, LGBT folks, independent women, anti-capitalists, religious or political minorities, etc etc. I believe respectful discussion of differing beliefs is possible, but if these beliefs seem to stem from an overarching ideology of supremacy (be it racial, spiritual, financial, sexual, mental), it's hard for me to take those beliefs as "respectful" in the first place. Any ideology based upon subjugation of others or some supposed "validity" of elitist hierarchy is not one I can align myself with or take very seriously, tbh. Regardless, I was genuine in my apology for being cruel, bc I want to embody the values I seek most on this earthly plane, and that's not necessarily it. No, I dont know you and I don't know where you stand on things, but from your words throughout this and the NFR pre-release thread, I've picked up on things it seems you hold as underlying premises to reality that I strongly oppose -- such as the idea that western civilization is the peak of human society. In other words, I prefer to listen to the fae directly rather than read about them second hand from someone with the privilege to make those studies their life's purpose instead of being forced to work for their masters. Nature is sacred. Real Magic exists for those who see and those who don't. The common folk have the actual knowledge because they experience it firsthand, and it's always been this way before the elitist overlord class stole all common land and forced us to work for their benefit. And (to make this on topic) it's not the same as Lana and her friends appropriating and bastardizing Hindu mudras or laying white feminist curses on Trump. (tho im sure you agree with me on that). When Lana sings "back in the garden, we're getting high now, because we're older" all i can think of is the privatization of land via colonialism and how only rich landowners have access to beautiful gardens that used to exist for all people. Oh how I dream of getting high in a common wild garden as a spiritual native of the earth, and not in a Norman Rockwell private suburb where some asshole in a polo shirt and khaki shorts is gonna yell at me to get out of his backyard. Thank you for listening.
  6. @@Vertimus im sorry hunty, all of the goddess's creatures deserve love, even you. i think you have some weird opinions, but i shouldnt be so cruel. please forgive me
  7. @@Vertimus is the perfect exhibition of classic white male fragility, stay bothered sir. imagine thinking "western civilization is the best and most important and only valid society to ever exist reeeeee" is an objective fact. pls pull your head from your likely not-so-golden-ratio'd ugly ass and recognize that "provincial" isn't an insult unless your elitist self must shit on anyone who doesnt live in a capital city. indigenous people got slaughtered bc they were dumbo stupidheads who deserrrved it, right? that's why your prized white male dominated western civilization is responsible for the modern annihilation of all things natural and sacred. thank the Lort that some blessed White Saviors came down to invent nuclear weapons, create disastrous climate change, institute industrial wage slavery, and go "oh ho ho ho im better than you" to anyone who dare question their "objective" view that things are better with all these messes. im so glad our Overlords (sweet sweet hierarchy!) destroyed food sovereignty and leisure time and now we must grovel for processed supermarket human feed to survive. i am oh so grateful that the rivers and oceans and lakes are poisoned and we must all pay to live on land we didnt ask to be born on, all thanks to the All-Superior White Western GodFathers. Grow a brain. you are perhaps the most myopic person on here and claiming others are narrow minded... i- it's really hard to even read without a full body cringe. my spirit deserves better. your spirit deserves better. stop torturing your poor self by lapping up the actual shit you swallow to stay brainwashed. on topic: NFR is not a woke album, and anyone who thinks so has a kindergarten level grasp of world issues. acknowledging California fires is tantamount to looking out the window and seeing that dirt exists. it just is (Vertimus knows how this objectivity stuff works, right?) ... in multiple videos Lana throws shit at cops knowing her privilege protects her from any repercussions, she shows no grasp of any sort of world issues. in California, she says "i heard the war was over if you really choose to end the one around you" or whatever. like, ok Lana go tell that to the legion of dead Yemeni children or Uighyur Muslims or Sri Lankan Tamils or Central/south american kids at US border camps. this whole damn world needs a "wake up call" especially Lana. and you, Vertimus. thankfully others here already spelled it out
  8. this is actually how i sing along to this song since before the whole album was released lol
  9. preface: i don't think i've ever heretofore used that word on here, and if i have it was definitely not in a derogatory way. also, this post is NFR related due to the way Lana's churchgoing has highlighted homophobia from a gay music icon. point: "Faggot" is literally the only word in the English language that means "gay man." Tho most indigenous societies held esteemed roles and a variety of terms for various sexes / sexualities / genders / etc, queerness is now seen as something degrading and insulting - something to be ashamed of. Terminology to describe queerness has systematically been attacked and erased throughout the spread of patriarchy across the world. And the very few remaining terms are deemed slurs. "Fag" means "gay man." I am that. The word describes me accurately. If anyone is allowed to use that term, I believe I should be. The only reason it would be seen as bad is if people think being what the word describes is something to be insulted by. It is not. There is nothing wrong with being queer or gay or trans or whatever. We need more language to describe these things, not less. Queerness should not be erased or censored. We should not be forced to hide, to be ignored, to pretend we are not the reality of what we are. In Lana's song "Love Song" , she sings "is it safe, is it safe, to just be who we are?" .. I must ask, who can feel this sentiment more than queer individuals? LGBTQIA+ people are routinely killed around the world just for "who we are." Literally murdered. Also violently attacked, legally discriminated against, prevented from securing adequate employment and housing, kept in poverty at disproportionately higher rates than straight people. This issue is not some offhand comment that can be thrown out and dismissed without a true look at what's really going on. Particularly on Lanaboards when Lana attends a church that supports conversion therapy, her friends of choice post photos at Hotels owned by world leaders who quite literally legally sanction the murder of gay people, when her fanbase has a huge amount of queer people, and a huge amount of specifically gay men who relate to her music and artistic concepts. If users here acknowledging the existence of gay men is more offensive than these other things going on in the world that are routinely swept out of sight, like wtf. if mods censoring users / signing off on personal attacks on users here is just par for the course, like wtf. My question is this: can i just get fucking banned already? thank you.
  10. fuck the chicken, has anyone tried THIS BEEF? its delicious
  11. i like NFR well enough, i just dont listen to it that much. Lana is going thru her own journey; we cannot expect her to fulfill any expectations or whatever. let the bitch live, and if the music isnt doing it for you, move on to another artist. i heard someone say - make the art you want to experience
  12. smdh if it is so much of a hassle for her, why tf does she continue to attend these events???? fuckin braindead LA christian washed up fool. i cant believe i was ever a fan, and i cant wait till her shallow ass is so wrung out of any ounce of talent or intrigue that everyone forgets ab her
  13. omg but have you heard this alternate version of cinnamon girl?
  14. the best we can hope is that maybe in 5 years she'll do another spoken word album and say she'll donate half the proceeds to Black Lives Matter also i'm remembering how Beyonce literally got hoards of hate just for showing a Black child dancing in front of a cop and lying atop a sinking cop car in Formation. Lana does shit like this multiple times and people dont even pay attention bc "white people dont have to acknowledge racism and/or police brutality"
  15. also on NFR: you color me blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue i just wanna dance with you i just wanna dance i just wanna dance with you i just wanna dance fuh ih i luh you fuh ih i luh you fuh ih i luh you i really do over and over honey over and over honey over and over honey over and over bart t t tender bar t t t tender bart t t t tender i do think generally her use of language is more complex on NFR, but i think the emotional impact is not as strong as her past work that packed whelps of feeling in the way she intoned her repetitive lyrics
  16. we fucking wish. August 30 is basically late 2019. after this "top of the year" nonsense she does not sound like she wants to be home for christmas. vocals, crispy. warm? cozy? heartfelt? idk. this is the best post ive ever seen on lanaboards and represents this entire era for everyone who has every heard a single note off norman fucking rockwell
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