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Everything posted by Kommando

  1. Socrates would actually say that it's just cosplaying you guys
  2. Kommando

    Dua Lipa

    Like pretty much everything Future Nostalgia related I dig the ideas behind the record and very talented and skilled people sure are working on the project... But the execution is lacking in some respect. I LOVE the idea for the remix, it's not merely "club" as in DJ Snake but club as in, 70s-80s. I though that for Levitating they would pick a disco edge, given the original track's fun and synth-rich sound, but I really really like this groovy 80s rnb hip hop flavour. That's what 80s club means. It's so fitting to have Madonna on this, that's the kind of sound that brought her to fame. A mise en abyme. Now the execution... If you want to get groovy you have to GET groovy... And it is at first fair enough, but like you've already mentioned it gets repetitive, the bass is a bit too discrete ; I think what might've helped is adding some very gaudy and RnB synth in the chorus and the outro's breakdown, to sprinkle in some diversity, energy and 80s throwback, instead of these ugly daft punk male voices that don't really add anything even aesthetically speaking. I like the mindset behind the project but we will need to hear more tbh.
  3. Everything is just so neat and nice now... We gotta promote Lanaboards to get the girls wilding in here. The impact ! The first week sales... Manifesting
  4. Of course he would need a cop. Whether it is Trump or Biden winning the race, it is obvious the next president will have to deal with increasing unrest nationally and globally... So as a signal to moderate republicans and middle class democrats, that property will be safeguarded and contestation crushed if necessary, you need somebody who has the track record and rethoric of Harris. The rise of "law and order" metaphysics in describing the reality of the nation, red scare talking points, is a defining trait of the present time, globally. That someone like Harris would access the 2nd most important seat in the executive branch of the still most powerful nation on earth, is not mere political calculation, but a definite sign of the course of events and of the strategy the state is adapting to these circumstances. Here in France, where generals and army men have steadily declined in prestige since the 70s, the chief of the Parisian police has now risen to national fame after the Yellow Vest movement ; because the events naturally allow for people with his prerogatives and knowledge to rise in the hierarchy, and because it is politically fit that he should be a spokesperson in a pre-revolutionary moment. It is how Harris' nomination should also be understood and examined.
  5. I can't believe I will experience the start of the Second Civil War on Lanaboards omg keep us Europeans updated, Yankee lipsters
  6. It's so funny to me that this conspiracy theory is alwaaayyss about the celebrities who happen to be the only well-off people that most know of... How convenient. Anyway I think it's rooted in the very real fact that having celebrities usually involve a sort of "fabrication" process and that they try to represent certain ideas (the extreme case would be K idols), so in that sense yeah they are manufactured... But to a degree, by many people, professionally, to cater to certain audiences. Capitalism is the word you're looking for. Celebrities are not powerful people though. You don't need no secret society with occult forces to do anything when you have the atom bomb and the power of money at your disposal.
  7. The title is so goddamn intriguing I just wanna know more about this project
  8. I think the amount of anger is partly justified because she is almost a caricature of the white bourgeois feminist in some respects, but then it also makes her the perfect target for our woke fuelled age of internet militancy. I mean the amount of posts where I've seen her been called a legit supremacist for positing that video and the Maya Angelou level essays like girl the real issue is happening on the street right now jfjdjdjd. People are so deprived of any social clout in our era of crisis you just have to clash somebody on the interwebs
  9. Donations are useful for legal procedures but other then that ? I hate this American mentality when politics is about funneling your money into obscure gofundme pages never to hear about its actual effects
  10. The issue with Tinashe is that she's one of these soft hearted liberals who seek moral approval from the establishment and therefore wants to moralize the crowd ; as has been obvious the last few days when she complained about people not talking about the peaceful protest, and now her talking about Lana trying to "undermine" a "beautiful" protest. Which I think is converted paternalism because these people talk about the rage and revolt of the oppressed but cannot suffer that the latter would use violent means and not seek approval from news anchors. Even if it means stitching reality back into a picture that fits their fantasy. Black people and disenfranchised people have been battered and beaten up centuries so their violence is logical and valid ! Despite what they think of it.
  11. She is so clueless... Anyways. Listen to COCC and fuck white supremacy and capitalism
  12. She gave this industry plant subpar Tinashe her time of the day and now she's out there posing as Kwame Ture online I can't with celebs uggh as long as they're not like, Nazis, maybe we shouldn't CARE for their politics since we're here caring about their music...
  13. It's a bit weird and kinda bourgeois the way she's mesmerized by the looting, but it goes with what she said in her video : reparations towards the black community... Well I guess it's, to her, a form of immediate material reparation. But "she said nothing" ? Bitch ass internet politicians need everything to be stated in so overt and corny and cheesy a way "we in this together " shit... She was there in the middle of a riot ? It's self explanatory.
  14. You all should stop expecting anything serious or interesting regarding social justice from millionaires and real estate entrepreneurs. There's a reason why Lana Del Rey and Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande and whomever have big fat mansions while every big urban center in the world has been experiencing riots for the past few years. For all I love her Grant fantaisies about trailer parks and pink flamingos (whether or not that part of her story is true, the sentiment is real) and how much she's grown as a person and artist, I don't really care for her opinion on these material issues because I know where her insensitivity to it comes from. I honestly feel on the fence about celebrities' voices. Like yeah representation and using your fame as a chamber echoe for unheard voices is great ; but there's not much more to it and there should certainly not be ! For following advice draped in corporate imagery of celebs IG story is exactly what keeps you home alone with your pain !
  15. I really like the NFR cover but I'm still figuring out what is the story it is trying to tell. It's especially interesting when you put it in perspective with all the other covers. Getting in the car, then in front of it, smiling, then commanding you in her boat with a composed man by her side and California burning in the background ; and now I guess we're gonna have planes ?
  16. It's just a clip from an oldies omg I hate this part of the pre-release when we don't know shit and everybody goes batshit crazy over the smallest thing she does ☠️☠️
  17. I think when she was young, a teenager, they were middle class most certainly, but in her early 20s Rob had definitely made a rather large amount of money. I honestly don't know what to think of this period of her life and whether she was deprived of funds or what. This is an essential part of all Americans backstory anyways : the American dream, rags to riches I made myself etc etc
  18. She's in a bad headspace and having those teenagers with 2012 corny ass convo names posting pictures of her at the beach and talking about how she's unfollowed her ex on story I can see why she'd be upset though
  19. I just had a realisation - did she unfollow Ari because she collabed with GAGA ☠️
  20. I cannot comprehend what you're all iffy about, are you only now realising who she is ? And it's not 2014 anymore she's grown into a much more positive and let us say "liberal" character. I feel like you're all just feeling guilty of registering as her stan back in 2012 when we weren't as educated as now... It does not really matter in the end lmao you're projecting on her and I cannot for the life of me see what's really an issue there.
  21. She just comes off as rich center left but honestly who cares she's a millionaire woman I wouldn't expect a Chateau Marmont stan to be a left com
  22. A serve ! Are Americans not used to people opening up about their feeling ? She's very cordial and consensual
  23. This whole situation was really insightful in that it showed me who of my friends have had reading comprehension in school and those who did not. I do not know why but I have to stan. So messy. White Hot forever be that ethereal pop baddy b !!
  24. The fillers have me screaming but y'all shall not forget she was just "sick" and they are very obviously not settled at all, given how bloated her face looks. We'll see this through later as the fandom has now turned into a small cult around some random bourgeois woman going to church and dating cops.
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