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  1. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Nicki Minaj   
    i agree that she chose the wrong time + place for the argument (it makes her look like she's trying to pull the race card to get a VMA nomination), but you can't deny that her points are valid.
  2. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Nicki Minaj   
    The issues Nicki is talking about are a lot bigger and more serious than a simple VMA award. Sure, I do agree that she possibly didn't do it in the right way + does come off a bit spoilt-child-who-didn't-win-the-race, but her her points are still 100% valid. Black women are continually shunned, time and time again, in mainstream media, whereas white women are idealized and victimized - just look at the way this story is being reported, with Nicki as the "angry black woman" stereotype and Taylor as the "poor, defenceless white woman" stereotype. The tweets had absolutely NOTHING to do with Taylor, yet she decided to stuff her manky feet in the shoe anyway. Taylor's all about "all girls!!!" but when it comes to the issue of race, she, as a white "feminist"*, is determined to silence any voice questioning white supremacy. Taylor has finally exposed her KKK side to the public and I really hope this smashes the perfect PR bubble she has had going on for farrrrrrr too long.
    *I say "feminist" because no woman who excludes specific types of women from her "feminism" can at all be considered pro-equality.
  3. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by drewby in Nicki Minaj   
    what is being overshadowed here? A white woman would release that same video and it would NOT get nominated JFC not everything is a goddamn race issue
  4. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Nicki Minaj   
    Although "Anaconda" was without a doubt a big cultural event this year, the most controversial video does not mean video of the year. If VMAs continued to always give the award to whatever video was the most ridiculous, it would just become a yearly competition of who could be more racy and sexual in their video.
  5. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Nick in Nicki Minaj   
    She is having a grade-A meltdown, isn't she? My, my, my. Someone must really want that VMA.
    As much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with omgsitsandrew on this one. Miley's Wrecking Ball video partially won for the shock value. But, looking past the licking of the hammer, and it's really not that hyper-sexual. It is a very well done video; the imagery was beautiful. The focus isn't just on being sexual, but also being vulnerable. Nicki's Anaconda video, on the other hand, just wasn't well done. Its main purpose was to be vulgar. I mean, ass shots make up the majority of the video and the ending minute or so is literally just a lap dance. 
    It seems that she is just trying to turn her temper tantrum into this big statement now so she doesn't look like a spoiled brat.
    Edit: also oh my gosh this Tumblr post is so right though

  6. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Nicki Minaj   
    Taylor shouldn't have said anything but Nicki needs to calm tf down. Just because you think your video is great doesn't mean you get a VMA. It looks so unclassy to complain like that. SHE HAS NOMINATIONS!! So many other INCREDIBLE videos from the year got NO credit so she can take several seats. She's acting like she deserves the award more than anyone else.
  7. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Honeymoon bores the shit out of me. There's no movement to the song, except for the bridge. The lyrics aren't even that great, in my opinion. Maybe it's better while high, but that's about the only way that I could see myself liking it. Which is unfortunate, because I want to like it.
  8. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
  9. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Tommi in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Don't give a fuck, Guns and Roses is so much better than Honeymoon.
  10. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't quite get how everybody claims that with UV she finally managed to find her own artistical signature and freedom to express her real self and the BTD is supposedly a  dirty sell-out. Like, desert and psychedelic rock and more raw sound is more authentical than hip-hop and upbeat, poppy, cheerful music. Even I, who am deep into alternative, indie and underground, will deny that and maybe too bravely conclude that BTD was also her true self, only different facet, maybe because she was, as some member accentuated on the theme about Honeymoon, happier then, at least she seemed to be. (Btw. I love both albums equally.)
    And if UV was her holy grail of authenticity and she got critical acclaim for it, how come she was so dispirited at that time, not willing to promote it, and seemingly depressed and ill? Maybe it is the dark and moody chambers of the soul that derived that gem piece in the first place (obviously), but I'm playing with the thought that in BTD era she was still excited about ascending , she was in a state of sweet anticipation of success but when she somehow reached the top with approval of UV, she realized that the top is a lonely place, as they say for all kingdoms and thrones.
    But on the other side, it is inherent to almost every artist to reveal him/herself to the audience and be loved, worshipped, adored or respected, to receive feedback and to share their most profound, hidden and troubling thoughts, feelings and wounds with the universe.
    I mean, artists are all to some degree exhibitionists and even the most timid yearn for attention, but  she shuts herself so firmly in her shell, like unreachable pearl, or some deity, almost Buddha that escaped to the mountain. That is why she is so contradictory, controversial and enigmatic, and why I'm so ardently ambivalent towards her, despite the amount of affection I nourish for her precious art. Maybe it's Kurt Cobain's curse (not literally) – he was disgusted by the fact Nirvana headed on feverishly towards mainstream. He commited suicide, and Lana isolates herself and freezes. I know I'm exaggerating; I should just let her alone with her creative juices flow freely and ferment in her hermetically sealed castle of mind. I hope this is just standstill before new storm.
    Edit - I just realized I talk gibberish - she progresses the opposite way than Nirvana did, but still...Maybe with introverts it is about paralyzing fear when others expect too much of you - all the stars, meteors and milky ways.
  11. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Too scared to post this elsewhere -
    The song Honeymoon is repetitive and the production is boring. It would not do well as a single, because it just isn't catchy and it has some bizarre risqué lyrics. It's not my favourite song at all.
    Don't kill me.
  12. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think Lana would look fuckable in a pineapple costume. 
  13. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by nowornever in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    High By the Beach, August 10
  14. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    u can't even hear lana in the snippet though, that could be a solo song or feature any other random person  
  15. gloomyharlow liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    I actually find it a little funny that she says that Lana is a woman "who doesn’t even know what feminism is, who believes women can do whatever they want" and then derides her for that. Like, yes, that actually is kind of a part of feminism. Yes, equal pay and rights are part of it, but so is a woman being able to make her own decisions. It seems like Kim doesn't know what feminism is.
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    I listened to a whole album by her before I even went to the concert, right after hearing about her. I think she'd probably be a fine singer, if I could actually hear her singing. But the mixing on the albums drowns out her vocals, and it becomes an unintelligible mess. I don't even frequent this board, so I didn't even know how many people didn't like her until after the concert. 
    The show bored me. It just wasn't my thing. I liked some of her songs, but overall, I was very bored. If not liking Grimes (before I even saw her in concert) makes me "sad and pathetic", then I guess I am. But I'm not pressed about her. Her music just isn't good to me, and that's it. 
    But I suppose I'm sad and pathetic because I don't like her and her concert was a non-event for me. 
  17. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by PinkVelvet in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    i back this 100%. really well said. and do you see how often she reps her friends nicole ( https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/597884156534652928 ) and hana ( https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/598179696908480512 ) on her twitter and tumblr? she's always trying to help out other girls trying to make their way in the industry and doing what she can to support them. while i can totally respect anyone who doesn't like her music because it's not their cup of tea, i seriously don't get any sort of hate/rude remarks about her as a person or even as an artist. i may not be a huge bob dylan fan but you would never find me using that to suggest he is anything less than a talented, hardworking artist.
  18. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by slang in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    Well nobody should suggest that liking Grimes means you have better musical taste; it's perfectly alright not to like her.    I would say to anyone wondering if they would like Grimes to check out her music videos first. If you don't like these, you probably won't like Grimes even with repeated exposure. Visions is the album to check out first as it was her critical break out album, but you'll also get a lot of cutting edge electronica with what's considered her popular hits (genesis, oblivion).   IMO, Grimes' relevance to LDR --on this tour-- is that Grimes is a feminist. Oblivion is a fear-of-rape song. So the fact that Grimes would open for LDR (when LDR presumably asked her to) probably follows from the fact that Grimes has historically stanned for LDR at her actuallygrimes.tumblr.com (in the sense of her saying she liked this or that LDR song/video), which means that Grimes "gets" LDR's songs/videos as art and not some kind of weird threat to the moral fiber of society (or feminism). BTW, Grimes has extremely broad taste and stans quite often (in the sense of recommending) for LOTS of very different acts; some popular, some relatively unknown (e.g. Naomi Elizabeth, a recent example, just might be as incredible as Grimes says she is). She not only stans for new and less known artists in this sense, she sometimes invites them up on stage with her at shows (e.g., like what happened with Nicole Dollanganger this past week in Toronto). So even if you don't like her songs or performance style, there's a lot to admire about her as a music advocate. 
  19. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    music artistry is such a subjective topic always.. people like different things, and to me its fine, if someone loves and artist and another cant stand them.
    It doesn't mean its a personal attack against you if someone like/dislike what you or I like. Everyone should just chill out and relax about the feelings they
    have towards their favorites. There is a fan for everything and anything. Not trying to preach here, but for me, i'm pretty open minded and would never put 
    some fans down for something they like/dont like. Why can't you like tons? different styles, even opposites.. people are so judgmmental and opinionated, and
    wiseness should prevail. Anyway, off topic totally here, like a singer named Jewel once said- in the end only kindness matters and love..
    Peace out bitches..
  20. nowornever liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    I listened to a whole album by her before I even went to the concert, right after hearing about her. I think she'd probably be a fine singer, if I could actually hear her singing. But the mixing on the albums drowns out her vocals, and it becomes an unintelligible mess. I don't even frequent this board, so I didn't even know how many people didn't like her until after the concert. 
    The show bored me. It just wasn't my thing. I liked some of her songs, but overall, I was very bored. If not liking Grimes (before I even saw her in concert) makes me "sad and pathetic", then I guess I am. But I'm not pressed about her. Her music just isn't good to me, and that's it. 
    But I suppose I'm sad and pathetic because I don't like her and her concert was a non-event for me. 
  21. nowornever liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    I just saw the show in Noblesville, IN, and Grimes was... meh. You couldn't hear a word of what she was singing until she started screaming bloody murder during her songs.
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    I just saw the show in Noblesville, IN, and Grimes was... meh. You couldn't hear a word of what she was singing until she started screaming bloody murder during her songs.
  23. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by slang in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    ^ Grimes has some instagrams from last night (one with that singer Hana?), and she doesn't seem pissed or down about the show.   https://instagram.com/p/3P4ASbjfpC/?taken-by=actuallygrimes     and not understanding the words she sings is typical (for me at least) on Grimes studio work, but we really need an objective Grimes fan who went to that show (and previous ones) to comment.    BTW, if you search for "Grimes razorstarzz" on Youtube you get razorstarzz's live retrospective on Grimes. If she sounded at least as good as those youtube performances, then she did fine, imo. And wow, what a pioneer. She doesn't even need a band!
  24. KissBaby liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    I just saw the show in Noblesville, IN, and Grimes was... meh. You couldn't hear a word of what she was singing until she started screaming bloody murder during her songs.
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