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Everything posted by CmonDownToFL

  1. “A little piece of my new single Dirty Gritty Dickheads, a song I wrote for you, my fans Love ya - L “
  2. Ma’am I confirmed it means Don’t Grab Dicks, this was CONFIRMED by an EXTREMELY reliable source who’m’st’n’t may not be named or we may have a la suit on our hands I’m imagining she’s dancing to DGD in that gif and I’m choking
  3. It will be on the upcoming NFR & it means Don’t Grab Dicks this was confirmed by an EXTREMELY reliable source so ya wouldn’t doubt me if I were you
  4. I want to think she might say something today about Norbit but knowing her, it’s best to keep low expectations
  5. We’re in a strange place right now Consistency is a dangerous thing for stans like us to want - but we want it
  6. Lettuce pray that she feeds us some Norman Fucking Rumpelstiltskin news
  7. ...... anyway Hope she drops some additional clues for nfr at her next set. Is that today or tomorrow?
  8. I think she whispered “we in it together, don’t call me angel”
  9. I’m laughing so hard at just everything. I can’t wait to hear the whole song & see if they really did her as dirty as this trailer did And those god awful jingles I’m fucking having an asthma attac
  10. She whispered :lmao: :lmao: Pennywise!!! Come get me daddy!!!
  11. The worst that can happen is we don’t even get a snippet let alone the song, yet
  12. I think we’ve learned to expect the worst to save ourselves from disappointment later
  13. SOME of you are SO special to me & I genuinely adore you cause keep me alive throughout these times of pure delusion & wrong opinions, you hilarious little fuckers
  14. I read somewhere each one of the girls would be characterizing one of the angels so I hope that means she’ll be just as present as Miley & puss in boots
  15. This collab is either going to be glorious or tragic. I like Miley because she uses her platform for good but I can’t say I like her music. Puss in boots is talented & I can understand the hype but personally her voice almost irks me Gals, are we excited? I think it’s going to be interesting
  16. It’s true but I was kidding based on how she’s been acting lately
  17. If anything, the “are you ready for it?” in MAC feels like she’s presenting what’s to come - this “new” era. So I think it would make sense to have it at the beginning too
  18. I love you all, this is the best see u soon my sweets Lmfao why are you this way? Truly a star. “..so....”
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