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Nick Del Rey

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Everything posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. Terrence loves you showed up with a cover art too on Shazam, but it was a pre order track so it's still possible.
  2. Yes but Shades of Cool type jazz.. not honeymoon type snoozefest jazz
  3. The cover came from SoundHound which is an app like Shazam. Also "shitty name" it's lana... the "children's children" "stranger than a stranger " girl
  4. This isn't fake lol there's an official cover art and the song pops up when you Shazam the snippet
  5. You think the summer Bummer snippet is worse than Coachella... y'all are so blinded by your biased against rap
  6. This puta better announce this I don't wanna play the guessing game of if this is coming Thursday night meaning Friday at 12 or Wednesday night meaning Thursday at 12 or with a pre order or whatever. I have to call out of work for the appropriate day!
  7. so i started working at target this week... y'all know what that means
  8. the contrast of one word titles and literally sentence long titles is so ugly lmao
  9. I wonder if the song will come friday (11pm thursday)
  10. I'm pissed that picture is the single cover and not the album omg
  11. this isn't an event for fans, even if you lived in LA, 1 OAK is an extremely exclusive club lol. There will be no album news.
  12. "Interscope told me" I'm actually dying people are so stupid Edit: not calling you stupid, calling the people that make stuff up acting exclusive stupid lmao
  13. hey guys, here's the whole set untagged https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByfpHXrHw6xBUURyWHN6LXNhbWc
  14. Nick Del Rey


    I can't believe I witnessed this live
  15. With it being exactly a month before the album this week I think we'll get a pre order and instant grat track if not this week then next week
  16. Nick Del Rey


    that hidden sample that's in the green light instrumental and also in the Sober II (Melodrama) instrumental at 2:23 is everythinggg, she's been using it as her into to her festival shows this year and I love it. https://www.xclusivejams.xyz/video-lorde-live-coachella-festival-2017-full-show-123743.html
  17. lol no bonnaroo is in Tennessee on a farm and it was last weekend.
  18. Omg the cover was fine I'm scared it could only get worse lol
  19. They don't really sound the same but they sound like a cohesive body of work, in the same way that Ultraviolence and Born to Die sounded. I'm worried that Lust for Life won't have that, I'm excited nonetheless.
  20. Also, I have an interview with target tomorrow, just in time to be working there when they get LFL physical copies in
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