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Posts posted by knives

  1. Yep! The director, Catherine Hardwick, wanted the Cullens and the cast in general to be much more diverse (explicitly wanted a Japanese actress to play Alice) and Meyer shot her down completely, said that she saw the Cullens as one way only (white). I think that her saying that she would only cast a black actor in the role of a villain is a misinterpretation. Catherine Hardwick looked through the book for any hint of a sign that a character could be a poc and Laurent is described as being olive skinned and she pointed out to Meyer that olives can also be black, so Meyer relented. There's also a weird connection between vampires and Mormon teachings (3 days to become a vampire after a bite, the melanin in the skin is "burned up" by the venom so all vampires are white...) Interesting thing to look into, esp with the way she portrays Natives.


    yikes. yeah im definitely going to find a pdf of midnight sun. i definitely see what you mean. the werewolves are portrayed as ruthless and unhinged. the racist "savage" stereotype in regards to poc needs to go.


    also the anti-abortion narrative she pulled in breaking dawn...i don't think any uterus-having person i know would carry to term if it meant they'd most likely die (during birth or while pregnant)? so the whole renesmee thing to me just screams anti-choice lmao. and edward is painted as the bad guy for wanting to abort. lmao. ok

  2. so happy theres a twilight thread now lol! i was obsessed -- and i do mean obsessed -- as a preteen (was team jacob) and even went to see eclipse the night it came out at 4 am. after breaking dawn, i hated them for a while, embarrassed i had ever been a fan, but now i like the movies again. just ironically this time around.


    funny that this thread was posted today, bc i got up at 10 am to watch twilight today, bc i dont have it on dvd anymore and i legit have to watch it once in a while to have a good laugh otherwise i have withdrawals. its got its hold on me real well.  i cant say i ship bella with anyone, shes a mary sue and both edward and jacob are pretty shitty people lol. also, stephanie meyer chose the two most gay characters to be in a relationship. i guess thats why a lot of people ship rosalie or alice with bella instead  :teehee:


    I'll probably find a way to read midnight sun without giving her any money (look into the connections between twilight, race, and Mormonism, as well as the shit she's done to the Quileute tribe) and give the money I would have spent to the Quileutes.


    totally agree. i saw something but cant confirm with my own eyes that years ago meyer said the only way she'd cast a black person in twilight is if they were a villain? (see laurent)........ :crossed:

  3. lucky ones, this is what makes us girls, and in my feelings never really appealed to me. i can listen to TIWMUG and enjoy it, but like. once in a blue moon. also not really her song, but the don't let me be misunderstood cover on honeymoon i've never listened to the whole way through lmao

  4. i don't have much to add to this tbh, but i can say that i think non-conformity as well as societal outsiders are always attractive/inviting to the lgbtq+ community. we see ourselves in them.


    i've also always wondered why she doesnt have more of a wlw fanbase. lyrical content aside (aka experiences of a cishet woman's romantic life), theres always a possibility that we wlw could stan a cishet woman as long as their hot lol (cough florence pugh). i know there are other queer women out there who love her, but it's not many in comparison to the predominantly gay male portion of her fanbase. most wlw fans are bisexual women (after all, we do like men unfortunately so we can relate to romancing them), but i have yet to meet a lesbian lana fan!  :toofunny:


    as a bisexual woman, personally my affinity for her came from her storytelling abilities and realness and honesty. it's uncensored and raw, and i really admire that. she was also an outsider, and as i said earlier, i'm sure im subconsciously and naturally drawn to outsiders in any aspect of life.

  5. i like only half the album (the ones i dont are just not my taste, theyre not bad per se), but honestly the songs i do like are some of the best music ive heard this year!!! she served!


    the way i just cackled at this. but yeah, sonically it’s her most interesting but that doesn’t mean it’s good.



    i do agree its the sonically most interesting but i was just shocked since it's been a while since i've heard someone say TFJ is her worst work lol. back when we only had her first two albums, tumblr bitches (aka the majority of her fanbase) were convinced TFJ was her worst, and then the bitching moved from TFJ to froot when it came out in 2015. and after L+F came out most of the critiques were focused on that work as we all know lmao . when i read "tfj is her worst album" i had flashbacks to the girls and gays' tumblrs that reblogged nothing but teen idle and bubblegum bitch lyrics  :illumarina:


    TFJ is a staple in her career not only cuz its her debut but also bc it's messy and weird. and personally, i think the "jangly keyboard" element that the album brings is charming.

    but you're ofc entitled to ur opinion regardless of how much i disagree w you  :rollin:

  7. wow vehemence  :toofunny:  so beautiful. gonna have to break in this album a little (how can anything top another eternity) but purity ring's ability to create almost tangible, real space through sound is so cool. blows me away with every album.

  8. omg so cool!! i love your work. i'm also a graphic design major, but hoping to go into more of the ui/ux field or possibly something with av/tech but that requires being a master of ae so...  :toofunny: 


    i could totally relate when u said it was your passion/dream job. being a graphic designer has been my dream job since i was 17 (22 now)!! and i've been messing around in photoshop for a decade now, crazy to think that i would be on the path to something i enjoy as much as graphic design.

  9. yeah how are they going to edit this season if sh*rry pie is disqualified? will they continue to show her or completely edit her out? or at the very least not feature her commentary??


    and-- finally! drag race does something right for once. willam got disqualified for much less so disqualifying sh*rry is only fair

  10. i think i really took fresh laundry for granted when it came out... cuz im listening to it now and hearing it in a completely different light.


    these days, no one's bothering me bout nothing...........








    the production of Superstar does it more for me? i liiiiive for that piano + the chord progression. the chorus lyrics are a bit cheesy? as for True, that is the euro-club bop i didn't know i needed. it's just light-hearted and fun? like it's not too serious and i think that's what's nice about it, because Marina doesn't have *too* many songs like that. the ones i listed are some of my favourite Marina tracks - L+F probably has the most tied with EH that i listen to the most. TFJ has the least amount of tracks i listen to tbh, that album really doesn't do it for me. that's the thing with Marina discography though, she really has brought a different sound to each album and she has such a diversive discography because of it.


    ahh i see what you mean. true has a nice sound, and i wouldn't mind the production much on superstar or true if the lyrics were just stronger tbh. and i totally agree. thats something i admire about this album, even if it is her weakest, she still changed her sound up and didnt give us anything we'd expect from her!

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