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Posts posted by knives


    this is a bit of a lie. Superstar, True, End Of The Earth, Emotional Machine, Too Afraid and Soft To Be Strong are some of her best.


    i think both superstar and true are sonically & lyrically disasters... but yes, i can at least agree that EOTE, EM, STBS are some of the stronger songs off L+F. too afraid lacks lyrically and sonically like superstar and true, but i can kinda overlook it since its such a relatable song.


    i wouldnt say any of the ones you named have entered the "best marina songs" category for me, they all kinda are lacking an Mmph Factor imo.. i think handmade heaven is the best song off the entire album. i wish it wasnt first tho since it sets the bar really high and none of following songs ever really come close to that level again lol


    handmade heaven is the only song that i could ever see entering my top 10 fave marina songs. maybe EOTE on a good day...

  2. I assume the one you’re talking about is the one on Marina Wiki? https://marinaandthediamonds.fandom.com/wiki/Girls

    Anyways, I can see how Girls lyrically is pretty cringey and I’m glad Marina grew out of her I’m not like the other girls phase but the song still slaps, one of my favs by her.

    yes that one! thank you so much!! and me too.. the original mindset behind 'girls' is probably why she never performs it anymore, either.


    not like she performs much off TFJ besides oh no and obsessions anyway  :poordat:

  3. Why does almost everybody hate Love Me Wrong? Is it just because y'all don't like Troye? 

    i wouldnt say i hate him but he is the main reason im not crazy abt it, yes lmao

  4. there was a blog post from one of her old blogs in which the way she talked about the song seemed like it was written in an actually serious tone. i'll try to find it


    edit: i found the reddit post that had a screenshot of the blog post but the user deactivated so the picture is now gone. but heres people (including my old reddit account i got locked out of) talking about it lol?

  5. Girls remains her worst song to date

    knowing it was written non-ironically at the time kinda ruined the song for me for a bit, but if you look at it through a satirical lens i think its one of the most fun songs on the record!

  6. i agree with what a lot of yall are saying in this thread. its hard to admit it even to myself but yeah.. if this next album doesn't meet my expectations, i will probably end up unstanning. which is sad cuz she's my favorite artist ever.. im not mad at her for getting her life together, im happy for her figuring things out, but it seems she's growing as in artist in a way that most of her fanbase don't relate to anymore.

  7. If you don’t have a problem with billionaires I think you need to do some research, and I’m honestly not saying that to be patronising. I have a problem with Musk bc yeah he’s a billionaire and that’s its whole own problem and instead of using his money to help with various ongoing issues he’s using it to what? Make a car that has a built in whoopee cushion? And he’s made a flamethrower? And a rocket?

    yes, exactly. this is what i meant. i guess in my initial response i should have elaborated cuz i think i was misunderstood, my bad.


    i guess i just think billionaires can use their money in more effective ways, like to offer immediate help to people, rather than in the field of Expensive Cars. i think musk offers up good solutions and ideas (like the idea for an underground highway in LA that apparently got canned?) but a flamethrower isnt going to solve the problems of the impoverished. you know what i mean?


    i dont like wasting my free time to talk abt politics tho. and sorry for sparking an online discussion of these things. i was just offering up my answer/personal opinion to a question asked earlier. i do want to apologize tho cuz i think i imposed on another conversation, cuz the original question wasnt even directed towards me.


    no one has to agree with my opinion/political views, i would just like mine to respected as well, i guess. and again, i think some of that is my own fault cuz i didnt explain what i meant earlier that well.

  8. Imagine hating a billionaire just for the fact that... he's a billionaire. 


    the clownery, far too much


    u kno the quote button is right there for yall to use, my guys

  9. What is it with you and the Elon hate? He's not affecting her in the slightest and Grimes wont stop making music because she's pregnant or has a baby lol 

    i think its cuz people have problems with him being a billionaire and all. thats why i personally dont like him. im a socialist so. im happy to see grimes in a healthy relationship but i dont love who she's with, u kno??

  10. 2020 MARINA is going to make everyone feel bad for clowning L+F 


    2020 MARINA is going to make everyone feel bad for clowning L+F 


    2020 MARINA is going to make everyone feel bad for clowning L+F 


    2020 MARINA is going to make everyone feel bad for clowning L+F 


    2020 MARINA is going to make everyone feel bad for clowning L+F 


    2020 MARINA is going to make everyone feel bad for clowning L+F 

    is this something ur manifesting or something u actually believe


    i want FROOT 2.0 :(

    i remember i hated when people begged marina to make EH 2.0 when it was the froot era, but after the disaster that was l+f, i need her to make a froot 2.0. my interest in her music is waning  :ohno:

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