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Everything posted by lola

  1. i think they're mean mature as in grown-up. like, children don't wear that kind of stuff (usually)
  2. ^source: http://thetalkhouse.com/features/view/sadie-dupuis-lana-del-reys-short-film-tropico
  3. the general public also loves the cedric gervais remix of summertime sadness. and if it's about the general public liking something, yeah, taylor swift will probably be nominated.
  4. there are 75 songs that are nominated to be nominated, the final nominees are going to be announced on january 16. and seriously, y&b is a shit song, she's lucky it's even being nominated for anything
  5. just googled ina and apparently she was supposed to write for britney's 8th album but there are no songs written by her on the record. can't find anything about her with lana though. weird
  6. why would you want someone to be sued just because they lied to you? he didn't actually hurt anyone so who cares really?
  7. yeah, they're going to start voting for the nominations on dec 27 and announce the nominees on jan 16
  8. The film academy (the ones who do the Oscars) have released a list of 75 contenders for the Original Song category and Young & Beautiful is on it: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/goldstandard/la-et-mn-oscars-original-song-20131216,0,5537906.story#ixzz2nkHtN5nH
  9. Yeah, I never understood that either. I've thought that they maybe wanted to keep her away from friends who may have had a bad influence on her (like in TIWMUG) but boarding school children aren't exactly known for their sobriety. And they probably wanted to keep other people from finding out. I think every child that's sent away by their parents will resent them for at least a while, I mean it's kind of like getting rid of them but they probably figured things out when she was older. Lana also doesn't seem to have the best relationship with her mother so maybe Pat suggested Lana go to boarding school?
  10. i don't think anyone even commented on her body before yoko and i don't remember anyone calling her slim either. is this really fat in france? because i live 40 minutes away from france and go there regularly and most people i see there aren't stick-thin
  11. florence's song hasn't been nominated for anything nor did it chart, y&b was certified platinum twice in australia and once in the us. the wiki page says florence's song was received well by critics but i don't think it'll be nominated for an oscar. also, y&b was called the best song on the soundtrack a few times. the oscar nominations probably won't look that different from the golden globe nominations. just thinking logically, taylor swift has won over 40 awards this year and was nominated for a golden globe in the same category last year (and i know all of you hate her but that really doesn't matter here)
  12. she looks really pretty and happy and relaxed and younger and much better than she did during the tour. maybe it was the make-up or maybe she was stressed. i don't think touring is very healthy for her. and i like when she plays at classy events like this and and the mulberry and louis vuitton aftershows and stuff, she really fits in there.
  13. she announced the dates for this year's tour which started in spring on halloween, i wouldn't expect a tour till fall or 2015
  14. They probably didn't tell him but children aren't stupid. You can't hide that kind of stuff from them, Lana probably had conversations with her parents about it and she either told her younger sister and brother about it or they eavesdropped their conversations (possibly fights) or something. And I don't see Charlie and Chuck keeping that secret forever, most people can't keep a secret that long. I really don't know what to believe though.
  15. yeah, but stuff like that usually doesn't stay secret. i mean i'm sure she told some friends who could've told people etc. etc.
  16. charlie's 8 years younger than her so he would've been 6 or 7 years old when she went away but if they went to school together (i'm guessing they went to high school together too since lake placid is tiny) i would've thought that kind of thing would've gotten around so everyone would know
  17. "I also believe the reason she went away to school was for music" - the lie her parents told everyone or maybe she really didn't start drinking at 14?
  18. She was being very defensive there and I think she was talking about the backlash she got (not 100% sure though) when she said that, I thought it was a bit immature but whatever. I kind of hope she doesn't win a Grammy or gets nominated for an Oscar tbh. They don't seem to mean that much too her and it'll just pressure her even more. Yeah, I know everyone says it without meaning it but I don't think Lana has ever actually said something like that, it's just something I gathered from her not constantly talking about how much she's sold, obsessing over her placing on the iTunes Charts and always pushing her fans to buy her stuff like I've seen with other pop stars. She's been posting Tropico quite a lot but probably because she's really proud of it. I've actually wondered how she got whoever financed this to do it. I mean, it must have cost quite a lot and I doubt it's bringing in that much money. The tickets to the premiere were free and you don't actually make that much money from iTunes sales (I'm surprised how well she's doing in the iTunes charts, I didn't think a lot of people were going to pay for stuff we already have). Regarding Paradise, I think Lana said her label didn't like it that much but she managed to put it out, make a music video for Ride and an entire short film so I guess she has a lot of say in what happens with her career. I think David Kahne or somebody else she worked with also said that she's very stubborn and doesn't just let other people decide stuff for her.
  19. I don't think Lana is really that interested in selling the most records or her record being Number 1 for 14 weeks like other pop artists are. She had that with Born to Die and it was probably stressful having to promote it so much and having to deal with the backlash to something you love like she did that record. She barely promoted Paradise and in general, we haven't been hearing that much professionally from her this year. I hope she focuses on creating a record she loves and is proud of instead of making something she likes and that will sell well and make her beloved.
  20. Just sonically, I think there definitely are similarities between Lana and Lorde, mostly the hip hop beats in the music and low voice. They've also both been promoted as indie and alternative even though they're both on major labels and have become popular because of their image. Lana had the whole "Gangsta Nancy Sinatra, beauty queen from the 50s" thing, Lorde has her "anti-pop, I-don't-want-to-be-a-perfect-popstar-I'm-the-underdog" thing. They also have quite a lot of fan-overlap. Lorde herself has said that she's inspired by Lana, I think, so there's no denying that. Lorde has had a much warmer welcome because she didn't have the SNL "fiasco" that Lana did and made so many people hate her, she also hasn't had plastic surgery and people seem to think she's poor or something while Lana was accused of having her daddy pay for her career.
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