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Everything posted by lola

  1. pretty we have a section for people's non-lana graphics where everyone can open a thread for their art here though: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/forum/22-graphics/ maybe a mod could move your thread there and re-name it?
  2. i don't think i have ever seen anyone here corrects another user's grammar or spelling
  3. omg, her waving so cute. and lol at her failing at trying to look serious and pose while people behind her are screaming her name
  4. lola

    One Direction

    we have a one direction thread?
  5. she looks so young and naturally beautiful with barely any make-up. i thought she'd aged terribly but it's just her shitty make-up artist oh my god, it's lizzy bleach blonde hair for the stripped, western album please, thank you <3
  6. you're not helping, salmon this only my opinion but i'm happy about every lana fan that chooses to join this community. there are a few members that can get a little too sassy/bitchy/think they're always right but those kinds of people are everywhere. i feel like (at least part of us) are very close-knit. we talk privately, some of us (only aussies to my knowledge) have met up in real life etc. i think joining a tinychat once in a while can really help in being more included in the community because we get to know each other better because it's just 5-10 people involved in a conversation, not 1000. i think, especially since this is a newer forum, you shouldn't expect everything to become perfect and then join but get involved, give tips for improvement, talk to the members etc. if you have a certain opinion on a subject, maybe respond to another member's post and discuss with them.
  7. slow, it's only been down once or twice, please no You have made 3 posts, I don't think you can really judge yet. The forum has 64,262 posts at the moment, those aren't all from introduction threads. You should maybe read Lanalysis first to get to know something about Lana, her lyrics, her relationships etc first because we talk about that a lot, even outside that thread. We also discuss the latest news about Lana and lately we have talked more and more about current events which can be quite interesting as well. Maybe you should also participate in a Tinychat sometime to get to know some of the users more and to see ataraxia's/Maru's/Billy's sexy face. Most of the topics here are about Lana or offtopic conversation, not just welcoming new members. Topics to check out: Lana Thoughts: Lanalysis (OP and last few pages) The Mike Mizrahi Movie Mystery Megapost Thread for Minor General Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Unpopular Lana Opinions Lana Confessions Latest News: RUMOR: "Cola" (2nd Single off Paradise) - News/Discussion Thread New Candids of Lana in Berlin (March 20) Lana Del Rey at the ECHO Awards in Germany Candids of Lana arriving at Heathrow Airport in London Conversation Area: Random Conversation Thread Pictures Of You Drunken Selfies Post Your Voice! Beauty tips Thoughts on Plastic Surgery Ohio School Shooter Laughing at Victims' Families Steubenville, Ohio Rape Case [TW: Rape and Rape Culture] Sometimes, in some ways, the legal system works as it should Immigration and war refugees Objectification and the media Do you support incest?
  8. cause she seems kinda bitchy and conceited
  9. lots of rapists only go to jail for like three years, this is pretty good for statuatory rape imo
  10. I'm pretty sure LYE is about Jimmy. Because of the alcoholism and the "I can never be what you wanted". Jimmy's girlfirned committed suicide in 2002 which really sent him into a depression, he didn't even make music anymore, maybe Lana was his rebound. I'm not sure about Velvet Crowbar, it does reference alcoholism but also "golden grill[z]" which doesn't fit Jimmy at all (maybe K?). I think BTTB is about Mike, we know she was with him during her trailer park era and the "wearing them ASICS and gold" line fits her style from some of the photos of the two. I think the "I can speak Spanish, you can sing for the neighbours, you've been pretty stupid ever since you got famous" line is from Mike's perspective. She is obviously a singer and she's famous now. She answers him with: "Uh-oh, uh-oh, wrong side of the tracks, boy. Uh-oh, uh-oh, if only we'd go back, boy"
  11. Schaap told the victim that a sexual relationship was “exactly what Christ desires for us,” [...] “He was a celebrity to me, a father figure, and a man of God....[schaap] violated my trust. But when it was being violated, I didn’t even know it because he made me believe what we were doing was okay and right in the eyes of God.” ugh
  12. they look like (weirdly shaped) crocodiles to me, so cute and lizzy
  13. 16 is the age of consent in most other countries so he probably wouldn't have been sentenced to prison (let alone 12 years) in most other countries. it's good he was though.
  14. they definitely have been looking thinner. lip injections have to be made regularly so maybe she's decided to stop doing them, is having less injected or maybe she just hasn't gotten around to it.
  15. lola

    The Sims

    thanks for the support, guys. i just bought sims 3 (cause it has cooler expansion packs) and 2 expansion packs R.I.P. LOLA
  16. lola

    The Sims

    omg, i remember imperfect kids, so annoying. and the clothes...
  17. lola

    The Sims

    i was addicted to sims 2 for years but then i decided to quit because it was getting too much and sold my entire stash on ebay. years later i bought sims 3 but it's just not the same. i was only interested in building houses and killing families so i could have cemeteries in my backyard. this thread makes me want to relapse
  18. i don't hear an english/scottish accent tbh
  19. I'm sure they make it look a lot more civil and less horrible. Can you imagine being in a cell that fulfills the minimum of what is legal for almost the entire day, barely have any contact to the outside world, be treated like an animal, being locked behind bars, being handcuffed whenever you are allowed to leave your cell etc. etc. Prison is horrible enough without being beaten or raped on a regular basis. Even if he gets out, it will be nearly impossible to find a job and be accepted by the community he lives in.
  20. He's going to prison. You can't bring the people he killed back just by killing him, it won't help anyone.
  21. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/473-lanalysis-relating-songs-to-knownassumed-relationships/
  22. Well, in my opinion everybody should have their human rights, even if they've violated another person's. I mean, what gives the person who actually has to kill the guy the right to do that? One judge? I just think murder is illegal, even if the victim is a murder.
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