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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. I just realized that all of the single covers were part of the vinyl Poster that she showed us some weeks ago.



    Some of them look very abstract here (Pretty In Possible, the Hopedrunk & Billions cropped pics) but from what I can see, the picture of her sat down facing the ceiling (under Bunny) is the only "non-used" so far... so it might be "I Believe".

  2. 1 hour ago, taco truck said:

    We have it don’t we? It’s the white Mustang video


    Oh we do have the White Mustang but I really mean the original cut. I'm sure there's a lot of extra footage they just couldn't use because of lip synching and the white mustang recut is just... what was salvageable.

    Also; Ultraviolence\freak original video. No surprise the pool scenes were so gorgeous that she actually recycled it twice.

  3. 5 hours ago, Inferno Euphoria said:

    I remember people saying this was part of the scrapped Venus music video and to this day I still wonder if it could be true :toofloppy:


    It is not from an "official video" but it seems like it was the original song used for the Ad before they switched singles to Do What U Want. Well, you can see she's doing the "V" thing with her arms like she does when she's performing Venus, and the whole look is very fitting (garden panty, goddess of love & beauty, etc). 


    They never went forward with the Venus video shooting because they had to rush between stuff (her promo performances, appearances, etc.) and there was no way to schedule it with Do What U Want having its own video (which was shot in like, late October\Early November I think?) and the album coming up on the pipeline. Then she tried to "make up for it" with the G.U.Y.\ARTPOP Film. Theeeeeen there are some extra rumors that she actually had a whole lot of extra-footage from that video, including a full Venus sequence, that got cut short for that small snippet in the official video, but I can't remember exactly who said this.


  4. I don't think she does have a bad song but looking back I do think Serial Killer is... the weakest of them all. But the remixed version from Club Paradise where the 4\4 beat kicks in after the bridge and it does turn into a club anthem????? Mama that's gold. She knew what to do.




  5. 20 minutes ago, iamjocelyn said:

    ain't pretty dull from like before night time my time? did she say it was a contender for masochism?


    She teased the "final version" along with other Masochism tracks around 2017-2019, but that was also when she first hinted at the video of Night Time My Time vinyl reissue. Probably supposed to be a bonus track there. 



    edit: All To Myself (Final Version) could be a full whole slay eat boots down.........

  6. She probably does have newer songs that aren’t known (yet) that can be tacked into the album. Everything we got so far has been teased for years now, bar “Innocent Kind” which showed up last year on Primavera Sound, and same way stuff like “Hurt By You” and “Always Ready To Lose You” just showed up out of nowhere.


    At this point, the best thing would be a Tell-All interview within any outlet without any sort of holding back or “not naming names” but this has been said to death so…. But it is the only thing that could help. After all these years, she’s still pretty much buzzy and getting headlines with the smallest crumb of information that comes out.


    For someone who barely speaks even while on stage and lives like a posthumous Stan page just posting old photos, she wouldn’t be feeding into the FreeSkyFerreira narrative if she knew it had a chance of blowing back on her ass. 

  7. 1 hour ago, AtomicMess said:

    I could if you'd like me to, BUT, I wouldn't be able to be the 'seal of certainty' on legitness. Honestly only the folks who leaked them would be able to do that.

    Putting a spoiler tag because this will be long, but for the girlies who care (and for those who want to learn), here's a mini-class on reading spectrums as a mark of quality and a shitty way of how we get to "upscales".


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    Don't take this as gospel, but rather just a general quick-pass on the topic.

    This is the spectrum for an OG file; I've got the CD, ripped in lossless. (90s Dance Banger; doesn't exist in the digital era, RIP) This would be our OG/WAV. Notice how the full spectrum here is populated with data. In terms of hearing frequencies, most humans top out at around 20khz, however some folks (probably not you, you're not special, probably not myself either) can hear a little higher, but not much.

    All the sonic data is here. Now, notice at the start of the track, the spectrum isn't really "full" - this particular song starts out quiet, fades in, and gradually adds instrumentation and vocals, which explains why there's not a lot of sonic data at first, and then suddenly, there is. In short - there's some variables here that would affect whether a song or a part of a song takes up the "full" spectrum, but overall, a fully lossless/mastered track should look something like this, or have parts of the song that take up the full spectrum of sound, like this.



    Another example of a mastered/finished track, also ripped from a CD, looks like this:




    Notice that the spectrum doesn't go quite to the top @ 22khz, but it comes close. It all depends on the track mastering and instrumentation. (Sidenote - when you see things like 44.1khz or 48khz on WAV or really ANY audio files - that's taking into account stereo. 44.1kz/2 = 22khz per left/right channel. 48khz/2 - 24khz per channel)

    Now, if I take that first track, and I convert it to 128k, we immediately look like this:




    Bam - all that higher frequency data? Bye. That sharp line of sonic demarcation right above 15khz is the canary that says "You've been compressed!", especially for 128k mp3.


    The algorithm for encoding, in most standard encoders without any fiddling, starts to roll off frequencies over certain points. Take this with a grain of salt, but in general, these are the "cut off" points, so to speak, for the mp3 encoder.

    320kbps - 19.5kHz
    192kbps - 18kHz
    160kbps - 17kHz
    128kbps - 16kHz 

    Sonic data above these lines is either discarded entirely, or heavily compressed, at these bitrates. VBR (variable bit rate) encoding changes things a bit, but I'm not getting into that.

    Here are all the screenshots of this same song/file, at various different bitrates, just to give a strong visual of what compression does to a song at different levels (raw/og, 128k, 160k, 192k, 224k, 256k, 320k): https://imgur.com/a/xX4emZt


    If you scroll through, you can see how at each level, more and more data is kept at each bitrate/encode level, however, even at 320k, there's still a substantial amount of sonics that are missing at the 20khz line and above. But, given that human hearing tops out at this level, this is why files at 320k are considered by many to be lossless/OG, because functionally, they are (technically they're def not). Hearing encoding artifacts and differences at this level is something only very, very good ears will notice, AND, you'd need to hear the uncompressed OG, to really be able to make the comparison to tell that something was amiss to start with.


    Now, this is where this gets interesting, and this is where people start to point to the word/phrase "upscale", and how we get here.

    I took the 128k mp3 file, which shows up as missing/having compressed allll that sonic data above ~16khz, and loaded it into Ableton (Audio/DAW program).

    Then, I re-exported it, without any changes, back out to a raw WAV file.

    Now the spectrum looks like this:



    Now, if I listen to this, it's still obvious its still a 128k source file, regardless of the fact that the spectrum shows otherwise. The hi-hats are crunchy, the kick drums sound "sharp", the synths are warbled on some notes. Even though it looks like there's plenty of "good" high frequency data here in the spectrum, it's a lovely lie (song title pun here :oop2:)

    People who are far more talented than I though, would be able to take these low quality, 128k encodes/sources, and "clean them up", so to speak, with various audio tools and plugins. They can trim back some of that sharp/crunchy crunch on the hi-hats and kick drums, they can play with the EQ to make the vocals sound less muddy, etc, and then afterwards, export the track back out. There's a few out-of-the-box plugins (iZotopes 'UnChirp') that claim to be able to do just this, however, from experience, they're far from perfect.

    Spectrum wise, they'll look like they're lossless/OG, or even just "higher quality", like the above here, and sonic wise, if cleaned up well enough, they might pass the "ear test" on not having any identifiable compression artifacts, but at the end of the day, they were still from a compressed source, original sonic data is missing, and the acoustics are all synthetic, in a nutshell.

    So in relation to the original question - while I, or anyone else who understands a little bit about all of this, could check files for "legitness" on if they were OG or lossless, it gets a bit mucky. It's VERY easy and obvious to see if a file was/is compressed audio, because you see very sharp lines on a spectrum analyzer at the 15/16/17khz ranges where shit above is cut-off and discarded. You're not escaping that. But when it comes to 320k files, or WAV/FLAC/AIFF/other lossless formats, the spectrum sometimes can't *wholly* be trusted, because running files through professional audio DAWs and tinkering with them can produce back out a file that *looks* like it's OG/Lossless, but still actually came from a very compressed source (aka resampled/upscaled).

    (And, playing them on any kind of high end system will still flesh out artifacts and chirps in the sound, usually)

    Anyone who gets this far can clown me now for having no life :flop::flop::flop::flop::flop:






    Thank you for this post! It's something I've been interested for a very long time and couldn't manage to find a very good source\explanation that wasn't fully tech\expert and you did a perfect job with the visual examples. This should be fixed on top of the Audio section of this place.




    Oh wow we have the whole Maso Album now, just missing from the title track (which i'm not even sure if it was confirmed to be a Title Track? the "Hold my tongue until I choke" snippet? It's so good tho)

  8. 1. The dress is absolutely gorgeous, she's really looking like a goddess during these last US shows and just shitting all over the european gowns. The cowboy boots make it camp as hell.


    2. Her capacity of creating the worst setlists is admirable. She really went "y'know, fuck born to die, *presses shuffle on spotify*" and called it a day. Opening with NFR is fucking BAD. Following it with Arcadia is BAD. 

  9. On 9/4/2023 at 10:15 PM, EXODUS said:

    This is the closest we will get to it lol 




    I already mentioned this before but the AI just not caring to even attempt the high note leading to the last chorus, the wonky pitch all over... maybe this is the final version of the song actually.

  10. 2 hours ago, Crazy for You said:

    since we found out that it was the voice recording app, can we try to decipher what the titles say?:bebe:i see the letters "Ca" on two of the titles


    Ca....LIFORNIA 2014 VERSION?!?:oprah4:




    Get the Tropico girls in the thread now.

  11. On 8/28/2023 at 10:56 AM, ChaoticLipster said:

    You know I was just remembering she did a live Q&A around the time of ARTPOP and she was really rude and bitchy to her fans, Never seen her so rude before, someone asked her if ‘Jo Calderone would return’ and she responded ‘ no he’s a character! He isn’t real I don’t understand why you’re asking..next question please!  Wish I could find it. She was really cunty.



    Wasn't this "Skype Ball" in January 2013? Like, (one of) the most pointless project they've ever set het up.





    She was kinda... unbearable  towards the end of 2012 until HipGate. She simmed down by the time ARTPOP was out but then damage was done.



    3 hours ago, 111 said:


    the way dj white shadow was getting brave last year saying he will make sure something happens for ARTPOP 10th year anniversary and he was very hopeful and optimistic and then posted a passive aggressive story saying don't ever ask him about artpop act II again... gags silenced him quick, it was almost painful to watch him slip back into irrelevancy :flop: if any liddos are still expecting ARTPOP related content for this year i wish you an ounce of luck. we'd be lucky to get new merch or something, but i suspect she wont even acknowledge it 



    anyways joker FAD is coming! 





    The way she had to surrender or maybe someone would catch her dogs again




    Little Monsters torture me is real. And I approve this message.

  12. It's all a matter of campaigning, including her presence. She did do some for NFR! with the grammy museum thing, but it's all about lunches, FYC and so on.


    I don't agree they should push her to Alternative; Her music is Pop. She is Popular. She has billion plays on Spotify. She's backed by a Major Label. There's nothing wrong with being put within the Pop categories when that's exactly what she is: A Pop artist. She doesn't even need to win the Pop field to have a chance within the Major 4 (that soon will be 6 I think?) categories; she has a very broad appeal (hence why it makes sense she's POP even when people think it sounds Alternative but also country while a dash of folk etc etc etc).


    I really believe she'll have a chance. The competition this year isn't necessarily the strongest, she got a pretty  warrm reception from critics and her best commercial performance since her prime with BTD\Ultraviolence\Honeymoon. Now Ben\Interscope\Rob Grant & Lana need to play the right cards. Make some private gigs and ship some of these titty vinyl to voters.

  13. ijbol with the AI struggling with the high note on Ditch That Bitch and the vocals just warp into animal screaming in agony mode. And while I don't really suppot the AI art, it's........ Fun to hear what it could have been.

  14. I like the visuals because everything seems to be linking up to the album and they're very well made. Troubled Paradise had a more "Do It Yourself" edge which is like... fine, but this is some professional shit.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Raupeka said:

    What's some like, holy grail unleaked Charli? Songs that people desperately want? I know for a bit Block was, Bounce Final is, what else?



    The way reading this gave me a whiplash thinking about how the "holy grail" has changed over the years.


    Mow That Lawn. TKO. Taxi

    and now they're all here.




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