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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. I wonder why she is in Brazil now and not Colombia..? Or why she didn’t stay in Chile if she had extra days between the shows...


    She's also in Rio de Janeiro and not São Paulo yet (and no idea why they would go there because like... Im sure there are direct flights without stop in any other city lol). Probably will take 1 or 2 days off?

  2. Brazilian kids if you guys know about anyone selling tickets for Sunday that aren't like Kidney + Soul pls can u shoot a PM for me? Doing everything I can do get tickets but it's just getting impossible and I don't wanna miss Lana again :(



    PT: Amigas se souberem de alguém vendendo ingresso que não esteja o preço de um rim e alma e puderem enviar na minha DM eu ficaria extremamente grato. To correndo atrás mas não to achando preço acessível :(


  3. okay so I've got a big update on Marina's unreleased.


    Attached, Superhuman, and All Is Forgiven are scrapped Die Life songs.


    Please don't call me, You, Worth It, and TNWWY are late 2016/2017 demos.


    Marina made an album during that time full of those songs and more, but scrapped it and did the university and Japan thing.

    There were also a lot of demos made with Clean Bandit






    but for the second, not really shook. The way she was like "Studio Time" and then japan\university and then "I'm writting again" gave me "FORGET THE LAST TIME I SAID ANYTHING ABOUT STUDIOS".

  4. What do you guys consider her best album era? I personally love the Joanne era because it was the first Lady Gaga album era where I could attend her tour before it got cancelled. I was like, crying, screaming, singing and feeling so many emotions hearing her sing and seeing her performing live. I also love the outfits and the Joanne era has so many beautiful performances. But I have to admit that sometimes I miss how she expressed her creativity in other ways with other album era's.


    Album Era: Born This Way. She went everywhere, performed everyday, would spend the day on social media talking to fans etc etc.

    It was such a fun time to be around. From BTW to MTN it was just awesome. BTWB\Pre-ARTPOP was cool til the broken hip aswell

  5. Imagine posting on the thread complaining because other people are happy with something simple as stems.


    Get songs and leak them for us then. 

    :sky: :sky: :sky: :sky:


    Moving from this mess about stems vs outtakes vs people believing there will be songs coming out of nowhere, Marina has been kinda quiet last few days. I think she's really into studio vibes. Still no idea of when she'll come with anyhing tho

  6. Why every snippet that leaks or teased or whatever is just... it always have replay value.

    It's yet to show up an ugly snippet for Masochism or even her old electrpop demos

  7. Strangest thing happened at 12:30am last night. I had just fallen comfortably asleep, but I wake up to someone next door belting out a line from Better: "I CAN LOVE YOU BETTER THAN SHE CAN YEAH YEAH YEAH" And then a few minutes later, a line from Trainwreck: "Born toooooo take care of youuuuuu"


    I half wanted to yell out "wooo Banks!!!" And half "Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep! "


    Thankfully it stopped though



    Sorry sis :hooker: n

  8. Lies stems and something from Froot just like they did with Outtakes + Starring Role or so.


    God why people bitter about stems I mean, let people enjoy the tiny pieces they can. Unreleased music of course would be the right choice but it's not a choice :creep:


    Its not like the gays voted to get Lies stems instead of Superhuman :creep:

  9. Not sure of why "Here's a warning" out of all the songs on the album. I think that and Like Hell are the... "weakest" songs. But the album is just gorgeous. I Also feel that there's no "filler" that really breaks the line like some songs on Kin & Blue 




    True Love is Violent sound so vanilla to a song with the title like TRUE LOVE IS VIOLENT.


    I expected something heavier for the production... I already mentioned that I felt like the Demo was "weak" but could be iconic and then she made the album version even softer nnnnn

  11. "Worst" in this thread doesn't mean it's bad, it just means the other records are, somehow, better but.... :creep:


    The thing 'bout froot being written by Marina and produced by one guy is interesting but for me still not enough to just "wow what a record". I think most of the songs sound just plain and they could go in different ways\stronger, and that's more "production-wise" but still it was her choice to do it like this :creep:


    Better Than That, Weeds, Forget... they are all nice songs but that's it, it doesn't have the "WOW" factor you get when you listen to Radioactive's last chorus, the chills from Power & Control bridge, Lies last chorus... And even the stuff from TFJ. 


    Lyrically I think it's beautiful but all the records are packed with amazing lyrics & melodies so...

  12. We can all agree that I’m not a(sex) Robot is overrated


    I used to really "dislike" IANAR til I saw god singing it right at my face and I had a meltdown and cried the whole song like she just cut all my circuits and I felt flesh and bone


    never cried so much like Neon Nature idk what happened that day




    For a second I forgot that Obsessions is her best song and I hope she'll forgive me

  13. Buy the Stars THAT BALLAD.

    Happy, Numb, Rootless... all these girls can take a seat.


    I wonder how she feels about it. The "IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN" thing makes me feel she either really gets emotional or hate the song :creep:

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