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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. tea, considering the whole album is ~lo-fi~ the production sounds expensive (idk how to word it lol)



    true. also, did she use the same team from EH for FROOT? i though she did way better with promo in FROOT than EH. the fact she performed in GMA (American tv!) was surprising 


    Pretty sure it happened because they always tried to bring her into america way "deeper" than Europe since EH. 

    Electra Heart had some messy TV lives if I remember correctly but I'm almost sure she did Lies like Twice and never did P&C.


    FROOT was interesting because of Good Morning America but still kinda messy, I guess the album leak months prior release only made it worst... she also did Festival Season prior the release so that was kinda interesting.

  2. True Love Is Violent stems are actually way more interesting than the song itself ??????

    Not that I'm completly shook about it but oh wow

  3. Are them any good? Or just acapella, piano and some synth


    Downloaded right now and it seems really cool (more into multitrack than Stems, with every lil piece of the "drumset" as it's own track)

  4. RIP the X concept




    Ok about this I... ACTUALLY... DIDN'T REALLY GET IT.

    But I never found the "rabbithole" site so idk if there was some info or wtf I just really always found these videos truly awkward and not really..."going-anywhere"



    as someone said for TLIV gif: "Some type of school art year project trying to look edgy"

  5. Also about the name changes I don't know if someone already made this joke in this thread but I really think they did but it's never enough to use queen gretchen so



    Here we have the representation of Chameleon Hughes through the years and name changes


  6. there's something weird about her name changes, because Tongue Tied was released as Allie X, way before Catch was released. She used Allie X as her stage name way before when her aesthetic was still Urban Outfitters cheapest items :air:


    I thought Tongue Tied was Allie X Andra rip how messy. But it was likely because it was her nickname at the ALX band itself I guess. (Also throwback to the fact that even as a band, she performed solo with Natiuluss for Montek  :air:). She just adjusted\adopted the name to go full solo....



    I'm really intrigued by Tongue Tied being released as the debut single because I really didn't expect that and I feel there's plenty more good songs that we have no idea :creep:

  7. it's ridiculous to think she didn't have fans during her ALX days. At least 10, come on JFJDJF probably they don't even know she turned into Allie X


    The ALX days were pretty fast tho, no?

    I mean they did really few gigs and dropped IWLYM as a single but that was all... We don't even own many studio versions from the songs from these days for example. I think it's only behind "Allie X Andra" since she just recorded demos before changing for the final name "Allie X" (and tongue tied was released I guess but it was...for artists only no general public nn)

  8. she didn't have fans til BITCH was born let's get it right :creep: nn


    I Actually wonder if there's no one who knew her from the earliest days in her career, i mean, she did few gigs around Toronto so...

  9. There was that one song called "All Is Forgiven" in a video Eclipse posted on Instagram. Was it ever clarified to be a new song or an alternate title for a song we already know?


    We think it's a Electra Heart Outtake, together with Superhuman

  10. Possible song titles for MATD4 -


    Birds Of Feathers

    Handmade Heaven

    Future Feels


    Source: After Marina changed her Twitter profile pic earlier this week, she added 3 new posts under these captions. So people are speculating..


    Other possible tracks:



    There's Nothing Wrong With You


    If it's Worth it/Worth it




    All these are so amazing but then when the album drops we'll get something like... idk



  11. When someone mxntions your past





    "Miss Alexandra look at the ca..."




    Also  I never expected to stan a Popstar where the discussion would be "what's the next gift she's dropping"

  12. Who was the motherfucker that leaked FROOT


    It came from Scotland If I remember correctly and it was from a press thing. I scream.

    I remember people were mad at Brazil cuz it was the same week a brazilian blog wrote their review but they got it with Universal Brasil so it was really impossible to leak.


    That was... so messy :creep:

    The journalists getting their copy by January like...What her label thought because...

  13. I WANT


    Ok it could be pretty cute actually and could work out as some way to "embrace past & future". Following the lines that she's also getting more personal with fans & everyone.... But we know it's just impossible :creep:


    It's such a ride to listen from the early works to CLX II.  I feel someway really proud of her lol

  14. They probably do have Unleaked demos & stuff but I think this type of things is just harder to leak.

    Stems are a "smaller problem", xpecially with the fact they're pretty old already.


    Unreleased songs set the alarms because they'll try to shut the person that may end up having new material. I also think it's a "team" thing that some artirts care and some don't. Remember the fact Marina freaked with EH leaks and she was also pissed with Froot....

  15. hey that's me also they* sorry it's pedantic but y'know


    also ngl if you read all the logs, it's clear 24/7 was Not Exactly Truthful.  he contradicted himself quite a few times and i guess didn't think i'd notice it.  so don't take it all as 100% fact.


    regardless YEAH she clearly had a strong focus at the start, let it expand too much in the middle, and refocused it at the end in a completely different way.


    at the end of the day, the record we got was solid but it deserved so much more.  still thankful we have what we do tho, better the unsolved era than everything end up in trading circles.


    honestly this is so right.  i mean the cover is supposed to be about putting yourself back together, and at least that is told clearly enough, but it doesn't resonate with the whole thing.


    THAT BEING SAID, admittedly i completely understand her not wanting to explain the lyrics.  i personally think a lot of the lyrics are a lot more personal than she wants to have to fully Say.  sometimes it's easier to put it through a lens of a fictional context and sing it than fully explain what you mean in its original space.


    xplanations annoy me because they're often messily mixed and edited or the jump cuts are really weird.  i'm honestly fine with her intentionally not explaining the more personal lyrics but i wish she wouldn't squirm out of Every lyric.


    honestly your point about her having the potential to be serious is so true, admittedly her lyrics can sometimes be a little basic, but she clearly knows how to make a song and i personally want to see her drop the veil of X and tell HER story.  not to say rename herself or anything but like, if any of you are st. vincent fans, on masseduction, specifically Happy Birthday, Johnny, she actually breaks the st. vincent "character" and refers to herself by her real name, and it ends up being an impactful moment because it's clear she dropped the veil there and got personal.


    altho my example falters bc she intentionally declines questions about the song, but in a way i prefer it that way.




    as for allie's substance rn?  i think she's intentionally keeping it vague and not-too-bizzare-and-heavy while she's building her audience still.  even tho clx2's promo has flopped, she is definitely a decent bit more known than she was in clx1 era.  and i think she knows what she's doing.  let me have faith fdhgjfdgfdhdfhgfh


    okay first of all drag her all you want but like, i stand by the fact it was probably her label who forced the release that late.  she knew we were waiting and she absolutely put all the songs out (vinyls 2 months before release, listening party) in advance on purpose.  she didn't want to wait either.  she even liked one of my tweets about this as far as i know?


    also her site had an unused banner indicating the reveal was originally a day earlier, think i remember posting about it here.  good times.


    forgive me for now quoting you three times in one post but, honestly i think she cut alexandra due to the mediocre reception and the fact she couldn't get the production right.  considering the """final""" 24/7 has his hands on is literally just a stem edit of the unsolved demo, i take it she didn't get very far or didn't like what she came up with.  i'm legit going through the same thing rn with some songs on my record whew i feel u sis


    she should finish it and release it tho, the live version remains ultra skinny stunning



    jknkanskaskn Don't worry about the quote numbers I don't mind

    1. Truly shook at "THEY" 

    2. I really didn't meant to "drag her" or anything, it was just to put my ideas on u know? It's still her choice if she wants to scrap 3 records and release a forth one and I won't really complain becaue it's her vision, but I just meant that she probably got a mindshift from the original CLX II and changed the whole thing.


    3. For Alexandra I don't know. Because like, I always found the Unsolved version awkward next to the live from 2015 (and I kinda don't believe that Unsolved songs were like "real time-produced" I feel like some of that stuff was probably really old (the voice memos one xpecially) and she just put them up after "finding" to get an idea of what doing with it. Like right now we all talk about Purge but when she dropped the memo it was a pretty letdown for many who dragged the song and really didn't give her any "advice" about the producing (wheres "Casanova" really got lot of helpful feedback I guess). As you mentioned the "final" on 24\7 hands was just a really "Stem edit" but I mean, the song has been like that for over 3 years then... It's more likely that she got bored of it than really getting to "dislike the final product". (Also as I mentioned, I'm almost sure that the Winner from the "OHDH Competition" was a snippet from Alexandra)




    Oh so there are multiple pressings for CLX I? Because my copy has Never Enough on it :xtina:


    Oh I meant the lyrics darling sorry lol :lel:

    The Vinyl Foil comes with lyrics for all the songs except Never Enough

  16. Let me know how the sound quality is. Both mine and a friend's CollXtion I vinyl sound mediocre at best, so I wonder if we were just unlucky or if all copies are of poor quality.



    ...tbh I'm not quite sure  :toofunny: LMAO

    Like, I think Hello\Catch\Prime were all good, but Tumor somehow gave me a tease like it could be... Medium Quality ?  :creep:

    The for Bitch it also sounded a bit awkward but again Good\Sanctuary\Never Enough felt really nice, Xpecially the last one 

    Also may sound a bit random but I'd love to hear a "Stand Back" cover



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