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Everything posted by DinahLee

  1. DinahLee


    I didn't want to admit but I feel so amazed by CLXI and CLXII is not a bad record, but not even reducing it to 7 songs it would be incredible as CLXI. Hello, Catch, Prime and Tumor. You listen to these and you get real chills\shivers at certain points (Catch at the moment the last Chorus hits, at the end of the bridge, when after holding back you can hear her breath. Hello right before every chorus, specially with the "Toms\Snare-roll"... Tumor at the last chorus when the synths and vocals all melt together) Then Bitch which is just incredible as a whole. Good is the "sentimental-lyrics-moment" on the record, it's like the ballad, but it's not really a ballad. And even thought I don't like sanctuary at all, I also recognize it as a Monumental song. The lyrics itself, the production, everything is really "on-point" AND THEN NEVER ENOUGH AKA HER BEST SONG It's truly a standout as a whole record. CLXII have some beautiful songs and some standouts, but as a whole, it feels a bit...flat...(?) Downtown is top5 her songs at all tho
  2. DinahLee


    yes exactly mess lmao Also found tiny clips of Catch & Old Habits Die Hard (and too much too dream i swear I thought it was shorter like only 3 songs or something but I think these were all)
  3. DinahLee


    Missing this legend today. Ugh already 1 year and a month since first saw her. Hope she'll come later this year\2019 edit: UUUUUUUUUGH THE FACT SHE PERFORMED NEVER ENOUGH & CASANOVA ACOUSTIC THIS CLOSE TO ME AND I RUINED IT WITH MY UGLY VOICE. FUCK.
  4. DinahLee


    TITJ I'm deceased Also we have many acapellas & instrumentals but I don't think they can count as stems tho right? From top of my head I remember Affliction, True Love is Violent, Reborn... In other news I need to listen to Phantom in full someone help
  5. DinahLee


    https://twitter.com/alliex/status/950854903689371659 Sis leak it n
  6. The bad thing: I think once a song is locked in a "court battle", it can't be played live, played on radio and could be removed from streaming platforms... Now that she said they tried "months back", it would make sense to not perform the song\not possible to do so... how sad
  7. I swear I'm DYING to watch Lana pick up the footage for Cherry and make a Get Free video just because of the controversy right after winning at the cort. It would be the CHERRY on top. "Lana del rey wins & release brand new music video" Ugh so stupid they really tried 100%. Lana was smart tweeting about it, she did it before the media went on a full shitstorm and they seem to be on her side
  8. I don't really care if the dates will be sold out I'm happy as long as they don't cancel any show LOL GO GIRL GO Also hoping the stage will get even better\beautiful visuals since it's a bigger tour. Endless Summer was cool, lets see this
  9. sell out or because the website already stopped selling them cuz of timing\only avaliable at avenue now? I tried to check it few minutes ago but it was stupid cuz it's already offline
  10. the GA looking better now for the seats...well... hope they will be giving away tickets outside the arena lol
  11. I thought V2 of Live Or Die was confirmed fake
  12. Plot Twist Paradise (the song) is there to represent Paradise era even tho both are no way related n
  13. What Y'all predicting for the setlist? Hoping for National Anthem & Video Games and dmd from BTD, Ultraviolence & Pretty When You Cry from Ultra, Ride for Paradise since cola was cancelledT fuck and few more from Honeymoon. Music To Watch Boys To live was really really cool, also some other stuff like Religion or art deco or swan song right before GET FREE closing the show wow jesus lord is watching And hoping most of the setlist is from LFL this time around. She can keep In My Feelings\Groupie Love out but choose the rest ok just saw on twitter someone mentioning Elvis this is satan's work. https://twitter.com/LDRaddic/status/949410743983722497
  14. I totally forgot this was happening today lel omg just saw about rehearsed songs. Paradise is...interesting. But I won't hype myself cuz it might be like the first endless summer with Us Agaisn't The World & You can be the boss and then they were cut
  15. DinahLee


    Listening to lifted right now and just thought "It would be so great to have a vid for this" Then I realized she's saying "KIDS" (actually "BOYS AND GIRLS") on the lyrics already pictured herself surrounded by random kids like smoking weed and got a shiver down my spine. Then imagined something tacky as her head floating like a balloon and now I def. don't want any vid.
  16. DinahLee


    I think she really don't see herself as an..."idol" and that's why of the random jokes about her lifestyle at all. Otherwise i think she would promote the whole "body ecology" thing like talk often about it etc and I feel that she only ever spoke about it when asked directly. Not sure tho
  17. DinahLee


    Happy New Year sweethearts! Like you guys a lot and love this thread! Always so much fun to discuss the power of X. Hope your year is bright and clxiii comes alive
  18. The fact she's using a song from Honeymoon on that video teaser...I die Still waiting to get Lollapalooza tickets. After Marina 2015 I'll just wait til I'm sure this woman is already on the backstage getting ready We can always jump some walls if the show goes sold out right gurlzz
  19. DinahLee


    It's a different one, she tweeted the pic and she's like sat in the middle of a room (I think it's actually on a rug) but I can't even remember the right colors and when I searched on twitter I couldn't find it. ugghh too bad I can't remember the right words. but found a really awkward manual "RT" from 2011 with a link from a twitpic on a random woman looking really...different
  20. DinahLee


    no no! more likely a random photoshoot for a magazine around CLXI. I might try to dig the tweet
  21. DinahLee


    This reminds me of a Throwback she did some time ago and it was a random photoshoot but her hair was... "short" (well for me it wasn't really short but compared to her hair right now...)
  22. When I checked this yesterday I was about to quote someone saying "Hunny "flopped" is different from Alternative we have the girls that tried mainstream and failed and the ones that are just fine with their fame" and thinking now after TFJ\EH i think marina is part of these girls from the first part of this post but nnn
  23. DinahLee


    I just imagined miss Hughes herself updating the messy VK page crackling thinking "They will all freak out"
  24. DinahLee


    Unless it's really pitched\edited, no LMAO But no ideia of who's singing tho. Searched the lyrics and nothing showed up
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