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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. Last note to get attacked about before I wake up and none of this matters (just my 2 cents please sound off I’m sure you will)


    I personally don’t see Lana writing about a trans person offensive because it’s still STORYTELLING. How can she accurately write about life in the 60’s and not have lived it?? She’s a story teller, if she wanted to share that story (which is insane, she doesn’t.) she’d be fully dedicated to it and would make it a beautiful story


    She’s not doing that now though at all. 

    please get some sleep and time away, you’ve all been arguing for hours now, close the app and have a breather. 

  2. I hate to say it, but I’m bouncing off team delusional


    I think since she posted that video announcing everything, the ‘surprise’ part of the album was dropped, she didn’t say the 5th because it’s not coming the 5th. 

    If it’s going to he streaming only the 5th like so many of you claim, and you also say it takes a day max to upload an album, they wouldn’t be keeping hush hush about it because there’d be no risk 




    prove my wrong lana

  3. 1 minute ago, CinnamonGay said:

    Also I think she will surprise drop Let Me love U like a woman today with album cover and tracklist tomorrow and album next day ...



    I’m afraid it’s getting too late now for a surprise drop today, and (unless Saturday holds out) we should get “surprise drop” out of our minds and focus on what she tells us, I don’t think there’s going to be any sudden drop, it’s gonna be planned out and announced 

  4. 1 minute ago, iwannadie said:

    IIRC when she announced MAC and VB and said they were coming soon, they actually came soon and pretty randomly too lol

    but idk, NFR era is a hazy, feverish memory :whatever:

    No she made a post that said two end of summer jams coming out next week, and the next week on the day MAC had a radio premiere and the week after that VB did too

  5. 1 minute ago, IanadeIrey said:

    COTCC - September 4th! Elusively said “soon” because it’s gonna be announced 12 hours before it drops! Insert Mariah Carey gif! 

    I want to believe you so bad but my brain is full of doubt 


    we have more questions than answers at this point. When is the first single dropping, when is the album dropping, when is the video dropping 


    this morning all we thought about was the album 

  6. 1 minute ago, Lustrouslines said:

    I’m so confused cause she did say Violet is coming this month? As in like the physical copies? but weren’t those slated to be released in early october... there’s a bunch of confusion... i’m in awe of the post but it still feels like a mess :hooker: I am grateful to have heard that COCC is alive and breathing and in total production. An album release for Saturday sounds far fetched, but a single release for as soon as this Friday or next week sounds very possible. 

    the hardcover (so like the actual violet book) comes out this month. October is the vinyl of the audiobook from July 

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