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Posts posted by NikoGo

  1. 21 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I mean, like @electra and @Bunny Mozart said, I’m pretty sure sites are just confusing Violet’s physical copies being released on October 2nd with COTCC - they likely see in their system that an upcoming LDR release is coming that date and assume it’s the album that we ask about, and I agree that it would be a shipping catastrophe on her side of things to have 2 different records with multiple formats and editions be released on the same day. 

    Plus, I don’t think the album was finished being mastered until last month, as we saw Lana with a mixer in the TJF snippet, which was filmed at the end of July, so I think we’ll see a vinyl release in December or January. I still think that it will be surprise dropped at midnight EST on the 4th (or the 5th) and the morning of  September 3rd (or 4th) she’ll post the cover and tracklist and pre-order links for physicals like Taylor did with Folklore. After all, she did say it would be a surprise release, and while that obviously hasn’t meant keeping the album’s existence a secret, I think it’s safe to say that it means no single pre-release, no excessive sharing of snippets, and no interviews discussing the album’s sound, themes, or process before its release. I think she’ll just drop it pretty casually and then once it’s out, all the videos and other promotion will come out. 

    thank you for the words of wisdom like always


    also, I love that you abbreviate it COTCC and not COCC


    That being said, I don’t necessarily see the point in waiting the extra days to post the cover and track list, we already know it’s coming, some kind of confirmation (aside from Lana herself on here :hooker:) would be nice, and would calm the buzzing fans

  2. 1 minute ago, bored said:

    Was the snippets thing something she started doing during the Lust For Life era? Cos I don't remember getting any snippets from Lana herself for Honeymoon? Like she uploaded the title track to her YouTube, we got High By The Beach and Music To Watch Boys To as official singles (pre-album) and then Honeymoon and Terrence Loves You as buzz singles (pre-album). So like the other 10 songs we'd never even heard, am I right?

    I’m almost positive she teased 10 or so seconds of honeymoon on her honeymoon account about a month before the song came out


    but yeah the snippet teasing game started with Lust for Life

  3. 2 minutes ago, fucksforever said:

    my take on this is that her radio silence is actually a good thing. hear me out: with l4l, the reason she waited till the day of to announce to tweet "july 21 fam" was just because she never announced a May date. fans sort of jumped to conclusions based on random foreign websites listing it as that. her radio silence can actually be seen as a good thing if you really think about it. if it was going to be KNOWINGLY DELAYED, I'm sure she would let us know. and if not, then it simply comes when it comes and we'll unfortunately have to deal with the wait. but I'm sure she's working hard to make sure this album comes out when it needs to, to be honest.

    yeah that’s how I’m feeling too! This isn’t like her poetry book where she waited until days after to announce it was being delayed..this is a studio album and I feel like that alone makes it more serious since she has a music label that wouldn’t let her just wait until days after to announce it’s delayed

  4. Are we clowns for thinking this is coming out Saturday?? I’m trying so had to stay positive but her radio silence is really getting to me. I know it’s gonna come when it comes and she’s obviously working really hard, but we have no clue one way or the other. Except for a pre-order being in the source code and her saying the release date 4 months ago. I’ll be completely okay with it being delayed but this feels like L4L where we all think it’s happening and she waits till the day of to tweet ‘July 21st fam’


    I’m holding onto hope since Ben did say new music soon


    Praying to (Tulsa) Jesus (Freak) for my sanity this week



    edit to add: the preorder isn’t even public knowledge, we had to scrounge her website for that info

  5. Just now, IanadeIrey said:

    I think they’re two separate songs but she’s grouping them together visually (and maybe thematically as counterparts) like how she did with FILY and TG. 

    I had the feeling they probably were, but when she released both MAC and VB, LFA and SOTW (if you even count these two), and FIILY and TG together she made sure to say it was two separate ones, she just put Tulsa Jesus Freak:White Hot Forever. 

    Either way we should know soon enough!

  6. 3 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Potential video possibilities then: 


    Tulsa Jesus Freak - filmed by Chuck/Charlie in late July (yellow bodysuit with flannel/white shirt with sparkly earrings) 


    White Hot Forever - filmed by Chuck/Charlie with Craig Stark on December 16, 2019 (floral sundress with blue convertible on Beverly Hills street with palm trees) 


    Title track/other album track - filmed potentially by Rich Lee with her band members and Sheridan Ward, Etienne Ortega, and various other make-up artists on August 29/30 2020 (in Malibu house) 




    ****It is important to note that she first teased it as “Tulsa Jesus Freak:White Hot Forever” - and evidence is pointing towards the fact that her siblings shot both the potential videos for those songs, so maybe they’re going to be paired together as a double video?****

    so are we thinking it’s a double song/video, or is Tulsa Jesus Freak White Hot Forever? I can see it going either way..


    also, do we think she is gonna post anything about Norman or is she gonna put it off because she knows all of her comments are gonna be “omgggg I want ur COCC Lana”

  7. Just now, imenos said:

    am i the only one who thinks time went sooo fast since the end of the NFR era ?i don't think i felt that between the other eras like i feel in this one 

    I also feel that time went by super fast, it slowed down slightly when she announced the release date in May, and I feel that the last few weeks of aging has gone really slow since we’re all excited and anticipating the album 

  8. 1 minute ago, electra said:

    weird thought but i kind of find it ironic that sheridan is getting so much hate when, in reality, he's probably one of the only crew members i've ever seen giving us consistent and reliable info about what lana is currently doing right now for her projects? like have we actually ever received this much info and behind the scenes from one person before?

    I agree! We should be thankful he’s saying anything after the attacks he got yesterday 

  9. Wow these last few pages are terrible 





    it’s not September 5th yet good god why are you all attacking her, her character, and everyone around her as if today is October 30th and we haven’t heard anything??


    give the girl some time we’re almost positive she was just working YESTERDAY it’s not like she’s doing absolutely nothing. 

    She doesn’t need to post on Instagram that it’s been delayed because guess what??? It might not be!? If September 5th comes and goes with no news, okay, be a little upset. No use wasting energy being this angry 6 days before the announced release date. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Tropicobitchh said:

    That’s my though too.. it might not have been finished last week, but it doesn’t mean it won’t be ready until next week! The only bad thing about that is that we won’t get the CD’s and vinyls at the release date, since the album have to be done 90 days before the actual release date..

    which wouldn’t be new, LFL didn’t have physicals right away

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