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Everything posted by Distantly

  1. Maybe we already knew this but it just occurred to me, Paradise tattoo is still there!
  2. Are digipacks what the UV deluxe cd is?
  3. If this was in black and white she’d look like a 50s movie star. She looks so fucking good
  4. These are very eerie and interesting. Very cool!
  5. Yes I got a 30% off code too so that’s cool only if new stuff is added lol. But I’ll take it!! I did see on eBay that they have them for good prices but I agree I know the shipping can get high.. good luck!
  6. Yes LMAO a free tote, the black one that says “Blue Banisters” and has a couple blue flowers on it or whatever. I wonder if you can get the CDs on Discogs or EBay for relatively cheap since they’re CDs and not vinyls? Sorry you didn’t get them. I already had a copy of each and decided to just have two cause I really liked them and they were cheap, so not a huge loss for me but I hope you get to find them.
  7. I got the same email lol. And I love that first they said it was lost in transit, then they said it was delayed due to the mugs production. Whatever I’ll be getting the rest of my stuff next week probably I guess.
  8. FUCK these are all gorgeous FUCK. especially that Paradise one like I need that
  9. This sounds so good and like a classic song that can interest many generations. I hope it gets a proper release at some point. It sounds fantastic
  10. Literally jump scared me when I saw “Ray” like TO THIS DAY????????? I didn’t really hear it either lol I thought maybe it was just the tv speakers that make it sound different but then I came on here and people said it was different. I’m not sure lol
  11. Thank you both! I will email them for sure. I did once but they came back and said it’s delayed due to the mugs production, but still nothing now
  12. She really got almost 1.5M Spotify streams??? That’s amazing considering nothing on BB did that except maybe Dealer lol
  13. My stuff from the village for BB still haven’t moved and it’s officially been over 3 months since I ordered 😭
  14. I agree I would’ve preferred HM or for me even better UV. But they did it based on influential and more “historical” albums so I get it and am pleased that she got 3 albums when other artists involved only got 1 or 2. But I think instead of Paradise UV could’ve worked, but I’m happy with the results regardless. Not the price though 😡
  15. I have to agree cause we were really giving our opinions on the covers as if our tax bracket allowed us to 😂😂😂😂😂
  16. Well I’m devastated not gonna lie. But, let the heartbreak start now so I can get over it by the time I see people actually buy them
  18. I won’t rest unless i own the BTD one. I mean all of them, but I definitely need that BTD without argument
  19. Wait I actually do LOVE that “insiders” told us that there’d be a powerful bridge with all these instruments and it’s not that we got a weaker bridge, we just didn’t get one 😂😂😂😂 but regardless, I actually LOVE the song. It’s perfect for a TV show song and really cute and kinda sad but not in a painful way. Almost in a nostalgic warm way. I think it’s wonderful.
  20. This really is a great cover because it fits so well with multiple albums lmao. I hope I get to own it 😭 i actually love the Norman one. It fits so well when thinking of the title track, MAC, VB, FIILY, HTD, California. Paradise I hope seeing it in person, if I get to own it, hits more. For now I can see the vision of ‘Paradise’ but it’s not fully clicking yet and I think it’s possibly cause of not seeing it in proper view yet
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