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Everything posted by crazyforme

  1. This announcement brought me out of LB retirement. I'm definitely intrigued. Hope it's country inspired but not full blown country 😭
  2. what final metacritic score are y'all predicting? i feel it will hover around 80, hope it goes higher tho
  3. Ravyn Lenae's debut record has been ON REPEAT. Best R&B record for me this year
  4. the new Florence album particularly 'the bomb'
  5. Just found out Nasri Tony Atweh is the lead singer of the band MAGIC! Rude is one of the most annoying songs ever made just sayin'
  6. text book 59 black bathing suit 87 if you lie down with me 40 dealer 30
  7. 1. Text Book 16 2. Blue Banisters 14 5. Black Bathing Suit 28 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 8. Violets for Roses 19 (-) 9. Dealer 21 10. Thunder 21 11. Wildflower Wildfire 28 12. Nectar of the Gods 12 (+) 13. Living Legend 22 14. Cherry Blossom 14 15. Sweet Carolina 11
  8. Well, now we know "soonish" for Lana means 2 months. What does "later later" mean then?
  9. How long did Lana say the mastering and mixing and the vinyl stuff takes? Like 3-4 months? I'm thinking a November release (?) idk I could be entirely wrong
  10. Gonna Shazam that song everyday till something pops up
  12. We should start a petition for Lana to go on Instagram live to update us on the album. Wonder how many signatures we could get lol
  13. I don't think they should literally nothing's happening Lana-wise and it's funny af. There's nothing BB related to talk about and we gotta keep this thread alive
  14. Let's not forget Lana's birthday is coming up maybe she'll post something that day
  15. Now that I think about it, she could've released the three songs in the span of three weeks. Like a song per week and that would've kept us on our toes for a bit longer. The excitement is slowly dying out
  16. That Fiona Apple album everyone deems to be the apex of music. There are some decent songs but I just couldn't get into it
  17. Happy Rock Candy Sweet release day! *rocking back and forth in an empty corner*
  18. All that's left to do is wait it's all there ever is to do
  19. They're all good but I agree PERIOD. I'm a Cruel World stan
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