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Everything posted by StillOnMyMind

  1. So I guess digital release October 8th and physicals 22th. Living Legend is beautiful but it needs an urgent rework. The electric guitar at the end is heavenly tho.
  2. So we have 5 songs left to know. Some of then were new right?
  3. I love Text Book and it’s my favourite of the three she released, however, I don’t know how to feel about it being The rest seems like it’s going one of her best albums yet.
  4. Seriously I’m so tired of all these tracklist theories. She better announces the official one in a matter of hours or tomorrow.
  5. The album’s not gonna leak. Solar Power didn’t leak and the situation was much worse with two full songs leaked.
  6. It sounds like her… if it’s true she really screams in that one.
  7. I guess she is posting it on Instagram as she usually does before the official release.
  8. Wasn’t it clear that the album was called Blue Banisters?
  9. At this point Dealer might end up being one of my favourites or a complete mess.
  10. No teaser today Do you think she will post the tracklist as she normaly does the day before or we will see it on the pre-order?
  11. Text Book opening the album is unrealistic. 3 more days of fake tracklists, here we go.
  12. Cruel World, Love and White Dress don’t open with strings…
  13. 3 days to discover her most mysterious tracklist to date
  14. Cherry Blossom and Thunder made the final tracklist. Fine China was scrapped. The rest is unclear.
  15. The thing I remember is him saying that she re-named the album to Arcadia and he got surprised when saw the cover and Blue Banisters was there again.
  16. Taking into account it’s September and the album comes this year, it’s almost impossible the album pre-order does not come with Arcadia. Besides, she has been doing this since NFR (The greatest/fiily, COCC and now Arcadia).
  17. Hasn’t the insider from Popjustice said Arcadia + album pre order on Wednesday? I don’t see the mystery anywhere. The double album thing is a complete reach. BOZ said it was a little more than 11 tracks when asked, so I don’t think it’s the case.
  18. If there was a double album BOZ would have spilled. He talked about BB as a normal album so don’t get your hopes up. At this point I just want a traditional release. Three albums in a year is a mess and a half. Two are enough.
  19. The way you are all going to switch for this album just like you did with NFR… I still remember the meltdowns when Mariners, Venice and hope were released.
  20. The insider said October and he has proved to be legit.
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