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Everything posted by StillOnMyMind

  1. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 9,5 Mariners Apartment Complex - 9,5 Venice Bitch - 9,5 Fuck It I Love You - 9 Doin’ Time - 8,5 Love Song - 10 Cinnamon Girl - 10 How To Disappear - 9,5 Cinnamon Girl - 10 California - 9,5 The Next Best American Record - 9 The Greatest - 10 (10000000) Bartender - 8 Happiness Is A Butterfly - 9 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it - 7,5 What an immaculate album. 0 skips, 0 bad songs. She did that.
  2. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 16 Mariners Apartment Complex - 12 Venice Bitch - 15 Fuck it I Love You - 11 Doin' Time - 5 Love Song - 13 (+) Cinnamon Girl - 9 California - 10 The Greatest - 15 Bartender - 14 Happiness is a Butterfly - 11 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 8 (-)
  3. If the piano version had been included you would be complaining because of the amount of piano ballads: NFR HTD Bartender HIAB hope I love it the way it is. I don’t think it’s bad produced or cheap. She shouldn’t have performed it in first place; opinions would be sooooo much different now.
  4. Daily reminder that FIILY last minute was recorded in the Olympus to feed us mortals with grace and perfection.
  5. 1. Ride 2. Born To Die 3. Norman Fucking Rockwell 4. Love 5. Honeymoon 6. Cruel World I love CW but the rest are just too good.
  6. In their minds they know Lana has released a masterpiece. Seeing them crying is satisfying.
  7. Bombarding with 0 just show how good the album is and how perturbed they are because Lana outdid their faves. Taylor, Billie and Ariana WISH.
  8. NFR is probably the next single. The streams are stunning, didn't expect this. I mean, the song is immaculate but the difference over the rest is actually big. Cinnamon Girl and Love Song should end the era, but knowing Lana if we get a one more single we are blessed. It's the weirdest track on the album and the melody is not that instant. It's a great track, but I guess it needs to grow on people.
  9. I've just watched Ajayll's reaction and I wasn't ready for this. I mean, I said yesterday that she tends to overreact, but this reaction is the first one I saw from her that is completely pure and fluent. I feel her because this is what I felt the first time I listened to the album. She loved all damn god songs excepting California and Bartender (the first one kinda surprised me). And there's a particular detail for me, she adored HTD and TNBAR and this is obviously because she didn't heard the first versions so she can't judge like you do, and it's what will happen with people on her situation. 12 little marks is her record for all the reactions I've seen of her. NFR is definitely Lana's best album, there's no a single doubt for me, it's perfect from the beginning to the end. She did that, that is what she did.
  10. I like Ajayll but most part of her videos are her overreacting and faking emotions. I mean, she's funny as hell, but I don't take her seriously.
  11. Knowing this bitch she will probably put 500 snippets on her instagram. I don't think she will do a surprise release, don't think Interscope is into that.
  12. It's absolutely gorgeous. The transition to Love Song to CG to HTD... a stellar moment in her career.
  13. The critical acclaim... I'm so proud of her, she has created her best album and critics are responding well.
  14. I'd be happy with a 85, still low for this masterpiece but it's decent. The fact that thank u, next got a 86... those reviewers should be ashamed.
  15. Wow, 88 is amazing. It will go down but the album will probably keep in the 80s. Clearly her best album. You have a big deal with White Hot Forever gurl.
  16. School needs to start ASAP. Seriously, when they grow up and see what invested their time in I hope they realize how ridiculous they were.
  17. Well, I hope despite the fucking 60 from The Tel**** it manages to reach 80.
  18. It will probably surpass LFL. At least we have two 100 so far (not counted yet) LFL maximum score was 83.
  19. So we have two 100 in the store so far?
  20. I like Lover a lot, but comparing it to NFR is... well. Lana is on another level and Taylor will never be close to it.
  21. So everyone who doesn't complain about the mixing is because we have a bad ear? nice to know sis.
  22. Yeah, some people think Paradise is an album, others consider it an EP. I count it as an album. Bruno Mars last album has 9 tracks and it's consider an album so... I'm pretty confident that half of WHF is done and she will have it finished by the beginning of 2020. And it will be a title track for sure, I believe.
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