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Everything posted by StillOnMyMind

  1. Which day of October do you guys think she is releasing the album? My bets are on the 22th since Coldplay are releasing on the 15th and Ed Sheeran on the 29th. October 1st and 8th are quite improbable since it’s too soon (but who knows with her).
  2. Rock Candy Sweet was a lyric of one of the scrapped songs of BB (Loved You Then and Now, I think). So I highly doubt it’s just two separate albums. She just switched titles as she has done plenty of times before.
  3. Did u realize this is a public forum and that your post are negative as fuck?
  4. BOZ said it was a little more than 11 so it will be 12-13. No way there are 16 tracks on this album.
  5. You are calling snooze a song you haven’t heard just by 20 seconds. What do u expect?
  6. The way you were questioning a reliable insider again and you have been wrong in a matter of minutes… Love the single cover and I can’t wait to see the tracklist next week.
  7. I still don’t believe the full thing is coming on a Wednesday and without pre-orders first knowing her vinyl sell power.
  8. At this point she better releases in October. Adele is strongly rumored for November 5th and Taylor comes the week after. I know she does not give a damn about sales and competition but I bet Interscope does. Is that insider reliable?
  9. I really hope pre-order comes up this Friday. I think we have waited enough since Arcadia teaser and BB official album cover.
  10. I hope a reworked version of Flipside makes the album. Her best song deserves it.
  11. She has been pretty active in Instagram recently so I guess things are coming soon.
  12. I think album pre-order with Arcadia will come next week or in two weeks (pre-order must come 100% in September tho). Release date for late October or mid November I guess.
  13. By the way, I just entered Lana's twitter and I don't know if BB's cover was posted as a fixed tweet before or not. I think not since yesterday I think it was not there.
  14. Imagine being served two times in a year and complaining about outtakes and leaks that you listened illegally by yourselves. Cannot wait to hear Arcadia, I need that song ASAP.
  15. I’ve never liked Fine China so I’m happy with her decision. And this is the reason why I don’t care about BOZ taste.
  16. I will never understand COCC hate. It’s beautiful from the start to the end. Maybe in five years you will start praising it as you are doing with Honeymoon now.
  17. Because she hasn’t released a new album this year and she owes you another one. At least you should be grateful she is releasing two albums in one year, and both will probably end up praised by the critics.
  18. If you hadn’t been told about the songs being outakes you would’t be crying right now because you wouldn’t have even noticed. So please, stop complaining about absolutely everything because it’s frustrating. Wait and listen to the album first, then come and cry if you please.
  19. BOZ taste is basically tragic. Don’t take him too seriously. He is an extreme Dula stan that has praised every single thing she has released after FN (standard edition) which generally has been a major choice. He hated COCC, suddenly he praised the three new songs and suddenly he does not like it because she has scrapped the song or songs he liked. Then he comes hyping Kacey up like tomorrow does not exist and the title track turned out to be a weird thing. And I could provide more examples of his taste because 95% of the times he loves things I do not. Besides, he is not a Lana stan since who knows. Here it comes another praised album I fear.
  20. Title tracks: Chemtrails > Norman > Born to Die > Blue Banisters > Ultraviolence > Honeymoon > Lust for Life BB could even reach BTD within the album context once it’s out. I’m so happy about this beautiful song being a title track as well.
  21. But the rest of Chemtrails songs showed up and so BB, WW and TB.
  22. I don’t think it’s coming tomorrow but I hope it comes next week. The soonish thing happened like 1000 years ago and still nothing. Next week we should check Shazam regularly, if it pops up it means it’s coming that week 100%.
  23. I wish it is end of August like NFR!. We all know this will be her most acclaimed record to date so releasing it in that same week would be nice.
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