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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. OMG SHE ANNOUNCED ALBUM 6 https://x.com/MarinaDiamandis/status/1812526973802946738?t=jOPagZSKgggrSeQVyu7EfQ&s=19
  2. This thread name could literally be a Lana song title
  3. Oh idk maybe to make the song that literally just came out. Just a guess.
  4. I meant in this recent cancellation danger ere we're in
  5. The western collapse we needed and got Mark my words, all the pop girls who were afraid of guns are gonna make guns part of their aesthetic because of LDR
  6. Your lana MV's always ATE On the description it also says it's distributed by Quality Control Music. The label he's in.
  7. Teaser looks great! We are finally winning!
  8. Clay is drafting his lawsuit at this very moment.
  9. That's not out of the realm of possibilities it's true.
  10. Sometimes I wish I was this out of touch with reality ngl
  11. Y'all are really foaming out the mouth now. Seek help.
  12. Lana's late to most of her own shows. You think she's gonna give af about an interview before or after the show? Let alone with somebody with no name.
  13. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Not to speak ill of the mentally ill but like yeah there's no way he's a professional journalist with access to a woman who doesn't like doing interviews in the first place. Be so serious.
  14. Let's be real it was probably lanasbottom who bullied/stalked her in Paris today
  15. Israël ruined the whole vibe. Its over.
  16. Well that was a wild day. Onto week two of LANACHELLA
  17. I only say Lana mad dogging a backup singer who did a solo. She was SHOOK that she was upstaged.
  18. It was the absolute lack of energy that did it for me. Lana can sell vocals even if they are shaking. This, she gave absolutely nothing. Her looks were the best in years tho so there's that.
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