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Everything posted by HighbytheSea

  1. Its definitely up there, the ending was incredible. Im only giving it one listen through and then saving my next listen for the tomorrow with my sister so I can't pass judgment yet. Its funny i thought the title was on the blander side, but then the content, just, her mind.
  2. When you first panic cus Land of 1000 Fires sounds so much lower quality, then that production kicks in and you realize we're in her cauldron. I smiled that whole poem. Lo-fi spell
  3. Nailed it. Excellent taste. I think truly the only ones that weren't FIRE KNOCK OUTS were just Never To Heaven and What Happened When I Left You.
  4. THE EXPERIENCE!!! I cannot believe I cried. She found some way to make poems she wrote from recent to two years ago be so relatable to the point of voyeurism. Sportcruiser did it for me but they were all so unique. Jack was essential to this project. Tessa Dipietro is so funny, and SALAMANDER!!! UGHHH I knew I had a reason to suspect it, its one of the tops. Land of 1000 Fires is witchiness in a bottle and its a beauty, My Bedroom was so artful. I could keep going but I also want to read everyone's reactions so that's what I'm gonna do. This was BREATH TAKING
  5. Ooof a mess but honestly its like standard now haha. To those listening (legally) YES to your reactions! Myself, I'll be waiting till 12 here in Pennsylvania and if its not there I'm hitting a river in the morning anyway. I think people underestimated what this was going to be, and im thrilled watching the heads roll.
  6. Oh lord did a glitch just clown every one of us, or are you all about to get it in like a minute...
  7. Oh no Sir do not feel bad. I have a thing where I basically decide I love something long before I witness it. This was a done deal way back when she put Happy up on insta. Still your words were great!! Copy that on the headphones!
  8. Woof, the jealousy. Lord im gonna go make a pizza to distract myself. @@takeitdoen your review has me beyond excited, beautiful write up. Jealousy is such an ugly chick and we're hanging out all day ugh
  9. Salamander!! I can't and I won't, I won't read the transcribed words. That snippet though, I couldn't resist. Its damaged, self loathing, like shes talking to herself walking circles in a garden, trying to understand her own reasoning. This is gonna kill me. Exactly 12 hours here on the east coast
  10. Damnit,up at 530am for no reason so I guess my countdown begins!so hyped for a clean hd version of Happy, and I have an extra craving to hear Salamander, im not sure why. This day is gonna take forever!!!
  11. Certainly listening at midnight on my stoop, then off to a creek in the morning. With this year so wrong, this experience must go right!
  12. Damn, my Venice Bitch rant was inspired by some serious greenery but I said what I said and that's that on that. But Greatest and HiaB come back to me very frequently. Bartender is my ride home song, and NFR plays about everyday. But Venice, its her. Also yes Lana's current status is sort of crazy. She has the number one trending video and most discussed act between 3 superstars meanwhile this album is just cruising proving her worth to doubters. It didn't need to do that but it did
  13. Will this post be top of page 200?? Who knows...but what I do know is that Venice Bitch is best on the album and we need to continue this debate. My god the instrumentation, the journey it takes you on, the memories you havent lived yet displaying on the dashboard as you cruise. The lyrics, the lived in feeling she personifies, as though she truly knows this kind of song needed to be made for those who need it. Epic. Beautiful. Venice bitch. Who's runner up or tied? <keep in mind I adore this masterpiece> The Greatest gets runner up
  14. Listened to it twice so far, you can tell Lana knew she was about to ride a high cus shes having a blast and steals the song. Girl knew her album would be busy having a moment
  15. I mean I legit understand the point, but The Greatest and Venice Bitch are both on this album, and bartender sneaks in the back soooooo. LFL had 13 Beaches, Get Free, Love, and Tomorrow Never came (get off me) as my jams but NFR is like this consistent step up to so many things she has done
  16. Theres things I wanna say to you... Jk love what you love,LFL had it's own place in my heart but this, this is it.
  17. I love how The Greatest is the greatest "shut down anything" song. Bar closing? Greatest. End of a relationship? Greatest. World ending? The Greatest
  18. Yup yup yup. The album ends with HiaB many times for me. Hope is that gut punch, and the trio of Bartender to HiaB to Hope is really rough, an extremely sad slide inward. Still love it, its just... alot
  19. Driving home from work and exited the car just as HTD was starting. Damn if I didnt walk in and play it through. Bells still throw me, but I imagine her own reaction to hearing them and smiling so they can stay. HTD, the underdog of the whole album Also props to the queen of stable sales and great numbers.
  20. I agree, glad she stood ground, as I agreed with the critics sentiment that its Lana's job to defend her art (at least how I interpreted it) so everyone chill, shes not bullying. However if she wants to drop a video to distract everyone then by all means...
  21. Yup. Vibing to Melanie (getting used to it, some great songs on there) and Grimes' Violence is such an anger sway bop, but NFR calls me each time after awhile. Its...hard to describe as I'm sure you've all experienced. Like Frankenstein's monster to a violin, I always return to the sound of peace.
  22. You guys are so cute Stuck at work so I couldnt partake but you guys make me smile. What a queen
  23. Facebook comments on pitchforks score on their page has me rolling. The lack of taste, lack of support. Our girl is definitely still an underdog, still ours to support fiercely
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