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Everything posted by HighbytheSea

  1. My phone died legit at 1157. It just came back (no power in the house) and gurls....I am so sad
  2. Yes my friend, get lit with me, bout to spark in your name and the fact that Lana has probably fucked us ONCE AGAIN. God I love her.
  3. !!!!! I will cling to this. Then....January 11th it is hahaha
  4. Yessss!!!! Bring me back to life!!! (I was getting sad off some She & Him music) lets celebrate again!
  5. I feel this. But I have NOTHING else to hold onto this Christmas. I hope against my hope my dear!!! but your logic is sound
  6. Oh im here for that, so we can celebrate together (I think we're some of the last few on this ship, but I can play a lovely violin as we go down)!
  7. Yup yup every half hour im checking all the social medias.....oh God shes gonna drop it Christmas morning isn't she.
  8. Nothing like holiday anxiety to share with my dear friends!!! Merry Christmas bb, and to you all!!!! Mere hours till bliss, or a serious Grinch fit. I cant wait to be hurt, this time with tinsel
  9. Oh Covers album....im here for you. I'll be waiting by the Christmas fire, sipping wine to pass the time, when the clock strikes 12 and you are delivered to me-your cover adorned by a selfie and a cheap wreath Instagram filter.I have no business with Santa this year, just Saint Lana.. GURLLL......I love you, keep a promise
  10. Legit said nothing album related hahah just that that was what she was performing.
  11. @Elle is partying with us yay!!!!! But yeah this is...causing nervousness. Come on Lana, the livestream is legit already on!!
  12. Lolol am I? Well Chile this year feels like 3 hahah. Regardless I support you even moreso now cus that means there's so much more for you to share! Also who's performing? Intrigued
  13. Well local legends are legends still!!! You were someone I championed during the NFR phase while I was a lurker, and continue to support . But yes to Jack and his sister saying Lana is performing??!! I take that as a straight up performance, not some prefilmed business.
  14. Oh God he just said there's gonna be alot of covers tonight lololol its summertime yasss!!!!
  15. Hi! I dont think we interact much but you're sort of a legend here. I'm so sorry your world went downhill, I feel that, but you're here and vacation is upon you and we're glad you can celebrate with us!! Now....who's got a damn link
  16. Hahahaha you are too sweet truly Your gifs always make me smile so wide. What do you thinks gonna happen first? Performance and then a post that induces chaos, or a vague post about the performance and then nothing, leaving us to sleuth the clues like the mad game of Clue this is?
  17. @Lustformoney oh how that made me laugh so hard!! @Lentilus sis what did you do haha ive been vibing with your posts for some time. @gsnlp its ok love :)) To the topic though. I have a very very very strong feeling about tomorrow. Today's been a whole emotional whirlwind, and then I got this pass of peace before I came on here. We know too much, the new year is approaching SO fast, and lord knows the week is supposed to end with a covers album so.....here's to an avalanche of information and an Instagram selfie that will encapsulate and transcend this messy messy (frankly collectively self induced) chaotic era!
  18. Delete this, embrace the chaos (I say this with love! I dont do mean here)
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