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Everything posted by anwdelrey

  1. This insider has given no indication that it’s *not* going to be released tomorrow. Therefore it IS going to be released tomorrow.
  2. Omg I’m gagged a bit. Wait nevermind I’m un-gagged after seeing they aquired their 500k followers by following 500k people I’m dead.
  3. Not you promoting your blog… no but fr whose blog is this? I’ve never heard of it before… not moving sadly.
  4. anwdelrey


    She did the bare minimum but we still love her.
  5. I fear there’s not much crossover between Rihanna and Lana. She’ll be fine y’all.
  6. Again, I don’t think caring about commercial success is silly or shallow. I think basing an artist’s worth off of those things IS, but that’s not what I’m implying. As a fan for many years, I don’t think it’s accurate to say Lana doesn’t care about commercial success. In the LFL era her team fought for number 1, in the NFR era she made a video talking about her first week streams. Do I think she bases her worth off of those things? No. Do I think I would like her music any less if it didn’t sell well? No. But I think it’s naive to think that commercial success doesn’t matter to artists. If you or I were to release an album to the public, seeing it be well-received would be rewarding, both critically and commercially. I rest my case on this topic now. ✨
  7. I mean that’s your opinion, but objectively in music success is a bit of both. I agree that Lana is already established regardless of how this album does, but I can’t lie and say I don’t root for good numbers.
  8. People like to root for the success of their favorite artists. Is that such a difficult concept?
  9. Also, with her team booking multiple magazine covers and Interscope seemingly supporting this album, it seems like people behind the scenes believe that it could be another NFR. But then again, the lack of promotion the last few years could’ve simply been Lana’s choice.
  10. I do hope A&W allows Lana to leverage her Tik Tok hype into commercial success (kind of like Miley Cyrus’ Flowers). Obviously the song wont be a traditional radio hit, but streaming numbers similar to NFR would be nice.
  11. Me to Ben and Ed et al. on 2/14 at 4:01 GMT when A&W is nowhere to be found on streaming services after a Lanaboards insider said it would be.
  12. I would love to see it have a viral moment and go Top 10 on the US Spotify chart. Manifesting… Not you putting this out into the universe.
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