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Everything posted by anwdelrey

  1. For anyone interested in Lana’s political stance (2024): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v1DWNxI3ENk&pp=ygUXTGFuYSBkZWwgcmV5IGplbGx5IHJvbGw%3D
  2. This is the parasocial behavior Chappel Roan talked about. Leave her be — unless Lana reveals herself to be bigoted or racist or whatever, stop assuming she is.
  3. What? I’m not bringing it up to cause controversy or anything, I’m just saying it’s not a shock that she’s dating an antivaxxer
  4. Y’all can not seriously act shocked that the girl who was spotted wearing a mesh mask in a grocery store (yes it wasn’t just the music video shoot) married a conspiracy theorist. Come on now… https://m.youtube.com/shorts/j_9DcZCm2rc
  5. She lowkey needed a man that sets boundaries with her fans because she doesn’t really have any.
  6. Guestlist guess: Grant fam (Patti idk) Jen Stith out of her friend group Alana Hunter and sveta Jack and Margaret The older lady who she’s seen with often Judah Smith and his wife
  7. Question for the stans who have been here since before Lust for Life: how has Lana changed in your eyes, both positively and negatively? For me, I’ve seen so much growth in the music, both lyrically and sonically. Unpopular opinion I’m sure but Jack helped refine her sound and stripped away all the gimmicks. As an observer of Lana the person, she’s definitely tried (and failed) to strip away the elusive persona, but even her pretending to be normal feels like playing dress up at times, which only makes her more of an elusive figure. This is why she’s amassed such a cult fanbase because no one really knows her. I’ve also noticed her lack of interest in live performance. I think her headlining major festivals was long overdue, but ultimately she seems uninterested in curating an impressive live performance. She could’ve gone full avant garde with the Coachella set but she just tweaked the same set list she’s been singing since the LATTM tour and said here damn. I also think she went through something pre-pandemic; starting with the cancellation of the NFR tour and leading into QFTC, mesh mask, I’ve dated rappers… I think she was ready to give it all up for a bit and her team helped her back after Blue Banisters. Some interesting lore there that no one ever really discusses probably because every fan wants to forget that era lol.
  8. You don’t feel like Lana’s been underappreciated? That’s essentially what I’m getting at. Like this album might not be great idk, but hearing that critics were essentially giving it a half listen kind of sucks when she’s producing/produced great music.
  9. I can’t stand her team anymore. This was clearly an attempt to ramp up hype in the UK, but it’s a market she generally does well in anyway. You know where she needs promo? The US. A market she’s been underperforming in since NFR. I get that Lana doesn’t do promo anymore, but it seems silly of them to lift the embargo on these reviews so early. For what reason exactly? This album clearly isn’t as palatable as NFR or Chemtrails or even BB. It’s just a lame strategy imo, but I guess it was a risk that just didn’t pan out. Ugh.
  10. Now, back to, the critics that had a lot to say about Lana the other day in the press WHATS GOOD? https://gigwise.com/reviews/3429011/album-review--lana-del-rey---did-you-know-that-there-s-a-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd
  11. It depends how the bops serve the album’s themes. I think the latter end of A&W only works because the first part of the song is heavy, if the first half of the album touches on v dark themes I feel like the more upbeat songs can complement that. Sort of a release after so many heavy songs.
  12. Judging from y’all’s reviews, it seems like Fingertips is the Hope of the album. Grandfather is the “Mariners Apartment Complex” Fishtails is the Cinnamon Girl
  13. The Grants made NME’s best new tracks playlist which is a good sign. But Pitchfork has been awfully quiet. I’m predicting either a 9-10 from Pitchfork or like a 7 😭
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