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Everything posted by cranekiss

  1. [deleted] Fine China much like Pretty When You Cry was recorded in 1 take There are Rick Nowels productions intended for NFR!
  2. there was a google doc somewhere in here
  3. just asked him now we wait i think bz hinted at it being the same song as that laptop demo well there's our answer
  4. wait ur so right i think its axl rose husband .. its not waimea/wayamaya or pawn shop blues
  5. dont think so, i'll ask once he responds to my question about whether or not the lizzy song that was reworked was from aka or not i think its either this one or disco
  7. NEW INFO CONFIRMED BY CARCASE: The Lust for Life deluxe was going to have The Next Best American Record + "unknown stuff"
  8. do we know anything about the 2nd version of JFK?
  9. it was not finished but i think she believed in the concept a ton. i think the only thing she didn't really do with that tracklist was rework elvis like originally intended
  10. i like listening to it when i feel horrible about myself because it makes me realize talented people do indeed make mistakes sometimes
  11. https://we.tl/t-H4YS8CJSmH Og files for the leaks from last night enjoy!! i mean one of them was dubbed the "Chaotic Glory" version, im really excited for all the 2012/Tropico iterations of the UV tracks i hope they surface soon!!
  12. don't get me wrong i love lana but i think fans should also accept that not all of her material is fantastic, good, or even above mediocre. she truly does have some bad songs and that's okay!!! she's made thousands of songs from 2006-present ofc some are gonna be some bad apples and considering she more than likely has full creative control now chances are she's not gonna pick out the best batch of songs to release i will say ocean blvd is a definite step in the right direction and i hope she makes another record of that quality because 2021 was a miserable MISERABLE year to be a lana fan; so much music and none of it really clicked with me and many others.. and some of it was actually horrendous (Looking at blue banisters) like guys its ok to admit that some of her songs suck its ok its not going to kill you to be a hater every once in a while. its ok to not like things your favorite artist has made trust me im a huge kesha fan did i think high road was good FUCK NO
  13. you can call me delusional/stupid for this but if noir had like proper mixing and was recorded in a studio the screaming would sound good... i've always believed in that song, it's like a parallel to carmen where carmen is someone talking about carmen, and noir is carmen's point of view and how she lives if it was polished and finished it would honestly be my favorite lana song
  14. i'll be brave and say it: black bathing suit is the worst vocal performance she's ever had. jesus christ i hate that song im sorry yeah its cool melodically the concept is there but her screams arent good screams theyre just. screams. she sounds like she is dying and not in a cunt way. it is upsetting me it is making the children uncomfortable please lana stop screaming pleas
  15. i think auerbach could've slightly tweaked it and it would've been a perfect fit. out of all the leaks though i think pink champagne would've been the best fit for UV, i honestly think it is the perfect closer song for that album
  16. let's hope they all leak in the coming months (alongside her cover of summertime), i want to add Black Beauty, G&R, MPG and OM to my tropico album but they'd stick out like sore thumbs lolll. i specifically hope the late 2012 demos leak cause i think those would be the most authentic for the tropico album's tracklist i also really wonder if the version of elvis on the tropico tracklist draft thing was a rework or just the laptop demo.. a rework of that song would be cool
  17. do we know if any of the tropico demos of the uv songs for tropico are out there?
  18. you can ask her @ honeymoon on instagram dot com
  19. the best song ever
  20. what do you guys think the songs revealed by honeymouns are for? do you guys think theyre for tropico/uv? for those who don't know here's the titles revealed: 80s Baby Connection The Devil Madly
  21. Old Money Black Beauty Guns and Roses Lake Placid Summertime Melancholia I Talk to Jesus Pink Champagne Elvis Earthquakes Money Power Glory ? ? this is what i made out
  22. cranekiss

    Ethel Cain

    i think if she doesnt want the songs online then the songs shouldnt be online they are her songs after all
  23. cranekiss

    Ethel Cain

    yes because ptolemaea could fit perfectly on aka
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