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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. im sorry if my comment sounded too power-trippy (which is something i never want to come across as), but i think you may have misunderstood my comment. what i meant was if things escalated such as a fight begins or whatnot, then WPs will be issued. I would never issue a wp if someone wants to ask a question. floridakilos stated that they were not going to leak the album, so i was just simply restating what they said. im super sorry if i came across like that, wasn’t my intention to do so. EDIT: and of course if you have any problems with the way i am moderating, feel free to dm me @The Stargirl Pinky
  2. okay let’s not. everyone, please get back on topic and just move on. (for the sake of my sanity and so i don’t have to issue anymore wps)
  3. and yes just to elaborate, stop asking floridakilos to leak the album. they are NOT going to do it. no known leaker in the fandom has ever leaked a full album, so stop asking. i’m going to be honest, it’s embarrassing to see users in this thread begging the leakers/insiders to leak the album. you know they’re not going to do it, so why bother asking. and of course, if things escalate, WPs will be handed out
  4. i see no problem if floridakilos wants to post a review, as long as its in spoilers and they mention what’s going to be in that spoiler. im going to be honest, it’s your fault if you get mad. simply scroll past if you don’t want to see the review anyways, floridakilos is allowed to post that review and let’s make sure we’re all being respectful so we dont escalate the situation
  5. Rust Dress

    Miley Cyrus

  6. you can talk that up with elle, but we’ve never done that before so… im not sure. i’m sure at least 90% of people viewing this thread know to use spoilers when talking about the album. it’s the asking for leaks, directing where to find leaks, and posting the actual leaks here that is the main concern, and i also feel like having two threads would make everything messy nothing special, it’s just the countdown to the album release date
  7. on bbc’s website they said 18:00 so whatever that means in standard time
  8. nobody said this! i just noticed that many people were becoming uncomfortable and the mod team and I decided it would be best to make a little note saying to tone it down
  9. Hi all! After reading the last couple of pages, I’ve noticed an escalated use of the f slur and I can see that it’s making some users here uncomfortable. I’m not here to say you can’t use the word, but please tone it down. It’s just becoming odd and it’s giving a weird vibe to the thread. I hope you guys understand! If you have any issues with this or even something else, feel free to DM a moderator.
  10. well that got me thinking… what if she’s going to release a tuob demos album with the outtakes and stuff. she literally leaked those outtakes from the recent photoshoot so maybe its a possibility?
  11. with nfr i think we got them 2 weeke before? i can’t remember. i don’t think we got any snips for chem and bb. so we should have them by now tbh
  12. well floridakilos basically gave you guys a warning with a spoiler included so… don’t click on spoilers if you don’t want anything revealed
  13. you guys got me like this rn just a reminder to stay on topic, follow the rules, and not be rude so i don’t have to hand out any wps
  14. Rust Dress

    Melanie Martinez

    just screamed at this… anyways i really dont like the snippets that have been released so far
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