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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. alright i went ahead and moved the thread to the random lana discussion thread. let’s be nice everyone!
  2. Rust Dress

    Taylor Swift

    lover is atrocious
  3. there are third party apps that can make websites dark themed but they aren’t that great. maybe you can find one that works alright?
  4. unfortunately, I don’t think so. however, you can go on ezgif and compress the gif and change the dimensions and that drastically changes the file size without losing too much quality
  5. you wake up at 9 AM… and three hours later, you get notification. “honeymoon has posted a video” you click the video.. you watch the video.. it starts off and black and fades into what seems to be like a music video and then you scream
  6. i dont think boz said when it was finished but i think it was finished in august and finalized in like september? cause we know the album cover was shot in july
  7. i agree! if the album isn’t cohesive, but all the songs are amazing, it automatically gets bumped down from a 10/10 to 7/10.
  8. Rust Dress

    Kali Uchis

    Kali played snippets of endlessly and moonlight and the majority of not too late on her live
  9. i know an inspect element user when i see one. quit the act
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