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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. Alright, just like @NikoGo said, can we please stay on topic? we can talk about BOZ and what he has to do with this surprise since it could be tuob related, but can we not talk about what he’s done in the past? i’m gonna go wash my face and start moving posts
  2. is there an interview? I thought it was just a performance. but if there is one, hopefully
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpt5OojOoOO/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= free rolling stone mag when you get a special edition vinyl on maghut.co.uk
  4. but even then, the surprise being a docu isn’t really that groundbreaking the way boz was making it out to be. i mean we’ve known and speculated that a doc was in the works FOR YEARS. i dont know
  5. i was just rewatching the bb livestream to find the part when she talks about acting, and she said she’s looking to do things in the future that have the possibility to make her look mad. im just thankful that at least we know the suprise is going to be revealed this week
  6. she did say that she would go into acting, but at the same time stated that she wouldn’t do it if acting completely overtook singing
  7. i actually think the surprise has absolutely nothing to do with music. since i think that though, i have no idea what the surprise could be
  8. they posted links to the leaked tracks. From now on, just move on. Ignore it, forget it, etc Anyways, I talked about this the last time someone was banned for posting links, but please do not quote the person who posts the links. the links will still be visible, even if they were edited out from the og post. it just makes the whole situation harder.
  9. “landing was an afterthought”
  10. the past few times she’s opened her account it was really 30+ minutes she left it open for
  11. nowhere in my post did i say that. what i said was to not talk about that whole vinyl/arcadialovesong situation anymore since it was no longer relevant, and especially to not escalate it by calling people names. i’m gonna go ahead and move these posts to the random lana discussion thread since this is getting out of hand
  12. can we not reignite that discussion please, and let’s not escalate it by calling others snowflakes
  13. well the cocc situation was different. if i remember correctly, the people who got the vinyl were a part of some notorious leaker website/group. i remember there being a tag or something on top of the vinyl. it’s okay! that whole situation was pretty messy ngl so be glad you were left out of that. anyways lets move on
  14. alright can we not argue over that person if you know anything about arcadialovesong and that whole situation, then you would know that the chances of him having the album are slim to none. just move on
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