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Everything posted by drugsdesire

  1. I think it’s “I grabbed a pentant”
  2. she’s been working on it since summer 2018 so there’s probably much more since she shared 14 in total also in this post u can see all the pages so theres so much more to it https://www.instagram.com/p/BvbU-T_jq8_/?igshid=40okznjtsucb
  3. it would be very cool if she dropped violet right about now but everyone else except the stans would think she did all that mess just to promote it
  4. I think she’s done with that...I hope
  5. if it’s something pretty and cute like the video she posted I have no complaints
  6. looks like she put a filter over the video and posted it lol
  7. with all of this I can only say that the caption she edited about her chilling is so aggressive in a way and it disturbed me even more. also, imagine being famous and posting a “controversial post” that gets you shit on and hated, then to post another statement of the sort and then go to your dms to talk to your fans only to find out that they’re questioning your mental state in such an ugly manner. lana had every right to lash out on them. from this mess I can take away that it is CRUCIAL that we take away the artist from the art. I was up till 5am last night worried for her and I even got nauseous thinking about everything so this was a good lesson to learn from. I’m still deathly worried for her and I’m sure you guys are too
  8. on one hand this sucks for her but on the other she’s getting publicity so
  9. whew idk how to feel about her comments about the statement now that I’ve read lanaboards. but all that I can say is that I think she really needs to take a step back and take everything in and maybe make something good of this. she’s a smart woman but she can do dumb things sometimes and this was one of them. I’m a die-hard lana stan and I’d always put anything aside to defend her; but this wasn’t the right situation to do that because she really did mess up. I’m sure her intentions were good with the statement but the delivery was just awfully executed and things escalated. twitter can be such an awful and toxic place and this situation just proved that. I’m really hoping that she’s okay and I’m wishing her the best. I’d never turn my back on lana for a situation as taken out of context as this one (sorry I just love these emoticons hehe)
  10. what does this even mean chile...
  11. twitter eating her UP let’s hope she stays silent and let’s hope this blows over
  12. stop with the long ass paragraphs chilee my brain is fried
  13. honestly let’s just take the L and wait for her response doja already said “gang sunk that dunker”
  14. lol there’s actually more posts defending lana than actually bashing her which is surprising
  15. this is so exciting!!! honestly I doubt she’s gonna put it out september 5th but let’s hope it’s somewhere near that
  16. if she wanted to drag anyone she would not have put camila and ariana in there. she follows cardi b on instagram, nicki minaj follows lana and lana has NOTHING against any of those women she named. please, to anyone pulling race into this, think about it for a second. sending everyone love during this difficult time for the fandom
  17. nicki even follows lana on ig and lana follows cardi, camila and ariana. I just hope they understand what lana had to say and I hope they read everything through before speaking out.
  18. she’s being so open about her emotions lately and I can’t help but say that it makes me kind of emotional. u go lana!!!
  19. the post itself wasn’t meant to drag anyone BUT the critics. I must admit I do feel uncomfortable with the name dropping in the beginning but she does have a point (although she could’ve just not named anyone and still made the same point). I’m proud of her for sticking up for herself and I think that she deserves to write about what she wants. us as fans are always gonna support her and listen to what she has to say whether it’d be good or bad. she has helped so many people around the world with her music; the music that she herself made and wrote, unfiltered. yes, maybe it was uncalled for, the name dropping, but she did get her point across; if they can write about being sexy, wearing no clothes, fucking, cheating etc. she believes that she can do that too without having to put up with the critics that have been so harsh on her for the past 10 years. I completely support this statement and I am so so so excited for whats to come for her. she deserves the best
  20. can someone who indulges in witchcraft manifest this poetry album so we can all die in peace
  21. forever wishing she went live and talked to us for a good hour and then sang
  22. hope is a powerful song with rich lyrics but as someone already said it has no replay value and that’s why people say it’s bad. maybe we feel the song is really personal to lana and next to all the other songs (which aren’t as personal) it’s a “bad” song. anyway, the majority put hope in the second half of their rankings (including myself) but that’s because you don’t really choose to listen to it, right? you listen to it because it’s on the album, whereas the other songs can be played randomly. it takes a special mood to listen to hope and that’s why many people dislike it.
  23. why does the majority dislike tnbar? i find myself really enjoying it and I actually really like what she did w this version. and love song too??? it’s always so low on everyones rankings and my feelings get so hurt because the second I heard the first snippet of it I knew this was gonna be one of my favorite songs and that’s still true lol. anyways heres my two cents. 1. hiab/tg/tnbar 2. love song 3. venice bitch 4. fiily/nfr 5. bartender 6. cinnamon girl 7. california 8. doin time 9. mac 10. hope this whole album is a MASTERPIECE and I rlly hate ranking it (you could probably tell) but this is as best as I can do so
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