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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. The last time she did that "share a live snippet on Instagram" thing, we ended up with Coachella a month later. Apparently she considers this song special, so perhaps she intends to release it as a standalone single as well.
  2. Beauty King

    Say Lou Lou

    Nope. When the producer posted it on Soundcloud, she didn't enable downloads, so the people who got it then had to rip it in 128kbps. When it was posted on page 17, it was just a re-upload by someone who'd ripped it from the producer's Soundcloud when it was available. It wasn't in higher quality.
  3. Beauty King

    Say Lou Lou

    Not possible to get it in HQ. It was leaked by a producer on Soundcloud without a download available.
  4. "Not Your Bitch (feat. Marina & The Diamonds)" I'm wheezing
  5. It's not upscaled. You may not have seen it leak, because it did so pretty quietly, but it is definitely leaked.
  6. Nice sign-off: "I'm better than all of you and my real life is perfect". Fuck off with your grandiose bullshit. You're pathetic.
  7. You know I have no delusions about my position as a fan, right? You expect the fucking world from her. I never did and continue not to. All I want is music and she just confirmed when we're getting some. That's all that I need to be happy as a fan. It sounds pretty pathetic to turn around on her because "BITCH LIED ABOUT THE RELEASE DATE, STUPID ASS HOE AND HER RUDE TEAM, SHE'S SO FAKE AND NASTY". Uh, no honey, you just want her to be something she's not. You're a joke. Leave this site. You'll be much happier.
  8. Or it just proves what most of us have known for years: Lana has lots of horrible ungrateful fans who will turn on her at the drop of a hat. This site is teeming with them, actually. It's pretty disgusting.
  9. Beauty King


    They announced their breakup today. https://www.facebook.com/Vaults/posts/2329394980618183
  10. Beauty King


    Literally the exact opposite of over. The first thing BMG announced after saying she had signed with them was that Double Dutchess was coming at the end of summer this year.
  11. Yes, I understand the possible joke. I'm saying that we can't confirm with 100% certainty that it is false because HFA is down right now.
  12. It sounds like a joke, but since HFA is down, we can't say for certain that it's false. She's had song titles that sounded like bigger jokes before.
  13. Beauty King

    Kali Uchis

    Kah-lee Ooh-chees
  14. Beauty King


    I think she's only doing the dadada vocals. The rest sounds like Allie.
  15. It's actually "Darlin', darlin', darlin'", not "Time and time and time".
  16. Her last single platinum album was in 2014. Her last multiplatinum album was 2012. Honeymoon went gold and that was it. It's now 2017 and album sales continue to decline, yet a few acts (Adele, Taylor Swift and such) are still going multiplatinum. No, she is not a major pop act compared to them.
  17. She has a promoter. She does not pick her own promotional opportunities. She makes the music and then sends it to the label. They decide how to promote it. She undoubtedly gets to okay the opportunities, but she's not the one seeking them out, for the most part. Radio is dying. Period, point blank. It does not pay out like it used to and people are listening far less than they used to. Radio promoters are less open to taking risks because they want to focus on sure things. Lana Del Rey is not a sure thing on radio. That is why she is not being played. Artists who released singles that pandered to radio paid for radio deals. They paid to be played on the air with the expectation that audiences would respond and continue to request their music over time, meaning the singles would have some stability. The problem is that radio is beginning to become less important than streaming. Every #1 single this year was highly reliant on streaming in addition to radio. Lana is not a streaming giant. That's another market where you can pay to play; pay to be added to popular curated playlists and your song gets more streams. Doesn't make sense to pay if you're not guaranteed to chart high and get a return on investment. Lana is not a major pop act. She should not and will not promote like one. Get over it.
  18. An album is a project that gets millions of dollars of industry money poured into it and takes as much as multiple years to produce properly. Yes, the two are comparable. That's not her fault and it's not her management's fault. Radio is in its death throes and live performances only give a temporary boost. There is no point in spending money to promote music beyond what she is doing, for an artist in her position.
  19. Two months is literally nothing in industry time. Films get listed as "Coming Soon" when they're not even going to be out for 18 or 20 more months. You are used to eras that are way too short because of how Honeymoon and Ultraviolence were so sped up. This era is going at a good speed. You're being ridiculous.
  20. That's such a nasty thing to wish on her. You are flat out childish if you want this album to be leaked just because it's not coming next week.
  21. Why is everyone so against this? It's not even that much longer to wait. I'd rather have an era that stretched out over six months than Honeymoon's two months from tip to tail.
  22. This isn't actually a demo. It's just a filtered version of the final version's instrumental and backing vocals. People were trading it around as a "demo" for a while, though.
  23. It's really difficult to tell for sure if When The World Was At War, We Kept Dancing is actually going to make it, because it seems like this interviewer got to listen to the album prior to their talk. If it wasn't among those tracks, then it might not be on the album at all. Of course, that does make the assumption that the interviewer heard every new track, rather than just a small sampling of the new ones.
  24. Justin Parker is the only co-writer for that registration, so he probably produced it.
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