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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. Only because someone posted it on /b/ saying Neon was trans and it's now getting brigaded.
  2. Did you really expect a song titled "I Know You Wannit" to be a ballad or something particularly deep? It was clearly going to be Fuck U Betta 2.0 from the beginning. Also, I don't really understand why you thought the vlog would have anything to do with the video. She never even intimated that.
  3. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    Yeah, they've leaked tons of songs recently, including ones that weren't even known to exist; Tinashe's Hot Sauce, Katy Perry's demo of Passenger, that snippet of Bebe Rexha's All Hands on Deck and a bunch more.
  4. Beauty King

    Lola Blanc

    "Lifted" is also a cover, though. She hasn't actually announced any original music coming out with the Butter branding yet.
  5. Beauty King


    Or just another reference to "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There", which Jabberwocky also references. Calling this an overt Jabberwocky reference is definitely a reach.
  6. Beauty King


    Affliction (Acapella) Aurora (Instrumental) Catch (Demo and Final Version instrumentals) Civil War (Instrumental) Day In The Life (4 stems [Acapella, Bass, Percussion, Piano]) Old Habits Die Hard (Instrumental) Oh My God (4 stems [Acapella, Bass, Percussion, Synth]) R3B0RN (Acapella and instrumental) Sanctuary (Instrumental) True Love Is Violent (Demo Version acapella and instrumental) When/How (Acapella and instrumental)
  7. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    I'm talking about it in a grammatical sense. "Whoa" is the correct way to spell that word. "Woah" is a common misspelling.
  8. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    "Whoa" is the correct spelling of the word, not "Woah".
  9. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    It's fucking Dua Lipa.
  10. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    Can't leak something that doesn't exist.
  11. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    Official one was rumored to look like this: 1. Bounce 2. Down Like Whoa 3. Queen Lizzy 4. Boys 5. Can You Hear Me 6. I Wanna Be With U 7. Waterfall 8. The One I Die For 9. Good Girls 10. Girls Night Out 11. No Angel 12. Come to My Party 13. After The Afterparty
  12. Beauty King


    English is read from left to right, then top to bottom, dear.
  13. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    GNO and Bounce are spreading like wildfire.
  14. Yeah, I'd love to hear it and it's clear that she's never gonna release any of it, so what's the harm, really? There's still a bunch of really old songs like Rainbows, Tip Toe and Help that I know people have. I'm honestly just interested in anything previously unreleased getting put out by whatever means necessary.
  15. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    I heard someone calling it "ID".
  16. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    http://picosong.com/vUrp/ ^Ripped and re-upped.
  17. Beauty King


    Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You) is literally a country song. You're just making yourself look bad when you say things like this.
  18. I think you're giving her a little too much credit. This is the same woman who said "I wish I was dead already" to a journalist and then expected him not to print it. I don't think she was thinking much before words came out of her mouth, around that time.
  19. "Music to Watch Boys To" was never confirmed as an album title. She said "I've got an idea for a record called Music to Watch Boys To", but she uses the word "record" interchangeably as a synonym for "song" and "LP album".
  20. If you're calling political correctness Stalinesque, then bottom line, you're making a false analogy. Nobody's going to kill you just because they want you to stop being racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic or whatever else. I don't know what else to say about that. It sounds like you're paranoid to the point that there's no help for you. I'm sorry about that, but that kind of irrational behavior is not healthy.
  21. You know there are places in the world where you can still get murdered for speaking your mind, right? You sound incredibly ignorant when you say things like this.
  22. Beauty King


    MILF $ and LA Love both outpeaked anything from Gwen's garbage comeback, so try again.
  23. Just because people say it doesn't mean it's right...? What is this "general opinion" nonsense? Who said you guys were the be-all end-all of opinions? You don't get to decide what's objectively good when it comes to music, because there's not a standard of objectivity. Music is ENTIRELY subjective. Pull your heads out of your collective asses and stop pretending you know shit about things you don't. God, I fucking despise this forum's god-complex.
  24. You're a huge fucking douchebag if you think you're empowered to tell people what they should and should not like.
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