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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. Beauty King


    Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You) is literally a country song. You're just making yourself look bad when you say things like this.
  2. I think you're giving her a little too much credit. This is the same woman who said "I wish I was dead already" to a journalist and then expected him not to print it. I don't think she was thinking much before words came out of her mouth, around that time.
  3. "Music to Watch Boys To" was never confirmed as an album title. She said "I've got an idea for a record called Music to Watch Boys To", but she uses the word "record" interchangeably as a synonym for "song" and "LP album".
  4. If you're calling political correctness Stalinesque, then bottom line, you're making a false analogy. Nobody's going to kill you just because they want you to stop being racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic or whatever else. I don't know what else to say about that. It sounds like you're paranoid to the point that there's no help for you. I'm sorry about that, but that kind of irrational behavior is not healthy.
  5. You know there are places in the world where you can still get murdered for speaking your mind, right? You sound incredibly ignorant when you say things like this.
  6. Beauty King


    MILF $ and LA Love both outpeaked anything from Gwen's garbage comeback, so try again.
  7. Just because people say it doesn't mean it's right...? What is this "general opinion" nonsense? Who said you guys were the be-all end-all of opinions? You don't get to decide what's objectively good when it comes to music, because there's not a standard of objectivity. Music is ENTIRELY subjective. Pull your heads out of your collective asses and stop pretending you know shit about things you don't. God, I fucking despise this forum's god-complex.
  8. You're a huge fucking douchebag if you think you're empowered to tell people what they should and should not like.
  9. Beauty King

    Kali Uchis

    There's really no need to do a staggered release of what's essentially remixes on a lead single. It's just annoying how she isn't even talking about a second single, let alone the album.
  10. Beauty King


    I'm saying he forgot to change the URL and just edited the title the front-facing upload has on Soundcloud.
  11. Beauty King


    URLs on Soundcloud get automatically generated from the name of the file that's being uploaded. The URL can be manually changed later, but a lot of people are unaware of that.
  12. Beauty King

    Charli XCX

    He's posted 10 snippets now. https://twitter.com/ultrasubeclipse
  13. She didn't say this. She just said she didn't want to talk about the songs yet.
  14. No, this is definitely not "confirmed". She literally said "I stole that line" right after saying it out loud.
  15. That speculation went out the door when we got the registrations. It's an original.
  16. Didn't he later specify that it was never even intended for the album and was instead recorded for a soundtrack?
  17. Five collabs is a lot, considering none of her previous albums even have one collab.
  18. No, those stickers always include text like "+2 exclusive bonus tracks" if there are any. This actually confirms that there are no Target exclusive tracks.
  19. Hitlor Swift is the equivalent of dog shit that was eaten and regurgitated by a skunk, then ended up in a pig's slop trough.
  20. Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven) could be counted, though it's only an alternate title.
  21. Wait For Me is not new. That's a track from the Verbalicious era.
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