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Everything posted by lemonadetan

  1. yeah if i don't see how performing the same songs every concert can be fulfilling .... i get it they have to rehearse and everything but it's not hard to select more songs so the setlist has some rotation...
  2. oomf heard her soundcheck boom like that
  3. when she sings tulsa jesus freak but changes the lyrics to drag sean then what
  4. ask for anything from honeymoon pleek....
  5. do you think the french husband is attending?
  6. we said that about the last one and well ...
  7. hyde park!!!!! i have a special song for y'all!!!... ..ah... ah.. a-ah-ah... ...... ah.... ah.... ah.. ...... walking is an art.... so is my body.....
  8. pussy popping in joshua tree new album august 11th
  9. i have nothing to share
  10. i just want her to sing anything different no one wants white flopstang for the 836th time
  11. lemonadetan


    i know this is fucked up but
  12. if only they spent that ridiculous amount of money building a school in africa or something
  13. i would say cry kill die is like very early lfl but idk... (we know the timeline for the albums overlap, for example lust for life was first recorded before honeymoon came out etc)
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