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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. love the Honeymoon cover. She looks so small and isolated, but it highkey serves the story of the album. But as for COCC, I’m eager to hear what she’s been working on. I hope we get a single sometime in June. Wait why is she releasing on a Saturday?
  2. She said she “sees everything in star signs” when she first talked about writing this album. No idea what that is supposed to mean. I know she said this was gonna sound like NFR, but then I’m reminded when she said Honeymoon was gonna sound like Ultraviolence, and it didnt at all, so who knows with her? The title gives me vibes that it’s maybe something more trippy. The mention of a country club brings back the more posh imagery of her earlier work as well, but with an older, more mature feel.
  3. We have two (maybe three or four) confirmed/suspected song titles right: White Hot Forever, Let Me Love You Like A Woman, If This Is The End- I want a Boyfriend, and probably a title track because she always does those. Any chance we’ll be hearing a single any time soon? Remember she was filming something on a car or something apparently, maybe that was for a song?
  4. yeah she really showed her ass this week as a white feminist, so I hope she just keeps her mouth shut from now on. Anyways I feel like the album cover isn’t gonna be anything cool and she probably isn’t gonna be on it, because when would she have shot it? Unless she just ignored all the restrictions going on and got a decent crew together, it’s probably something she made herself. Not to mention she doesn’t look like herself lately.
  5. Okay but this deflection is exactly the problem. My post wasn’t about Joe Biden’s dumb ass. I was and am saying Lana said something ignorant and should have made an effort to better express herself. I am not changing that stance, no matter how stupid Joe Biden is. Why is it so hard to hold her accountable? Does she hate women of color? No I don’t believe so. Did she express herself in a potentially insensitive way? Yes. That’s okay to say. Either way I’m still buying the damn album so let me call her a dummy if I want to lmaoooooo
  6. I mean, she goes into quite a bit of detail about this facility, down to the number of steps in the staircase...seems pretty literal to me tbh. I remember a few weeks ago I had posted that something felt off about her. And then her little tirade this week... I think we might have to admit she’s having her pop star breakdown moment lol
  7. and the fact that she refuses to even admit she perhaps misspoke...like just gracefully correct yourself and keep it pushing. this isn’t the thread for this convo tho I guess, I’m just disappointed in how everything has gone down oh dang you really put me in my place!
  8. i mean I will still listen to and buy anything she puts out obvs lol, but I def look at her a lot differently as a person now tbh and now that she’s been branded a racist (perhaps unfairly), that’s never going away. never ever.
  9. i think that would be extremely cohesive honestly. that’s how my lana playlist sounds. dreamy pop/rock songs with layered vocals, darker production, and a hazier sort of vibe to them. that’s what I want from this album. And I know I’m not gonna get it tbh and that makes me disappointed.
  10. girl she’s old as hell now lol
  11. nah her last IG poem, she’s def talking about an actual building by the ocean, she was institutionalized. And she’s name dropping other famous mentally ill women. Mental hospital or rehab
  12. Why is no one talking about the fact that she all but admitted she’s been spending time in a psychiatric institution?
  13. I’m excited to hear the music but beyond that...idk about Lana anymore. I missed the controversy and her being an enigmatic personality, but this isn’t what I meant. This isn’t fun.
  14. The cover is gonna be an unflattering selfie Anyways I was hoping for a more psych/dreamy vibe to this album, but I’m sure it’ll just be Jack and his ukulele again
  15. Good to know she still fucking hates Lorde
  16. a very Lana album title Please do not let Chuck anywhere near this project. Sorry lana I know she’s your sister but she sucks so bad
  17. She’s, at best, a very vapid airhead who lives in a bubble with a bunch of other vapid airheads. She likes to tell herself she’s woke and culturally aware, but she isn’t. I always knew that, but I never thought she’d go on such an unprovoked, tone deaf rant like this. And I’m really disappointed.
  18. your last point is interesting because, before she started running her mouth just now, public opinion of her was at an all time high. NFR was acclaimed, people wanted her to win the Grammy, etc. Her rant is about 8 years late anyways, no one even talks about that stuff anymore.
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