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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. the name "lana del rey" is perfect and i don't really see anything wrong with it. the recurring chola imagery is definitely off tho. nothing wrong with hoop earings and eye liner but she def over did it and played up some sort of exoticism/racial ambiguity. and her constantly-evolving accent didn't help either lol.
  2. done! if some of my responses seem sarcastic pls dont kill me thats just how i talk @YUNGATA
  3. all the poison from the chemtrails
  4. post a picture of yourself in a bathing suit, FAST!
  5. the lips are def uneven but thats also just not very flattering lighting/angles, let her live
  6. what are we expecting tomorrow album wise? maybe a confirmed date and the cover? tbh i don't think anything COCK related will be out tmrw. prob just for the poem thing.
  7. Yeah she never did give a solid timeframe for NFR, and even said she has no clue when it’s coming out. With COCC she straight up said it’s coming out September fifth, which makes me think it’s already turned in, locked and loaded, and prepared to drop.
  8. high by the beach was the first lana song release i got to experience in real time. ahhhh memories. at that point, i had never done a drug in my life, and i hate the beach with a passion...yet i blasted that song every day the end of that summer.
  9. if she doesn't have a single out by august i'm going to assume the album is cancelled/delayed
  10. this isn't an opinion, moreso a question- but why is terrence loves you called terrence loves you? who tf is terrence?
  11. and then she started it back up in 2020!
  12. people always talk about her early lyrics being too clingy and submissive, and talk about songs like video games, off to the races, ultraviolence, etc. why does no one talk about religion?? those lyrics are fucking disgusting (and i love it). literally worshipping a man like a god, and not-so-subtly comparing sucking dick to prayer/worship dont get me wrong its brilliant and top 5 on honeymoon, but i'm surprised that song wasn't more controversial. my guess is, by that point, the shock value kind of wore off and it was no longer trendy to be all on her dick regarding "persona" and "glamorizing abuse" and whatever tf else they used to pester her about.
  13. even tho i don't really like the flock of birds she hangs out with, its nice to see her actually...have friends? don't get me wrong, i didn't follow her in her earlier career, but i feel like she was never seen with any female friends? it was always barrie or chuck. she always seemed kind of isolated. she never just hung out with anyone.
  14. Lana suddenly hosting all these parties is so Great Gatsby. Fuck the pandemic, it’s all about aesthetic
  15. To be fair, all these emo bitches ARE her sons, but she sometimes comes off as bratty about it. But in her defense she DID embrace Billie, marina, etc with open arms. And idc what anyone says she 1000% paved the way for Ariana grande to get lip injections and cry on stage
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