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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. She’s such an old lady now. I want a fun edgy single in like the next two weeks.
  2. unfortunately, i think lana's days of making summery drug/romance anthems are behind her. which is a shame cause those songs slapped. now she's all about "meditations" and "vibrations" and "questioning the culture" so god help us all
  3. I wonder if she will address the industry on this album, because based on her recent rants, she is holding onto a lot of anger and resentment about how they treated her in the past. Besides Money Power and Glory and Fucked My Way, she never really seems to address the industry/other artists in songs (except for the Kanye name drop in the Greatest). Unless it’s reference to a relationship like the jabs she took at G Eazy. There have been implications/ speculations made in interviews and online about things she’s seen in the industry (ex. Harvey Weinstein coming onto her) and she herself has confirmed she’s seen some fucked up shit behind the scenes. So talking about those experiences + her obvious dislike for a handful of other pop stars could be good for the album. Obviously dissing ariana grande isn’t gonna win her any popularity points, but referencing these types of things could hopefully bring some fire to the album that NFR was lacking. When Lana remixes Barbie Tingz and hits us with the “let’s be real, all you bitches wanna look like me” bars >>>>
  4. critics on NFR confused lyricism with content. they didn't like what she was writing about on her earlier records cause she wasn't some cookie-cutter "boss bitch" pop star the masses could easily digest. so they said the lyrics were bad. the lyrics were amazing, they just didn't approve of the story those lyrics were telling. on NFR they finally approved of what her message was, so they pretend the actual lyrics themselves were groundbreaking and poetic. when honestly, i think NFR was her most lyrically uninspired record. maybe abandoning the flowery-ness of her older songwriting was an intentional choice, but those songs were fucking beautiful lol.
  5. i just watched that Marilyn Manson "lana del rape" video in full for the first time... who approved this? why did lana agree to do this? i have sooo many questions lmaoooooo
  6. Hot take here. Interludes are a waste of space and I don’t care about album cohesiveness (I literally never listen to albums in order)
  7. I wish the twitter Lana stans would stop pretending Charlie is hot.
  8. Lana Del Rey is Tupac.
  9. i call one or two of my guy friends my little bro, so I really wouldn’t read into that too much. And as you said lana is also just fuckin weird so who knows with her lmaoooooo
  10. When COCC has a Patty diss track on it >>>> I remember I posted maybe two weeks ago that I suspected rob and patty were no longer together, it’s seeming more and more like that’s the case. But who the fuck is Joanna? Didn’t she also call Jen her sister and that’s just a good friend? So it’s probably nothing tbh. This woman continues to fascinate me at every turn
  11. tbh i don't think i would ever pay to go see her live. if the tickets were free, sure
  12. pls she's not thinking about that girl
  13. the cover should be her as a pin up girl on a plane leaving...drumroll...chemtrails over a country club
  14. wasn't the story that she was using meth around UV era? but yes my girl was a lil cokehead, especially when she first came out. i agree its weird seeing some fans get all squirmy when you talk about her drug use. like...do they actually listen to the music? she isn't very shy about it lol. its okay, we're grown!
  15. i remember we heard pretty much all of cinnamon girl on IG over a year before it actually came out smh
  16. somewhere in the middle i guess, i figured this was the most appropriate thread to ask/state something potentially controversial but i never read that poem before, damn that's not a good look for ole Patty.
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