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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. he's an older guy with tattoos and a thing for guns....sadly that is right up her alley. thats great for her, we aren't gonna apologize for not liking it either lol. my bitchiness isn't directed at you ofc. at the end of the day i don't really care, it just makes me cringe a little bit seeing her continually fall for such losers.
  2. as confusing as today's events were, at least it confirms she does in fact remember she has an album to release
  3. sean seemed like such a douche from the 15 seconds i ever paid attention to him. "sean, was it nerve-wracking being on the red carpet at the grammys" "no because i'm a cop, i put my life on the line every day. and you know, as a cop, i'm constantly at risk. so the grammys didnt scare me because i'm a cop and i see way worse in the field every day, not everyone is as strong as me, cause i'm a cop" dude stfu please
  4. yeah i lowkey was thinking about that. cause at the time, i was like "this rant is about 8 years late, why is she saying this now?" then i thought "oh maybe cause she's about to do more of that." but also i dont think she'll be singing about abuse and being afraid of her boyfriend anymore, i think she genuinely has outgrown that. but maybe she's ready to go a little darker again.
  5. its too mysterious to the point that 90% of people will have no idea what that means lol...and not in a cool way like "ultraviolence" was strange and mysterious. just overly complicated. hopefully the album cover and title track can sell me on the name. both of which are hopefully coming within the next month.
  6. I really like white hot forever tbh. Chemtrails over the country club is...well...
  7. i don't care about surprise releases. enjoying the whole process of the album "rollout" (when the rollout is well done) is half the fun.
  8. if a bunch of grown adults choose to hang out, travel, etc....thats their problem tbh. no point in us fussing about it.
  9. i like this minus the mask part. Cause it’s too “current” and also she doesn’t wear a mask irl lmao
  10. you guys are wack as fuck AHHHH congrats nicki
  11. Waiting for that album cover post
  12. fuck it i love you is reallllyyyyy growing on me
  13. now who's bending Violet over in the grass then??? omg lana's writing erotica
  14. i will say it's funny how the poetry book literally has "violet" in the title but the color she decided to associate with the project is...orange?
  15. I really like Hey Blue Baby strangely enough. That’s as country as I can get.
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