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Posts posted by rightofjupiter

  1. self care by leigh stein, a satire about the "girl bosses," capitalism's co-optation of the term self care, and start-up culture. also molly brodak's new collection of poems, the cipher (if you liked violet i think you'd like this book too).

  2. i thought the "dancing in the car to tove lo" clips were so cute when she posted them, tbh love that she included that footage here. also did she film that specifically for this video i wonder, or just like the footage (from an random hangout or whatever) and include it? the part where whoever's filming drops the camera makes me think it was made specifically for the video.

    also nails! love that she still does square tip, v lizzy g

  3. 4 minutes ago, DCooper said:


    I played it for my husband and he said "it's really pretty but all her songs sound the same" :oopna2: Cue me going off on how dynamic her music is. :smile3:


    My Lana obsession is a source of conflict in our relationship but he knows he has no choice but to hear her music all the time LOL at least I have you guys to talk about Lana with :wub:


    my gf recently acknowledged her brilliance (we've been together 8 years lol) and i was like :creepna:

    on topic: 9mins!

  4. 1 minute ago, Loreen said:

    Okay, I know I'm late but I just listened to the track and I have no words :icant: It's simple but really tender and the chorus is sterling. I was afraid I wouldn't like it basing on y'all's opinions but I loved it, it didn't amaze me which is totally fine but I really liked it. I can visualize myself hearing the track 24/7


    yeah i wasn't bowled over by it on first listen– though i did like it– but after listening a bunch i am now obsessed. tender is a good word t describe the :aw: v i b e  :aw:

  5. 3 minutes ago, lanasgirl said:

    What is she doing :horror:

    She doesn’t seem excited at all. That’s why I’m not excited at all. She’s killing the album before it’s even out. I’m so sad :pft:


    yeah it's hard to tell if she's completely over it (esp after getting dragged so much over the past 6mos or so since QFTC) or what. she seemed pretty excited about Violet (at least before it released, hasn't mentioned since). maybe she just wants to keep it all low key this time around, she did SO much promo (for her) for NFR and maybe that just reminded her how much she hates the hustle, idk.

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