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Posts posted by rightofjupiter

  1. On 9/1/2020 at 10:03 AM, wild caged animal said:

    I've seen a lot of people basically saying that Norman is the product of a compromise made by Lana to earn more respect. Also, her Question of the Culture was supposedly an indication for her frustration with her work becoming a stripped-down version of her true feelings.


    It would actually make me sad if this is the case bc I loved everything about Norman and how it was almost her antithesis to Ultraviolence. Although I obviously love her previous work too, especially Ultraviolence, Norman is genuinly a breath of fresh air for me. Also, Violet is almost the spiritual sister to Norman and I would assume that at least her poetry is 100% her true self bc no one can put pressure on her about it. But then, she probably wants to be respected as a writer in general.


    The thing that gave me a hint of what might be going on was her being forced to distance herself from the song UV and Cola. I hate those interviewers for being like "Do you feel comfortable still singing about it?" There is only one way you can answer this when you just want the interviewer to shut up about it. Also, she was asked about her happiness in interviews all the time. I imagine all of this was incredibly annoying. When someone tells me that I can't do something bc it is unconventional I want to do it even more and I think a lot of people think like that.


    I assume that when you get older your perspective on things can change and I believe she was in a different place in 2018 when she wrote Norman than before. It just seemed very authentic to me, especially because she finished LFL with Change and Get Free. It is possible that she only started missing her old days this year during quarantine (indicated by her ig posts) when she had time to reflect on her career and on last year. At least, I hope she didn't consciously censor herself to please others.


    Anyways, these are just some thoughts on it and I'm really curious how she continues her journey. So far all her albums are distinct from each other so I don't want BTD 2.0 and I don't think that's what she has planned. It seems more and more likely that she puts out an album of covers or older unreleased songs after cocc:creep:


    Feel free to disagree and share your thots.


    i honestly do not think NFR was a "compromise" of any sort. i think she does have to tow the line w her label sometimes (thinking particularly of them trying to turn LFL into a big pop single), but i think that generally this album was absolutely her own vision, vibe, and project and that she pursued the sounds that were inspiring to her. i know a lot of people here don't care for NFR (and blame jack for boring production etc) but lana seems to really call the shots about her records. i also thought it was great to see her branch out and continue to pursue new sonic landscapes, and i'm SO curious about how COCC will sound in terms of a departure from NFR.

  2. 20 minutes ago, sexyslutboy said:


    i wish she did more radio interview that are longer than like 6 minutes. Or went on podcasts or something. Not that i'm particularly a Joe Rogan fan but i saw his miley cyrus interview and i like how he really goes in depth in her feelings and experience 


    i would loooove her to do a longer podcast interview, or even fresh air on npr or something (i sort of hate terry gross but still, just any longer audio interview would be cool, loved all the radio interviews for NFR)

  3. really interested in her talking about working hard to her future, a future she's nervous about– she's vague about it (she does this a lot– drops some bit of info that is both somewhat precise and vague as hell) but does mention, for example, writing classes. i wonder if she wants to get an MFA, really lean into becoming an author? she does seem to imply that poetry has really been at the center of her life for the past few years.

  4. SZA

    this song isn't hitting me the way any of the CTRL tracks did but love the mv and always so glad to get new music from SZA...can't wait for the whole record (maybe this track will be a grower)

  5. On 9/1/2020 at 4:13 AM, blameitonme said:



    one of my all time fav charli tracks but i see it get hated on way too much! nice to see some love here

  6. 17 minutes ago, Bunny Mozart said:

    Okay but what if she releases COCC on the same day as Violet? I mean COCC is an album, Violet is spoken word so it shouldn't be that hard to mix up


    idk i think her publisher wouldn't like that? they'll want her to focus on promo-ing Violet for a week at least would be my guess, but who knows.


    Edit to say i reallllly want her to do some real promo for the Violet book release (at least one in-depth interview or two)- would love to hear her talk about the writing process!

  7. 5 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Why are we hoping for a song this weekend?!? 

    Love that car!!!!


    just bc it would be cool if she gave us a song on the weekend she claimed the album would be out...i have no real hopes of this happening, would just be a nice bone to throw us since (i think) the album won't drop on the original date she gave us. i love the car too!

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