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Posts posted by rightofjupiter

  1. someone on the ldr reddit posted this, so i guess she was/is is in tulsa: "Not too sure what the Jesus freak part is about, but she was definitely in Tulsa a couple of days ago. My friend saw her at a restaurant on Cherry street"

  2. the way this is most likely the title of a diss track and she's trolling/shading him by posting these old ass videos he probably took 


    even though i wish this were true i really don't think it is, she looks happy as anything in that vid and tends to save her disses for songs, not posting stuff about exes on IG. tbh i always wondered if she unfollowed him etc just to get the stans and media off her back about their relationship.

  3. for some reason this scared me oh my gosh I'm so wrapped up in whether this is actually getting released that I didn't consider she could release it and it turns out to be terrible  :biblio:


    i can't imagine that this will be true, but obvs it will depend on subjective tastes. i don't think any of her records have been terrible or even bad, though some have been uneven (thinking of LFL mostly). there might be some songs on it i don't care for, but surely there will be ones i adore as well.

  4. just rewatched the blame it on your love music video...what the hell is going on  :crossed:


    i actually LOVE this video, think it's so fucking weird and sweet. underrated video!

  5. omg I just re-read her past poems and realized that a lot of them are eh tbh, but I was excited for the patent leather poem until I discovered that it won’t even be in Violet I-. I just know Behind the Iron Gates will destroy us, her writing really seemed to improve


    i love some of the violet poems, others not so much. but i also do wonder if we'll see diff./revised versions of some of the poems in the book, since a major publisher bought it (with that usually comes an editor with lots of notes and revision suggestions etc).

  6. I understand the arguments behind "ACAB." I used to spew ignorant stuff like that all the time. My issue is that saying "all ____ are ____" is a generalization and a cognitive distortion. I have no particular love for cops and I think the system absolutely needs reform, but there is a worrying trend right now to go to extremes and justify violence and bad behavior with "everyone I don't like or disagree with is an evil Nazi." But I don't want to get too off-topic.


    I hope Lana finds someone who will really value her. She deserves it. And I hope fans give her the space to have that.


    the argument here is not about cognitive distortion tho, it's about understanding abuses of power as systematic. policing itself is a system created to perpetuate racism, misogyny, transphobia, and on and on (as many ppl on here have said), and therefore regardless of who you are once you become a part of that system you become complicit in it. it is not a generalization to say that police forces nationwide have/do disproportionately harm(ed) marginalized people. 

  7. I was just listening to Jenny Lewis’ song Hollywood Lawn and I just realized there’s a line about lookin up at chemtrails and I was like !!!!!! and the funny thing is the song always kinda gave me strong Lana vibes. I’d love if this album had kinda a similar a similar soundscape and/or mood to Jenny Lewis’ On the Line album from last year. I know Lana and Jack could easily pull something like that off but better.


    i love jenny lewis and think she and lana would be an amazing collab; would love to hear lana lean into a more beat-driven, rhythmic end of folk music on cocc

  8. so for the uninformed, what does "the entirety of the advance of mine" mean? what will she be donating? not profits, but what she got paid by the publishers in advance? im a little clueless on this stuff


    yes– she will be donating whatever she received upon signing the deal with s&s. with big publishing houses authors are paid an advance upfront, and then (usually) once their book sells enough copies to recoup that money they begin making profits. she prob got a big advance imo (would guess 1 million plus, or close to it) but will also prob make a fair amount in profits too since she has a built in audience for the book.

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