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Everything posted by willfoshizzle

  1. Britney Spears is a grown woman and can do what she wants with her body
  2. 100% agree. I don't like everything but the ones i do like, i really like.
  3. willfoshizzle

    Lil Nas X

    thanks! im gonna check these out!
  4. willfoshizzle

    Lil Nas X

    okay "empathy" with sam smith is excellent ! "Anomaly" giving me early kesha vibes? I actually need the credits cause it better not be produced by dr puke
  5. willfoshizzle


    im all for her doing it on her own and making her own money yes girl get it slay mama but..... if i was a married to a billionaire.......def would be asking for him to open his purse, at least a little
  6. willfoshizzle

    Lil Nas X

    I’m pleasantly surprised on a lot of the songs, I think he has some awesome potential. My problem is that it doesn’t sound much like an “album”. I’m hoping this is just a super early leak cause the track list needs work the most. There’s no real flow imo. But he has trap stuff, rock inspired and even a couple of slow alternative like tracks. Definitely wasn’t expecting all the different sounds and I respect that. He better add “titanic” to the final track list
  7. willfoshizzle


    ive listened to this discord set all day need this album NOW
  8. willfoshizzle


    I am LOVING these new songs. im beyond ready for this era
  9. oh bitch SERVEEEEEEE I love it
  10. Yes but not for dancing lmao. You act like she’s spreading hate or violence to herself or others on social media. She ain’t. There is no risk in dancing especially where her whole career is dancing. And yes, Why do you think fans hold on to the blackout era so much? Of course it wasn’t a good time for her but It’s truly the last time she was in control and we want that back for her sake. How about you pull up some femme fatale evidence. You know the one where she looks drugged and can’t speak or looks lost on stage. She just spoke about being giving medication against her own will. Compared to any piece of me performances + her ig dancing, this is the most Britney has been Britney in a decade. after just speaking up in court she already was given tiny bits of freedom like posting free Britney or getting to drive this week. I don’t understand why you are trying so hard to bring her down. And I think anyone who thinks bad of her dancing in her living room under her own complete terms is stupid. You are taking something we all do (dancing) and most of us post on the Internet(the world of tiktok) and twisting it against her but hey she’s warned us of this before. Miss bad media Karma drama right?!? Act like a real fan please because your sounding like a Larry Rudolph intern.
  11. Facebook?!?! Girl goodbye. We do not care what the QANON opinion is on Britney Spears. Real fans with eyes know the truth. AMEN
  12. Imagine falling into the trap that her team has set up that no matter what she says or does that’s out of line , she must be unstable. How is dancing on Instagram a crime? You think that’s gonna hold up in a court? Come on.
  13. Exactly. So don’t call her “crazy” cause she’s using her voice or an emoji a certain way. And don’t try to hide under “I’m really concerned hope she’s okay” cause your feeding into a misogynist idea that a angered woman = crazy. Can’t have it both ways.
  14. “Misogyny also operates through coercion and psychological techniques aimed at controlling women, and by legally or socially excluding women from full citizenship. In some cases, misogyny rewards women for accepting an inferior status”
  15. willfoshizzle

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    someone leak all 200 dedicated outtakes i will truly listen to all 200
  16. YES!!!! how many times has she said just this past month shes sick of people talking for her??? let the girl post!! its been 13 years, shes been holding alottttttt in
  17. it is kinda misogynistic because your saying shes not allowed to be mad or be vocal or even use the emojis of her choice. your saying she should be posting nice things to make her seem "sane" all for the public. I understand being skeptic but its kinda hypocritical to say "free britney" and then once she starts speaking freely, everyone tell hers she cant. The whole world uses social media like a diary but she cant?
  18. her team really wanted the world to think she can't sing.
  19. i understand concerns about her social media but lets be honest, any human being needs to vent sometimes and it clearly looks like Britney is finally saying some things shes always wanted to say so go girl, let it out . Besides she actually used the hashtag free britney, i dont think her team would of done that
  20. proof that L + F isn't bad just needs better production
  21. How did I never know Jamie Lynn held someone at knife point?!?! A knife seems a lot more violent than an umbrella……
  22. forcing britney to work and then literally not paying her is slavery. so....madonna is right. some people need to do 1 quick google search on the definition of "slavery"
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