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Everything posted by willfoshizzle

  1. I don’t think any human being celebrity or not, should get death threats. Jamie’s family and daughters don’t deserve that. but, don’t blame Britney for this. YOU went on tv, YOU said those things, YOUR selling a book with a bait title. Jamie Lynn does have a right to use her voice but maybe she should read the room a little? Maybe her book could of waited? Maybe it’s time to let Britney talk? Jamie Lynn wasn’t the one being silenced for 13 years…..
  2. willfoshizzle

    Hilary Duff

    New H duff music please
  3. willfoshizzle

    Lily Allen

    Where is party line
  4. I’m LIVING for every dig Britney gives her sister. GET HER JADE!!!!!
  5. ✨manifesting them all✨
  6. Manifesting forever 21 today
  7. no hate to cheryl but "waking up diagonal" hits so much harder been on repeat all morning
  8. All these cryptic ig captions!!!! Is miss spears getting ready to drop music?????
  9. I’m really glad someone else has stepped up to the plate for brave new girl. It’s a weird lil totally Britney bop. Thank you for your service
  10. the way she really had a vibe and theme for her 2nd album. Such a shame!!!!! give us "forever 21" now were so close!!! almost a decade later!!!!! sucks she didn't get to release these songs but my ears are rejoicing.
  11. willfoshizzle

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    i will be doing exactly that
  12. willfoshizzle

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    omg i need dedicated the song
  13. willfoshizzle

    Charli XCX

    omg not rupaul doing hyperpop with a charli rip off edit: both smile & fascination could be charli songs lollllllllll (charli would have better lyrics of course)
  14. Free woman & pink convertible are great!!
  15. outlaw is a total bop!!!!!
  16. willfoshizzle

    Charli XCX

    lock it up been on repeat today
  17. willfoshizzle

    Rita Ora

    can "get a little closer" leak
  18. willfoshizzle

    Your Music

    Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it
  19. willfoshizzle


    Literally all the demo versions of "Hold Tight" are better than the final album version. the "joan of arc" demo hits so much harder than the weird album version i think the original avicii "rebel heart" demo version could of been the perfect first single shoutout to "Veni Vidi Vici" demo version, way more iconic than the actual "iconic" song, should of been on the standard version "inside out" demo > "wash all over me" demo is the avicii confessions disco track we never got "best night" demo has some real erotica/dita feels how was this version not picked
  20. willfoshizzle


    yes!!! i think the project got super rushed after the leaks and the album deeply suffered from it. I think a lot of the demos prove the songs aren't bad but just had poor production choice and track placement.
  21. willfoshizzle

    Charli XCX

    2022, the year of "crash" and maybe "daddy knows"?
  22. willfoshizzle


    Yes but American life has some of her best songwriting and out of this world production. Beyond underrated album. I do think this biggest weakness of mdna, rebel, and madame x is they aren’t cohesive. BUT I do think each of those albums have moments/highlights that still shine through. Gang Bang, I’m addicted, love spent, devil pray, ghosttown, body shop, holy water, messiah, god control, crave, crazy, I don’t search I find
  23. willfoshizzle


    “I’m addicted” still one of my faves tho
  24. willfoshizzle

    Your Music

    i dropped a mixtape today i wrote and produced the whole thing. hope it makes you dance and laugh
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